Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

No we aren't, see we were denied and have been denied since this country was taken. It is just racist like you who are in denial of that. See you bitch and moan about AA, because you won't be happy until black enrollment in white colleges and universities is almost 1% if any. You don't have a problem with all the special privileges that whites have getting into those colleges though.
You were the one insisting that AA doesn’t benefit blacks and that they weren’t the beneficiaries of lowered standards based on their skin color.

Now, as predicted, you screaming racism and saying that abolishing AA will reduce the percentage of blacks. How could it, since according to you it never benefited them in the first place?
I have an offer: I personally will give $1 million dollars to an American former slave if each active member of USMB (500 posts or more) gives me $10.

Let this sink in racist Jewish woman, what do you think of all the black men who fought in WWII helping to free Jewish folks from the Holocaust and then come back home and were treated worse than the Germans who brought you the hell of the Holocaust.
You were the one insisting that AA doesn’t benefit blacks and that they weren’t the beneficiaries of lowered standards based on their skin color.
When did I insist that? I corrected your lying ass the other day on what I said.
Now, as predicted, you screaming racism and saying that abolishing AA will reduce the percentage of blacks. How could it, since according to you it never benefited them in the first place?
Just keep repeating the same lie.
Let this sink in racist Jewish woman, what do you think of all the black men who fought in WWII helping to free Jewish folks from the Holocaust and then come back home and were treated worse than the Germans who brought you the hell of the Holocaust.
Let this sink in, antisemitic black man, what does my religion have to do with blacks and whites being subjected to EQUAL admissions requirements?

And good deflection, btw. Let’s go back to your repeated denial that blacks had admission standards lowered for them. Why the rage then over the Court abolishing AA, since according to you it didn’t help people?

(Don‘t try to win an argument with someone more intelligent than you.)
Let this sink in, antisemitic black man, what does my religion have to do with blacks and whites being subjected to EQUAL admissions requirements?
Antisemtic? Hell you were the one who felt the need to let this forum know you were Jewish.
And good deflection, btw. Let’s go back to your repeated denial that blacks had admission standards lowered for them. Why the rage then over the Court abolishing AA, since according to you it didn’t help people?

(Don‘t try to win an argument with someone more intelligent than you.)
How did we have admissions lowered for us? Did they lower admissions for Uncle Thomas to get into Holy Cross and Yale Law School? Does AA lower admissions for white women to get into college, since they benefitted from it more than anyone. BTW that is what I actually said, so get your lie straight.
Antisemtic? Hell you were the one who felt the need to let this forum know you were Jewish.

How did we have admissions lowered for us? Did they lower admissions for Uncle Thomas to get into Holy Cross and Yale Law School? Does AA lower admissions for white women to get into college, since they benefitted from it more than anyone. BTW that is what I actually said, so get your lie straight.
Quit pretending to be black. Nobody here believes you.
These posters that try to portray themselves as black are laughable.
I see a real parallel between Superbrother and IM2 - out of the blue they bring up black soldiers righting in WWII against the Holocaust, when it has nothing to do with the topic.
I see a real parallel between Superbrother and IM2 - out of the blue they bring up black soldiers righting in WWII against the Holocaust, when it has nothing to do with the topic.
They are just comedy relief here.

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