Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

I see where Fauxcohontas Warren is outraged over this. Of course, nobody would have ever heard of this idiot if she hadn’t falsely claimed to be Native American and screwing another minority out of their spot at Harvard.
Cut it out and pick on a gentile for a change. Your targeted attacks are pretty obvious.
You do this every time your assertions are challenged. Get over yourself. You just went and laid the groundwork for a new era of “they aren’t getting in based on merit but because of xyz now”. Hell, a Black woman got accepted to all the Ivy League schools, a rare achievement, and your response was to completely negate it. Now you are doing it again.
I am a Democrat and I am happy about the decision eliminating affirmative action. Now the Supreme Court needs to eliminate affirmative action in hiring decisions.
You seem to be in the minority. Dems are having meltdowns, and lashing out of those of us who are glad racist policies have been struck down.
You do this every time your assertions are challenged. Get over yourself. You just went and laid the groundwork for a new era of “they aren’t getting in based on merit but because of xyz now”. Hell, a Black woman got accepted to all the Ivy League schools, a rare achievement, and your response was to completely negate it. Now you are doing it again.
You do this every time. Dozens of posters on this thread, and you zoom in on me. Again.

The point is NOW if a black woman gets into all Ivy League schools, it is more likely it will be on merit than on race.

And an Asian with a perfect GPA and a 1560 SAT won’t be REJECTED from every Ivy League school. Due to race.
Can you show me where the CRA and AA omitted Asians.
Not the issue.

"The SFFA [Students for Fair Admissions] group that brought the case accused Harvard of going too far by engaging in “racial balancing” that limited Asian Americans to no more than 20% of its incoming classes.

The group, founded by a longtime affirmative action opponent, Edward Blum, argued that while Asian Americans outperformed other groups on academic measures, stereotyping caused them to receive low scores on subjective “personal” ratings.

Harvard denied that charge, saying that its use of race in admissions was legal, and was not a factor in the “personal” ratings.

The US Department of Justice sided with SFFA, saying Harvard had not seriously considered race-neutral approaches to admissions. It has also investigated whether another Ivy League school, Yale University, also discriminates against Asian Americans."

What be did was just as bad as AA. AA requires colleges to discriminate. This decision requires that they don't. Why can't these fuckers just butt out? It's a private institution. It's no one's else's business how they admit students.
So you’re saying private companies should decide their own policies? Does that mean a website designer can say she doesn’t want to serve blacks, as that’s her policy.

PrIvate companies cannot violate the Constituion.
Still holds the World High jump record set 20 years ago . Incredible Cuban jumped 2.45 -- over eight feet .
Why don't you just come out and say you don't want admissions to go to the best and brightest regardless of ethnicity?
Sure. I have said it before so I’ll say it again. No one is entitled to be admitted. There is a lot of value in having a diverse campus: race, ethnicity, gender, ideology, economic background, geographical location, religion. None of those candidates admitted are going to be unqualified. To get to this point, they will already be hard working, motivated and have good grades.

I have no issue if admissions uses criteria in addition to gpa/test scores to admit students.
The Racist Democrats are shocked and outraged that the Supreme Court has ruled that everyone has the same Civil Rights.

You do this every time. Dozens of posters on this thread, and you zoom in on me. Again.

Get over yourself. I responded to some others before you, but you are the only one to start yapping.

The point is NOW if a black woman gets into all Ivy League schools, it is more likely it will be on merit than on race.
Not according to what you wrote earlier.

And an Asian with a perfect GPA and a 1560 SAT won’t be REJECTED from every Ivy League school. Due to race.

Nor will she be admitted solely on gpa and test scores. No one is.
Well then, you should have no problem with the website designer not serving gays. She is a private company.
If she didn't want to serve Jewish people, you'd be fine with that? Or do you only think gays should suffer discrimination?
Not my point was it? Folks understand that voting Republican leads to this.

And look how happy you right wing Republicans are over this.
Not my point was it?
Your point was obscure, if you even had one.
I responded to what you posted,

And look how happy you right wing Republicans are over this.
Right and Left should both be happy.

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