Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

It's comical listening to you racist claiming that all white folks are smarter than all black folks. It's a joke. Oh every white kid that goes to college and all the black kids that go to college are not.
White (and Yellow) kids with better entrance scores are denied admission to colleges because the goddamn Liberals give preference to the dumbass Negroes, that didn't score as high.

That is wrong, discriminatory and immoral and that is why the Supremes struct it down.
bullshit, if a black kid, a white kid, and an asian kid have exactly the same test scores, GPA, activities, etc, the black kid will be granted admission and the white and asian kids won't. Affirmative action is racism of the worst kind, its amazing watching you libs try to support something you rally against constantly.

Is your real fear that blacks cannot compete on an equal footing/ MLK didn't believe that, why do you?
Thanks for your opinion. I’m sure black folks treasure it

Then you're a scumbag, and you'd better damn well not bitch and moan about crime and economic woes. Dumbass.
Know what a fuckin' CONTRACT is? Those punk ass Students signed for those loans. Their job to pay them back. NOT the working TaxPayers. FUCK college. Trade Schools and OJT are much better.
How can Harvard be discriminating against Asians when 29.9% of their admissions are Asian and Asians only make up 6.3% of our population?
Because they discriminated against specific individual Asians that were more qualified than Blacks, Hispanics and Whites. This isn't about who goes to Harvard. It's about who's qualified not based on race in which the 14th amendment specificially is about. The 14th amendment isn't just for blacks only. That would be racist and against the amendment itself. I don't know about you but if we are talking about Harvard Medical School, I want the very best doctor and most qualified brain wise working on my body. By the way, you might want to know that Joe Biden's ancestors were slave owners and Donald Trump's ancestors were never slave owners.
You might want to realize that the SCOTUS didn’t ya affirmative action was racist or anything like it.

They said that since racism no longer existed,it is no longer NECESSARY.

Anyone believe that?
It's NOT my stance but I'm sure your comment makes them feel SO like voting with you
It’s exactly what you posted and are still saying. If we don’t have racist policies blacks won’t vote for our side. That’s what you’re saying. As an added benefit you’re proving how racist the left actually is.
Who said it wasn't? Your "fuck students, fuck education" attitude is stupid and counterproductive.
Ever heard of Books? Or computers ,for that matter? If one desires an education ,they can dam well self educate. 80% of our kids would be better off with Trade School and OJT. College is Expensive. A good way to go is to excel in High School. On Subjects that matter. Scholarships are available. I Said "Fuck College". Not Fuck Education. Words mean things. Besides ,there are plenty of 2 year Community Colleges out there. Inexpensive.
You would have if test scores were the only metric used to determine admission.
How do you like them conservative & merit based apples.
Because they discriminated against specific individual Asians that were more qualified than Blacks, Hispanics and Whites. This isn't about who goes to Harvard. It's about who's qualified not based on race in which the 14th amendment specificially is about. The 14th amendment isn't just for blacks only. That would be racist and against the amendment itself. I don't know about you but if we are talking about Harvard Medical School, I want the very best doctor and most qualified brain wise working on my body.

All the admissions were qualified. Test scores alone aren’t going to determine whether someone will be a “good” doctor because there is more to that then academics.

You might think success begins and ends with GPA and test scores. Universities also have broader missions and often also serve specific communities or seek students who want to make a difference in certain areas. That potential is not reflected in test scores. It isn’t just racial either, but selecting people from different ethnicities such as Hispanic, Asian (both of comprise multiple ethnic communities) or selecting students from a broad cross-section of states and rural communities that are often under served and first generation.

I’ve said this before, so I’ll repeat it (because I never really got a response). There are large underserved communities with big healthcare disparities because hospitals and clinics have left and they have little to no regular access to healthcare, or don't trust health care providers, or have difficulty communicating with them because of cultural or linguistic differences. This can include immigrant communitees, racial and ethnic communitees, Native Americans on reservations, rural communitees in Appalachia, etc.

When universities look at their pool of students they might look to see who comes from certain areas, such as rural (which has seen a huge loss in medical care), and in the essay and interview part of admissions, gauge their desire to return and work in their communities.

Do they want someone who is going to specialize in cancer research or someone who is going to open a primary care clinic on the Navajo reservation? Both are EQUALLY good choices even if the academic metrics aren’t totally equal because it isn’t tbe only important metric.

How good is the “best doctor” if he doesn’t understand you or you don’t understand him….or trust him. (I’m talking about GP’s). What makes them good is more than just test scores.

