Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions


Sure. I have said it before so I’ll say it again. No one is entitled to be admitted. There is a lot of value in having a diverse campus: race, ethnicity, gender, ideology, economic background, geographical location, religion. None of those candidates admitted are going to be unqualified. To get to this point, they will already be hard working, motivated and have good grades.

I have no issue if admissions uses criteria in addition to gpa/test scores to admit students.
-I care about demonstrated qualifications, merit and results. Anything else is irrelevant.
What about them? I have no issue with them. Do you?
Nope, not me but, I'm for completely rescinding AA and, Asians statistically score the highest on college entrance exams and I have 0 problem with that. I guess you don't either then?
-I care about demonstrated qualifications, merit and results. Anything else is irrelevant.
Depends on what you are looking for. For example, if you are looking for someone to work in a typically underserved ethnic community, then it would advantageous to hire someone who speaks the language and/or understands the culture.
Asians are part of Affirmative Action and despite the finest white delusions, they aren't celebrating. Students for Fair Admissions has no students and no actual Asian was part of this case. The author gets right to be point and what he said is evident by the attitudes we read and hear in many places.

The Supreme Court Has Killed Affirmative Action. Mediocre Whites Can Rest Easier.​

The court ended one of our most effective social justice policies because anything that isn’t seen to primarily benefit white people is anathema to this country.​


t has been a long goodbye. The Supreme Court declared race consciousness in college admissions, also known as affirmative action, unconstitutional today. The vote was predictable, 6-3, with all the justices appointed by Republican presidents standing together to revoke the policy. The majority opinion was written by Chief Justice John Roberts himself, who ruled that affirmative action violates the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment was, of course, written explicitly to revoke the racism practiced by whites against Blacks through their slaver’s Constitution, but Roberts doesn’t care about all that. His opinion attempts to capture the 14th Amendment and redeploy it to justify a white version of “color blindness” that just so happens to lock in a status quo that benefits whites.

Like last year’s revocation of reproductive rights in Dobbs v. Jackson, the decision today, in Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard University and Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina, achieves a long-standing conservative policy goal through the fiat of six unelected Supreme Court justices. Conservatives have been gunning for affirmative action since the policy was reintroduced in the 1960s (it had previously been used during Reconstruction, and conservatives killed it then too). Today is a victory for the Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society, and the entire conservative legal establishment that has correctly identified the courts as the way to reverse policies they don’t like.

Depends on what you are looking for. For example, if you are looking for someone to work in a typically underserved ethnic community, then it would advantageous to hire someone who speaks the language and/or understands the culture.
Democrats have created those segregated 'ethnic' communities by throwing money around and building incarceration living units ('public housing') for those selected 'ethnic' people that Democrats have convinced will be forever poor because of 'discrimination.' Democrats do things like forbid an unmarried man to live with his children or government handouts will be severed. It's a fraud and a ruse foisted upon the 'poor ethinc community' to maintain political power.
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Asians are part of Affirmative Action and despite the finest white delusions, they aren't celebrating. Students for Fair Admissions has no students and no actual Asian was part of this case. The author gets right to be point and what he said is evident by the attitudes we read and hear in many places.

The Supreme Court Has Killed Affirmative Action. Mediocre Whites Can Rest Easier.​

The court ended one of our most effective social justice policies because anything that isn’t seen to primarily benefit white people is anathema to this country.​


t has been a long goodbye. The Supreme Court declared race consciousness in college admissions, also known as affirmative action, unconstitutional today. The vote was predictable, 6-3, with all the justices appointed by Republican presidents standing together to revoke the policy. The majority opinion was written by Chief Justice John Roberts himself, who ruled that affirmative action violates the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment was, of course, written explicitly to revoke the racism practiced by whites against Blacks through their slaver’s Constitution, but Roberts doesn’t care about all that. His opinion attempts to capture the 14th Amendment and redeploy it to justify a white version of “color blindness” that just so happens to lock in a status quo that benefits whites.

Like last year’s revocation of reproductive rights in Dobbs v. Jackson, the decision today, in Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard University and Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina, achieves a long-standing conservative policy goal through the fiat of six unelected Supreme Court justices. Conservatives have been gunning for affirmative action since the policy was reintroduced in the 1960s (it had previously been used during Reconstruction, and conservatives killed it then too). Today is a victory for the Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society, and the entire conservative legal establishment that has correctly identified the courts as the way to reverse policies they don’t like.

Please define “mediocre” white compared to a “mediocre” Black?
This is a parody article surely. 2+2=4. If you pick the correct answer you get a checkmark, if you put down 3, a school shouldn't say "well, hey, he was close and look at his skin color he has been oppressed we need to give him a checkmark too". How does society benefit from that?. I watched Chinese astronauts in space and the female on board did an interview and said that she had to pass the exact same standards as the men. She correctly stated that "gravity doesn't care what gender you are". Touche. Do you want to be told again why China is going to win?
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Ok, let's look that. "No state shall ..." "nor shall any state" .... it doesn't mention private institutions at all and doesn't apply to them. And no, accepting government "grants" doesn't make them an arm of the government. If the government thinks they are discriminating, it should refuse to give them grants.
Are you really this ignorant or are you this racist?

Here is the rest of the story, as Paul Harvey used to say.

"nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Asians are part of Affirmative Action and despite the finest white delusions, they aren't celebrating. Students for Fair Admissions has no students and no actual Asian was part of this case. The author gets right to be point and what he said is evident by the attitudes we read and hear in many places.

