Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

You were the one INSISTING that Affirmative Action didn’t help blacks, and now that it’s been abolished, you’re having a meltdown over how it’s going to hurt blacks.
Quote me correctly, I said white women were the biggest beneficiaries of it and in some cases it didn't help the folks it was designed to.
It will only hurt the 2/3rd of blacks who got into colleges they would not have qualified for, except for their skin color. Now they can go to a school where they fit in academically, and the 1/3rd of blacks who would have gotten in even if white can still go to the superior school - and everyone will know they are there due to merit, not race.
when are they going to stop the white privilege of all the white men who get in that are not qualified.

I guess you are happy now that they can legally bring back Jim Crow and put the blacks in HBCUs only.

I wish all of the black athletes would start just going to HBCUs.
The title of this thread is misleading. Affirmative action is alive and well. The decision doesn't strike down AA. Roberts is too much of a chickenshit to do that. Instead, It claims that Harvard violated the 14th Amendment (???). In fact, the decision affirms the core conceit of affirmative action: that government should have any say in a private institution's policies in the first place.

It's still "alive and well" in the workplace, but hopefully this ruling for college admissions will be the beginning of the end for AA across the board.
It's still "alive and well" in the workplace, but hopefully this ruling for college admissions will be the beginning of the end for AA across the board.
How so? It doesn't address AA at all. Instead, it claims that Harvard violated the 14th Amendment. If they'd said that Affirmative Action violates the 14th Amendment I might consider it actual progress. But Roberts is a pussy and will twist decisions into a convoluted mess to avoid pushing back on Congress.
Quote me correctly, I said white women were the biggest beneficiaries of it and in some cases it didn't help the folks it was designed to.

when are they going to stop the white privilege of all the white men who get in that are not qualified.

I guess you are happy now that they can legally bring back Jim Crow and put the blacks in HBCUs only.

I wish all of the black athletes would start just going to HBCUs.

White women were the biggest beneficiaries because historically they too were discriminated against and since they historically were a very large part of the population, it would of course make sense that as a group they benefitted most. Nothing surprising nor underhanded about it.

This is good news!!

Specifically, it has been white women who have benefitted the most from [affirmative action]. As long as you frame it as a racial issue, you will have animus towards it. It’s been an incredibly effective means to stimulate racial animus - it’s race-based affirmative action that draws the most controversy, and some of the loudest voices opposing it have been white women.

Although this may be a bit of an issue for white women since they benefitted a lot more from Affirmative Action than anyone else did....but, as long as those darkies get hurt worse...
Glad you agree with the decision. And I gotta say ... white women ARE pretty awesome.
So, the Court responded to Harvard discriminating, because of a law that forced them to, by forcing them to not discriminate. Stupid vs stupid.
You ARE a racist, Mac1958.

You voted for this:

View attachment 799931
And another...

Actually it was the dumb blacks that were getting into Harvard. With the previous unconstitutional system. But you already knew that.
blub blab blub. them damn negroes will no longer keep you from SUCCESS. apply now. tell them of the hardships you had to endure.
It's still "alive and well" in the workplace, but hopefully this ruling for college admissions will be the beginning of the end for AA across the board.
No. It won't. It just puts everyone required to follow AA laws into a "damned if you do and damned if you don't" situation. Furthermore, it affirms the core problem with AA: Government should have zero say in a private institutions policies. The fact that the so-called "conservatives" of the Court don't get this is another example why Republicans are fucking useless.
Why is it a "bad decision"? This puts everyone on a level playing field. Are you afraid of the competition?
It hasn't put anybody on a level playing field. Quang Foo Foo, first generation Asian immigrant, is never gonna be on the same playing field as TyQuan Jones and the bootylicious cheerleader who lured him to accepting his university's full ride among a dozen full ride offers.

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