Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

They upheld the notion that government can dictate a private institution's policies. If that's what you mean.
Yes, as long as they receive Federal funding, which most do. Also, AA IS government dictating preferential treatment by skin color, this decision fixes that racist policy.
Bravo Ben Carson! :clap:

You're quite tolerant of law breaking immoral systemic racism from the police.
I am NOT at all tolerant of police or anybody else engaging in lawbreaking, immoral systemic racism. And if you werent an information-deprived victim of liberal OMISSION/DISTORTION media, you'd know that both Slager and Chauvin are innocent of charges that have been placed against them.

They are victims of racist and anti-police hysteria where balcks are involved. I'll throw in a couple more > Jeronimo Yanez and Betty Slager. All 4 cops charged with killing black men. All 4 are innocent.
Are we going to see a crackdown on Affirmative Action hiring in professional sports ? Looks like a shortage of white guys baseball, football, and basketball.
blub blab blub. them damn negroes will no longer keep you from SUCCESS. apply now. tell them of the hardships you had to endure.

Negroes, nor any other demographic kept me from being successful. They did steal my Craiger SS wheels and tires off my Camaro when I was a teenager.
Yes, as long as they receive Federal funding, which most do. Also, AA IS government dictating preferential treatment by skin color, this decision fixes that racist policy.
No, it doesn't. And AA still applies. This argument was had when these laws were first introduced. The laws are carefully crafted to not require any direct discrimination. They just set up enrollment targets and punish the company if they aren't achieved.

This law responds to bad law (AA laws) with a bad decision - claiming that Harvard violated the 14th Amendment. The AA law says that Harvard must discriminate. The Court says they must not. At the end of the day, it should be none of the fucking government's business.

More busybody social engineering bullshit.
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No, they upheld the Constitution. That's their job.


Ok, let's look that. "No state shall ..." "nor shall any state" .... it doesn't mention private institutions at all and doesn't apply to them. And no, accepting government "grants" doesn't make them an arm of the government. If the government thinks they are discriminating, it should refuse to give them grants.
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No, it doesn't. And AA still applies. This argument was had when these laws were first introduced. The laws are carefully crafted to require any direct discrimination. They just set up enrollment targets and punish the company if they aren't achieved.

This law responds to bad law (AA laws) with a bad decision - claiming that Harvard violated the 14th Amendment. The AA law says that Harvard must discriminate. The Court says they must not. At the end of the day, it should be none of the fucking government's business.

More busybody social engineering bullshit.
Enrollment targets defined by skin color is racist no matter how you frame it. AA is a GOVERNMENT mandate the exact thing you claim should be none of the Government's business.
Make no mistake about it.

Sotomayor, who wrote the disturbing dissent in STUDENTS FOR FAIR ADMISSIONS, INC. v. PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS OF HARVARD COLLEGE, was a clarion call for discrimination, particularly against people of Asian descent but others as well.

And Kagan, and the newest member who can't define what a woman is, joined this bigoted and racist dissent.

But in reality, this dissent is merely a continuation of the Democratic Party' s history since the 1830s. And that history is divide by race. It is the same Democratic Party Playbook that Sotomayor used in her horrible and racist dissent.

The opinion of the Court.
they are loyal members of the demafasict party and thus will always support racism
Enrollment targets defined by skin color is racist no matter how you frame it.
AA is a GOVERNMENT mandate the exact thing you claim should be none of the Government's business.
Exactly. They're responding to a bad decision with another bad decision that doesn't reverse the initial bad decision. This kind of waffling horseshit is Roberts' calling card. This is my beef with Republicans in general. They used to fight against these kinds of intrusive laws. Now they just use them to "own the libs".
"An analysis of more than 160,000 applicants to Harvard found that the university habitually gave Asian-American applicants poor personality scores, finding them less “likable,” “helpful,” and courageous than peers of other races."

Having worked in admissions for years, I can already predict how the liberals running the process will “get around” this ruling and proceed with their unconstitutional racism to continue to admit blacks over whites and Asians with better academic credentials.

It said in the ruling that applicants can describe, in their essays, how they overcame racism. So even though there can no longer be a box marked “black,” admissions officers can still identify which applicants are black. And believe me, EVERY black kid will claim they overcame racism. They will be coached by the liberals in the HS counselors’ office.

Then, to close the circle, colleges will add a factor involving “overcoming racist obstacles” - and blacks will get the advantage that way.

Believe me, I know how these people think. They are determined to give blacks extra advantages in their pursuit of “social justice,” and they will figure out a workaround to do just that.
Oh brother. Why don’t you just come out and say you don’t want Blacks in college?
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