Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions


And it will also extend to the workplace, and lawsuits there. And what about the government itself? Will Biden be allowed to announce that the next cabinet position or whatever will be filled by a black? How can he make that a factor when the SCOTUS has ruled that making race a factor is unconstituional.

I hope this is the start of dismantling racist practices In various arenas.
Something had to be done, otherwise in order to fulfill the words spoken so elequently by Martin Luther King, and this was about judging a person upon their character, and not upon their skin color. It's time to fulfill those words, and stop the race Hustler's in their tracks. Outstanding ruling that hopefully will begin to show immediate results in college admissions as well as reverberating outwardly into the workplace etc.

Sadly where I'm from, we have seen work places completely taken over by racial inequality through allowing racial majorities to take over the workforces within. This was not supposed to be the way the civil rights era was supposed to fix the old problem's. Creating more racism in order to do away with the old racism doesn't do nothing but flip the problem over. It's time to eradicate it.

Start promoting a merit based society, otherwise where a man or woman are judged on their merit's and never on their skin color. We can still do it, but we've got to recognize whose working hard against us. So far the Democrat's are the worst culprit's involved in undermining everything in American now.
Something had to be done, otherwise in order to fulfill the words spoken so elequently by Martin Luther King, and this was about judging a person upon their character, and not upon their skin color. It's time to fulfill those words, and stop the race Hustler's in their tracks. Outstanding ruling that hopefully will begin to show immediate results in college admissions as well as reverberating outwardly into the workplace etc.

Sadly where I'm from, we have seen work places completely taken over by racial inequality through allowing racial majorities to take over the workforces within. This was not supposed to be the way the civil rights era was supposed to fix the old problem's. Creating more racism in order to do away with the old racism doesn't do nothing but flip the problem over. It's time to eradicate it.

Start promoting a merit based society, otherwise where a man or woman are judged on their merit's and never on their skin color. We can still do it, but we've got to recognize whose working hard against us. So far the Democrat's are the worst culprit's involved in undermining everything in American now.
the democrats have only one goal....destroy the usa and promote communism
Ever heard of Books? Or computers ,for that matter? If one desires an education ,they can dam well self educate....

You idiot. The pandemic proved what a disaster "remote learning" (let alone autodidactic learning) is for most students k-12. Your stupidity would set us up for economic collapse and an even greater surge in crime.

Supreme Court rejects affirmative action in ruling on universities using race in admissions decisions​

About damn time. People should be accepted for their work performance, experience, knowledge, etc regardless of what color their skin is.
And here we see whites pretending they are not a race and that 247 years of white admissions were never based on race. Whites have NEVER flown anywhere without a net.

But this is the record of whites in America. It is why one of our great Native American brethren said this:"The white man speaks with forked tongue."

What was unconstitutional is what caused Affirmative Action for the past 60 years some whites have played Joseph Goebbels.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
Yep, and the huge lie that was being told, was that a person's color was to be considered before everything else, and that this was to come before character could be established and/or before the character of an individual or person was readable, otherwise this be it in concern's of the person or person's that might be standing before us or might be standing before you. Like Martin Luther King had said, and ohhhhhh how right he was son, that it has always been about character, and not about one's race no matter which way the bread is sliced.
About damn time. People should be accepted for their work performance, experience, knowledge, etc regardless of what color their skin is.
Yep, and if anyone is caught discriminating against anyone because of their color, then that is a violation of the law still, and it shouldn't matter which way it cuts when applying the law's concerning color.

Nothing is being taken away from the law, otherwise it's just that people are waking up to the fact that just because a group of individuals are of a certain color, then somehow everyone in the group is to be accepted without any further identifier or qualifier as to be considered or is needed all depending ?

The blanket color thing consideration, IMO is what has led to the chaos, the death's, and the disaster's in Chicago and elsewhere.. it is a great example of why the black on black crime is out of control, otherwise by what we have seen there, and it goes on anywhere else that black's felt that they had to accept other black's based upon their skin color, and not based upon their character.

What a ruse it has all been.
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You are truly an idiot at times.

People weren't getting treated equally before AA or during it. Increasing expectations?

Are they going to do that for white legacy students?

How about you give up that internalized racism?
How about you meet the challenge instead of bringing others down in their studies or job requirements, otherwise I'm saying this because you think that a person's color is some kind of hindrance or a red flag to be considered ? It's not or shouldn't be today, so get used to it.

Blame yourself if you haven't taken advantage of the opportunities given to you over the past 50 year's in hopes to catch you up. Nothing last forever, so change had to come after year's of a so called leg up that was being given, and worse we as American's of all color's saw that color was being used as a leveraging tool for votes by white leftist liberals who were always in search of or it was being used as a tool for promoting a constant divide, otherwise again by these white leftist liberals that pandered and inflated the problem beyond it's true realities for political reasons.

Supreme Court rejects affirmative action in ruling on universities using race in admissions decisions​

Actually, a more accurate thread title…,

Supreme Court end democrat party, racist admissions decisions…….
You are truly an idiot at times.

People weren't getting treated equally before AA or during it. Increasing expectations?

Are they going to do that for white legacy students?

How about you give up that internalized racism?

Do you understand that all of your complaints on this topic are a result of the political party you support?

The administrations of these schools are not conservative or Republican….they are elite leftist democrats…..,

The reason blacks and Hispanics fall behind asians and whites in academics is they are attending democrat party controlled schools in democrat party controlled cities…..the democrats control these cities from top to bottom and the schools are filled with left wing, democrat party teachers……and the democrat party teachers unions prevent any and all attempts to fix these schools…..,

You support the political party destroying the lives of black children..,
How is equality still pending? Race has been eliminated as a factor, and now blacks and whites compete equally.
Yep, and if a group of one race is formed, and it decides to discriminate against either an individual or against a group of another race, then the law should easily be able stop the discrimination especially in 2023. The case should be brought with merit's and evidence, but changes to an entire system should never be necessary in such cases.
“Fire must be met with water, darkness with light, and war for the destruction of liberty must be met with war for the destruction of slavery.” - Frederick Douglass, encouraging Lincoln and the North to make ending slavery a goal of the civil war.
You will make an excuse for everything.
But, i'll add. Military service has its perks. Have you used any of those post service benefits like VA Home Loan? Did you score a good job post service due to extra points on a civil service exam.

Exactly what will make you happy and for you to declare that Blacks in America are no longer under oppression?
What is the excuse? Did you serve in the military? When America treats ALL of her citizens equally, in all aspects of life.

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