Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

Not my point was it? Folks understand that voting Republican leads to this.

And look how happy you right wing Republicans are over this.
I am a Democrat and I am happy about the decision eliminating affirmative action. Now the Supreme Court needs to eliminate affirmative action in hiring decisions.

Exactly. They're responding to a bad decision with another bad decision that doesn't reverse the initial bad decision. This kind of waffling horseshit is Roberts' calling card. This is my beef with Republicans in general. They used to fight against these kinds of intrusive laws. Now they just use them to "own the libs".\
They rescinded "check the box" AA although, Roberts did say that they can still consider an applicant's discussion of how race affected his or her life. You have a point there.
Make no mistake about it.

Sotomayor, who wrote the disturbing dissent in STUDENTS FOR FAIR ADMISSIONS, INC. v. PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS OF HARVARD COLLEGE, was a clarion call for discrimination, particularly against people of Asian descent but others as well.

And Kagan, and the newest member who can't define what a woman is, joined this bigoted and racist dissent.

But in reality, this dissent is merely a continuation of the Democratic Party' s history since the 1830s. And that history is divide by race. It is the same Democratic Party Playbook that Sotomayor used in her horrible and racist dissent. The opinion of the Court.

Bullshit! This was a separate thread for a reason, and some dumb ass mod shoveled it into this mess of a thread.

And the OP take makes it worthy of remaining its own thread. It was aimed at the racist dissent of Sotomayor.
This decision was necessary for the following reason:

When right-thinking people consider whether they prefer...

A desirable result that is achieved by cheating, or

A less desirable result that is achieved fairly,

they always choose the latter.

Affirmative Action is "cheating." Even if you like its result (more POC's obtaining benefits), that does not outweigh the odious means that brought it about.
It is valuable to the university. I see no value in lowering objective criteria of excellence to admit low income blacks.
Actually there is a silver lining for diversity efforts here that might pan out better in the long run since no one can blame it on AA anymore (but racists will just find another way of denigrating Blacks who get admitted) AND, no one is ENTITLED to be admitted regardless of merit or race.

A number of states where race based admissions were struck down, lost a lot of minority enrollment at first but were able to build it back up because found other ways to recruit and admit a diverse class.

One cause of this loss was in the overall drop in minority applications, regardless of merit but they have focused recruiting efforts in places where there are more lower income people and first generation student prospects. They’ve also looked at each student as an individual, and viewed their applications more holistically rather than GPA’s and test scores.

Lastly several states have decide to automatically accept the top percentage of every highschool into their state college system. This is really the great equalizer because it means the brightest and hardest working students have a spot even if the come from an under resourced school that can’t afford to offer AP courses or test coaching.
Oh brother. Why don’t you just come out and say you don’t Blacks in college?
Oh brother. Why did you skip over every other post to zoom in on the Jewish woman - and then come up with a lie?

How does wanting to eliminate racial preferences equate to not wanting blacks in college? They simply have to get in based on merit. That’s quite a leap you made there: why do you assume that if blacks must compete on merit, none of them will get in?

(Leftists are the racists.)
Make no mistake about it.

Sotomayor, who wrote the disturbing dissent in STUDENTS FOR FAIR ADMISSIONS, INC. v. PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS OF HARVARD COLLEGE, was a clarion call in favo discrimination, particularly against people of Asian descent but others as well.

And Kagan, and the newest member who can't define what a woman is, joined this bigoted and racist dissent.

But in reality, this dissent is merely a continuation of the Democratic Party's history since the 1830s. And that history is divide by race. It is the same Democratic Party Playbook that Sotomayor used in her horrible and racist dissent.

The opinion of the Court.
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Oh brother. Why did you skip over every other post to zoom in on the Jewish woman - and then come up with a lie?

Quit playing your “I’m a Jewish victim” card.

How does wanting to eliminate racial preferences equate to not wanting blacks in college? They simply have to get in based on merit. That’s quite a leap you made there: why do you assume that if blacks must compete on merit, none of them will get in?

When you are already setting up scenarios by which Blacks will “unfairly” get in by being coached, it is hard not to wonder.

You do realize that virtually ALL those students applying to elite institutions get coaching on what to write in their essays that will appeal to what the school wants? But you don’t have a problem with that.

(Leftists are the racists.)
Quit p,ating your “I’m a Jewish victim” card.

When you are already setting up scenarios by which Blacks will “unfairly” get in by being coached, it is hard not to wonder.

You do realize that virtually ALL those students applying to elite institutions get coaching on what to write in their essays that will appeal to what the school wants? But you don’t have a problem with that.

Cut it out and pick on a gentile for a change. Your targeted attacks are pretty obvious.
I've despised him ever since he sold us out to the health insurance industry (signed off on ACA).
Basically, what he invited every black applicant to do is come up with examples of racism they have faced. Can Jews talk about all the antisemitism we have faced, and get in that way?
Basically, what he invited every black applicant to do is come up with examples of racism they have faced. Can Jews talk about all the antisemitism we have faced, and get in that way?
What be did was just as bad as AA. AA requires colleges to discriminate. This decision requires that they don't. Why can't these fuckers just butt out? It's a private institution. It's no one's else's business how they admit students.

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