Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

Thats what I like about our current SCOTUS...anytime there is a ruling like this that strips away rights from women and ethnic minorities...the racist fuckstains on the right feel emboldened.

It was a loss for the good guys today.

You don't know me at all. Based on your behavior here - I'd like to keep it that way. If you can't avoid the personal attacks, everything you post will be tl;dr in my book.
Use AA. He's black, you should expect less then normal from him.
Actually it is the right wing, racist who want to put black folks back on the plantation. Watch how soon we start seeing the remnants of Jim Crow popping up.
You were the one INSISTING that Affirmative Action didn’t help blacks, and now that it’s been abolished, you’re having a meltdown over how it’s going to hurt blacks.

It will only hurt the 2/3rd of blacks who got into colleges they would not have qualified for, except for their skin color. Now they can go to a school where they fit in academically, and the 1/3rd of blacks who would have gotten in even if white can still go to the superior school - and everyone will know they are there due to merit, not race.
Has anything you've seen on this board indicated to you that culture is turning? If anything, MAGA has given the hard right license to be even more intolerant.

Just as today's Dimocrats have taken a hard turn to the left and have become even less tolerant of those who do not agree with them.
Thats what I like about our current SCOTUS...anytime there is a ruling like this that strips away rights from women and ethnic minorities...the racist fuckstains on the right feel emboldened.

It was a loss for the good guys today.
It doesn’t strip away the opportunities for the Jews, who are also a minority. They were lumped in with whites, and many lost out to blacks with lesser qualifications.
Minorities and white Toms disapprove of the decision. What a shock.

A majority of Americans say race should not be a factor in college admissions.​

The Pew survey shows a clear divide along racial and ethnic lines: A majority of white and Asian adults disapprove of racial consideration in admissions, while Black Americans largely approve and Hispanics are about evenly split.

Thats what I like about our current SCOTUS...anytime there is a ruling like this that strips away rights from women and ethnic minorities...the racist fuckstains on the right feel emboldened.

It was a loss for the good guys today.

The majority disagree with you.

A majority of Americans say race should not be a factor in college admissions.​


Jesus fuck...

I just read the decision - or the first twenty or so pages. :rolleyes:

tl;dr - I've changed my view on this 180º.

Pretty much every time the Roberts Court does something that, nominally, seems like a good idea - there's a devil in the details. Even when Roberts makes what sounds like a good decision, it's for bad reasons, setting or affirming bad precedent. In this case, Roberts does it again: The claim of the decision is that Harvard violated the 14th Amendment by discriminating.

WTF? Harvard is a privately owned institution. It literally can't violate the Constitution. Their admissions policies should be exactly none of the government's business.

Roberts is a fucking sellout and/or an idiot. This is why Republicans are useless. They don't reject social engineering, that just "social engineer" in the other direction.

Universities benefit from legacy admissions. There is no benefit in lowering standards to admit students whose parents, if anyone knows who the fathers are, are too poor to contribute financially to the universities.
Universities benefit from legacy admissions. There is no benefit in lowering standards to admit the illegitimate children of unmarried welfare mothers who do not know who their fathers are. In many cases their mothers are not sure either.

Universities benefit from legacy admissions. There is no benefit in lowering standards to admit students whose parents, if anyone knows who the fathers are, are too poor to contribute financially to the universities.
How do they benefit from legacies ? And shouldn’t it be their choose instead of the government?

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