Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

How do they benefit from legacies ? And shouldn’t it be their choose instead of the government?
Admitting the unbrilliant children of rich families often encourages the families to contribute money to the universities.
I doubt many of the Conservative justices are overly worried about being reelected.
Not my point was it? Folks understand that voting Republican leads to this.

And look how happy you right wing Republicans are over this.
Jesus fuck...

I just read the decision - or the first twenty or so pages. :rolleyes:

tl;dr - I've changed my view on this 180º.

Pretty much every time the Roberts Court does something that, nominally, seems like a good idea - there's a devil in the details. Even when Roberts makes what sounds like a good decision, it's for bad reasons, setting or affirming bad precedent. In this case, Roberts does it again: The claim of the decision is that Harvard violated the 14th Amendment by discriminating.

WTF? Harvard is a privately owned institution. It literally can't violate the Constitution. Their admissions policies should be exactly none of the government's business.

Roberts is a fucking sellout and/or an idiot. This is why Republicans are useless. They don't reject social engineering, that just "social engineer" in the other direction.
Robert should have struck down the law that pushed Harvard into implementing these kinds of policies in the first place, the law that actually does violate the 14th Amendment.

Did I mention that Roberts is a fucking idiot?
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The title of this thread is misleading. Affirmative action is alive and well. The decision doesn't strike down AA. Roberts is too much of a chickenshit to do that. Instead, It claims that Harvard violated the 14th Amendment (???). In fact, the decision affirms the core conceit of affirmative action: that government should have any say in a private institution's policies in the first place.
His way of saying a black woman can be just as capable of serving on the bench as anyone else.
And he was right wasn't he?
1) It was his way of saying he would discriminate against whites and men.

2) Her dissent shows she is NOT as capable. She voted for racial discrimination against Asians and whites, even though it is a violation of the Equal Protection.
Jesus fuck...

I just read the decision - or the first twenty or so pages. :rolleyes:

tl;dr - I've changed my view on this 180º.

Pretty much every time the Roberts Court does something that, nominally, seems like a good idea - there's a devil in the details. Even when Roberts makes what sounds like a good decision, it's for bad reasons, setting or affirming bad precedent. In this case, Roberts does it again: The claim of the decision is that Harvard violated the 14th Amendment by discriminating.

WTF? Harvard is a privately owned institution. It literally can't violate the Constitution. Their admissions policies should be exactly none of the government's business.

Roberts is a fucking sellout and/or an idiot. This is why Republicans are useless. They don't reject social engineering, that just "social engineer" in the other direction.
Harvard takes federal funds.
Make no mistake about it.

Sotomayor, who wrote the disturbing dissent in STUDENTS FOR FAIR ADMISSIONS, INC. v. PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS OF HARVARD COLLEGE, was a clarion call for discrimination, particularly against people of Asian descent but others as well.

And Kagan, and the newest member who can't define what a woman is, joined this bigoted and racist dissent.

But in reality, this dissent is merely a continuation of the Democratic Party' s history since the 1830s. And that history is divide by race. It is the same Democratic Party Playbook that Sotomayor used in her horrible and racist dissent.

The opinion of the Court.
Make no mistake about it.

Sotomayor, who wrote the disturbing dissent in STUDENTS FOR FAIR ADMISSIONS, INC. v. PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS OF HARVARD COLLEGE, was a clarion call for discrimination, particularly against people of Asian descent but others as well.

And Kagan, and the newest member who can't define what a woman is, joined this bigoted and racist dissent.

But in reality, this dissent is merely a continuation of the Democratic Party' s history since the 1830s. And that history is divide by race. It is the same Democratic Party Playbook that Sotomayor used in her horrible and racist dissent.

The opinion of the Court.
No surprises here. Sotomayor is the BIGGEST RACIST on the court and she is followed closely by the moron that cannot define what sex she is. I think Kagan is just a diversity hire as well.
Not my point was it? Folks understand that voting Republican leads to this.

And look how happy you right wing Republicans are over this.
Yep. Voting Republican ends discrimination.

Ended slavery.
Endied Jim Crow.
Gave us the Civil Righs Act

And now this.
By the way, keep in mind nine states had already banned race-based admissions.
California, Arizona, Florida, Idaho, Michigan, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Oklahoma and Washington.
This movement was likely going to eventually end it in all states eventually anyway.

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