The Supreme Court Has Killed Affirmative Action. Mediocre Whites Can Rest Easier.​

The court ended one of our most effective social justice policies because anything that isn’t seen to primarily benefit white people is anathema to this country.​


t has been a long goodbye. The Supreme Court declared race consciousness in college admissions, also known as affirmative action, unconstitutional today. The vote was predictable, 6-3, with all the justices appointed by Republican presidents standing together to revoke the policy. The majority opinion was written by Chief Justice John Roberts himself, who ruled that affirmative action violates the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment was, of course, written explicitly to revoke the racism practiced by whites against Blacks through their slaver’s Constitution, but Roberts doesn’t care about all that. His opinion attempts to capture the 14th Amendment and redeploy it to justify a white version of “color blindness” that just so happens to lock in a status quo that benefits whites.

Like last year’s revocation of reproductive rights in Dobbs v. Jackson, the decision today, in Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard University and Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina, achieves a long-standing conservative policy goal through the fiat of six unelected Supreme Court justices. Conservatives have been gunning for affirmative action since the policy was reintroduced in the 1960s (it had previously been used during Reconstruction, and conservatives killed it then too). Today is a victory for the Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society, and the entire conservative legal establishment that has correctly identified the courts as the way to reverse policies they don’t like.

And mediocre blacks will have to put some effort into it.
This is a parody article surely. 2+2=4. If you pick the correct answer you get a checkmark, if you put down 3, a school shouldn't say "well, hey, he was close and look at his skin color he has been oppressed we need to give him a checkmark too". How does society benefit from that?. I watched Chinese astronauts in space and the female on board did an interfiew and said that she had to pass the exact same standards as the men. She correctly stated that "gravity doesn't care what gender you are". Touche. Do you want to be told again why China is going to win?
Wrong. That's not how the policy ever worked. Except for white legacy students.
Asians are part of Affirmative Action and despite the finest white delusions, they aren't celebrating. Students for Fair Admissions has no students and no actual Asian was part of this case. The author gets right to be point and what he said is evident by the attitudes we read and hear in many places.

The Supreme Court Has Killed Affirmative Action. Mediocre Whites Can Rest Easier.​

The court ended one of our most effective social justice policies because anything that isn’t seen to primarily benefit white people is anathema to this country.​


t has been a long goodbye. The Supreme Court declared race consciousness in college admissions, also known as affirmative action, unconstitutional today. The vote was predictable, 6-3, with all the justices appointed by Republican presidents standing together to revoke the policy. The majority opinion was written by Chief Justice John Roberts himself, who ruled that affirmative action violates the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment was, of course, written explicitly to revoke the racism practiced by whites against Blacks through their slaver’s Constitution, but Roberts doesn’t care about all that. His opinion attempts to capture the 14th Amendment and redeploy it to justify a white version of “color blindness” that just so happens to lock in a status quo that benefits whites.

Like last year’s revocation of reproductive rights in Dobbs v. Jackson, the decision today, in Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard University and Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina, achieves a long-standing conservative policy goal through the fiat of six unelected Supreme Court justices. Conservatives have been gunning for affirmative action since the policy was reintroduced in the 1960s (it had previously been used during Reconstruction, and conservatives killed it then too). Today is a victory for the Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society, and the entire conservative legal establishment that has correctly identified the courts as the way to reverse policies they don’t like.

Horse manure. Screw social justice. Praise MLK that we should only judge based on the character of people and never on their skin color. You set the criteria and the most qualified win. Take multi-level-marketing companies. You join and receive a code member number. You are only paid on your code member number and those you recruit into your team. The harder you recruit and sell, the more money you make. Now, what social justice would do is take all the commission sales money and divide it up equally to all no matter how many sales and recruits each individual does. That's just horse manure. That's communism. You can take communism and stuff it.

Here is what you do. You repair the broken homes in black communities. Then, as there are more and more father-mother homes (no LGBTQs) the more and more black children will perform better in schools raising their chances of getting into Harvard. Same with whites these days as more and more white families are being destroyed by the liberals and wokesters. Also, Justice Jackson, a black woman, recused herself because of ties to Harvard. That was just plain stupid because this has to do with all colleges and universities in the country. So, she's so stupid that she can't see that and also she doesn't know what a woman is. And, why is it that only the liberal black justice doesn't know what a woman is? She should have never gotten into Harvard if she's that stupid. Or any university for that matter. Dumb liberals.
Asians are part of Affirmative Action and despite the finest white delusions, they aren't celebrating. Students for Fair Admissions has no students and no actual Asian was part of this case. The author gets right to be point and what he said is evident by the attitudes we read and hear in many places.

The Supreme Court Has Killed Affirmative Action. Mediocre Whites Can Rest Easier.​

The court ended one of our most effective social justice policies because anything that isn’t seen to primarily benefit white people is anathema to this country.​


t has been a long goodbye. The Supreme Court declared race consciousness in college admissions, also known as affirmative action, unconstitutional today. The vote was predictable, 6-3, with all the justices appointed by Republican presidents standing together to revoke the policy. The majority opinion was written by Chief Justice John Roberts himself, who ruled that affirmative action violates the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment was, of course, written explicitly to revoke the racism practiced by whites against Blacks through their slaver’s Constitution, but Roberts doesn’t care about all that. His opinion attempts to capture the 14th Amendment and redeploy it to justify a white version of “color blindness” that just so happens to lock in a status quo that benefits whites.

Like last year’s revocation of reproductive rights in Dobbs v. Jackson, the decision today, in Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard University and Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina, achieves a long-standing conservative policy goal through the fiat of six unelected Supreme Court justices. Conservatives have been gunning for affirmative action since the policy was reintroduced in the 1960s (it had previously been used during Reconstruction, and conservatives killed it then too). Today is a victory for the Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society, and the entire conservative legal establishment that has correctly identified the courts as the way to reverse policies they don’t like.

Goodness, gracious sakes alive-- NOW what are you supposed to do?

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