Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

How many times are you going to post this crap, as I said the last 2 times you posted it I don't give a damn. If AA needs to go, then so does Legacy and any other special treatment that is out there.
You keep posting THE LIE that whites get special privileges that blacks dont get
They ccan't step up to something they have never seen before. AA was the attempt to create meritocracy because whites are not entitled to all the jobs or admissions.

“Fire must be met with water, darkness with light, and war for the destruction of liberty must be met with war for the destruction of slavery.” - Frederick Douglass, encouraging Lincoln and the North to make ending slavery a goal of the civil war.
It fortunately worked in a long drawn out way, but how quickly those earnings can be lost if a people are led astray by demons, where as they are unfortunately moved to decide that respecting those efforts is now somehow a bad thing, and all because it didn't go far enough or they are being led to believe that it didn't ever go far enough, and that's where the new crisis is being formed along with other things.

The leftist white liberals are the people now leading the people astray IMO, and they are raising the dead in hopes that it will aid and abet their efforts to remain in power through pandering and fomenting division, and this they do by way of supporting and pushing things that have either since materialized or that they claim had never been completed or never went far enough... It's done in an effort to stir up controversy for what is deemed by the left or those who are easily led, to now believe that these are tremendous crisis situation's that the country can't get out of unless the leadership of the left shows us the way out....... But in the meantime Rome is burning.
What is the excuse? Did you serve in the military? When America treats ALL of her citizens equally, in all aspects of life.
You get treated equally when you show yourself deserving of being treated equally. That's what King was talking about with character, and that's what a merit based society is all about. We have laws against racism, and that has worked just fine for everyone since they were enacted. The problem that got out of hand was leftist politician's stirring up trouble amongst the people in a bid to divide and conquer. What also got way out of hand was using the race card everytime an event goes down involving Black's and White's in the event (teaching corruption to the people, and that has since caused tremendous problems in America), but that's what the leftist political class had fomented and groomed for a good many year's looking back on it all now.
The bigger message in the three rulings this week is that wishes and feelings will no longer replace thought and law.
Seems like that's what the SC was getting at.
Lib loons got two surprise spankings. First that race based discrimination is just exactly that. Second, if you feel you are not a boy but rather a girl then that feeling qualifies you as an ADA mental case.
Lib loons got two surprise spankings. First that race based discrimination is just exactly that. Second, if you feel you are not a boy but rather a girl then that feeling qualifies you as an ADA mental case.


Affirmative action = racism.....pure and simple....
Tell me how AA discriminated against you? White men are the main group that has ALWAYS rec'd special privilege and still do.
I got where I am finincially in spite of AA, so have many blacks, asians, hispanics, et. al. But when AA gives jobs and school admissions to less qualified people due to their race-----------that is discrimination. Asians have been the most victimized by AA when it comes to college admissions, that is what drove the SC ruling, I might help if you actually found out what this was about before spouting lies and talking points.

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