By the way, you might want to know that Joe Biden's ancestors were slave owners and Donald Trump's ancestors were never slave owners.
So what? What does that have to do with tbe price of tea in China?
All the admissions were qualified. Test scores alone aren’t going to determine whether someone will be a “good” doctor because there is more to that then academics.

You might think success begins and ends with GPA and test scores. Universities also have broader missions and often also serve specific communities or seek students who want to make a difference in certain areas. That potential is not reflected in test scores. It isn’t just racial either, but selecting people from different ethnicities such as Hispanic, Asian (both of comprise multiple ethnic communities) or selecting students from a broad cross-section of states and rural communities that are often under served and first generation.

I’ve said this before, so I’ll repeat it (because I never really got a response). There are large underserved communities with big healthcare disparities because hospitals and clinics have left and they have little to no regular access to healthcare, or don't trust health care providers, or have difficulty communicating with them because of cultural or linguistic differences. This can include immigrant communitees, racial and ethnic communitees, Native Americans on reservations, rural communitees in Appalachia, etc.

When universities look at their pool of students they might look to see who comes from certain areas, such as rural (which has seen a huge loss in medical care), and in the essay and interview part of admissions, gauge their desire to return and work in their communities.

Do they want someone who is going to specialize in cancer research or someone who is going to open a primary care clinic on the Navajo reservation? Both are EQUALLY good choices even if the academic metrics aren’t totally equal because it isn’t tbe only important metric.

How good is the “best doctor” if he doesn’t understand you or you don’t understand him….or trust him. (I’m talking about GP’s). What makes them good is more than just test scores.

So what? What does that have to do with tbe price of tea in China?
If you want an average IQ and test scorer working on your body, you can have that person. Not me. I want the best, not because of racial strife or if we are being nice to trans knuckleheads. But, I digress from the actual debate. The fact is, Harvard and others are in fact discriminating based on race. The persons involved with the law suit against Harvard were more qualified than others who were black in all areas of deciding who gets in. Healthcare has nothing to do with this case. That came out of left field. Guess from the lefties you hang around with? Again, the reasons for the exclusions of the Asian kids from Harvard had nothing to do with healthcare. That's a red herring. Where someone is going to work also has nothing to do with this case. Another red herring. And, I don't care about the doctor's bedside manners when I have cancer or heart problems. I want the smartest and best prepared with the most knowledge on how to fix my problems. I could care less if they understand me. That's for the TV medical shows, not for reality.
I didn’t say “too many blacks“ in advertising - I said disproportionately represented due to their race, and that means whites are being discriminated against.

When evidence shows that isn’t the true (one source I found showed 1% more than their percent population, another showed they were under represented) then the only conclusion is “too many”.

And…you apply a different standard to Universities.

And yes, I have a problem with black kids being coached to talk about how they have faced racism, since it’s a back door into using their race as a special advantage in getting admitted.
But you don’t have a problem with whites being coached on the attributes needed to give them an advantage in being admitted?

And worse: knowing that, kids will starting LOOKING for examples of racism - even if they are not - starting in middle school to use their skin color as an advantage in college admissions.
Lisa…kids are just kids. Why don’t you leave them alone rather laying all this crap on them? We already have parents jockeying to get their kids into the “right” pre-schools starting at birth, to gain an advantage in admissions. But you have problem with that. Just like you have no problem with the way white women benefited more than Blacks from AA.
If you want an average IQ and test scorer working on your body, you can have that person. Not me. I want the best, not because of racial strife or if we are being nice to trans knuckleheads. But, I digress from the actual debate.

Knuckleheads do not get admitted to Harvard.

The fact is, Harvard and others are in fact discriminating based on race. The persons involved with the law suit against Harvard were more qualified than others who were black in all areas of deciding who gets in. Healthcare has nothing to do with this case.

It does when you consider the reasons why they select some of the students they do.

That came out of left field. Guess from the lefties you hang around with?

No. Just the real world you choose to dismiss.

Again, the reasons for the exclusions of the Asian kids from Harvard had nothing to do with healthcare. That's a red herring. Where someone is going to work also has nothing to do with this case. Another red herring.
That is true, but it provides insight as to one of the many reasons diversity in admissions matters.

And, I don't care about the doctor's bedside manners when I have cancer or heart problems. I want the smartest and best prepared with the most knowledge on how to fix my problems. I could care less if they understand me. That's for the TV medical shows, not for reality.

Of course you don’t care. You aren’t part of the population that is effected by that. But before that specialist comes along, there is your GP.

In other words, you have no argument for nor even defense of your claims so instead float another useless meme which make YOU feel good while proving nothing.

Typical leftwing response.

AA was racist. AA was unconstitutional. AA is dead. The playing field has now been leveled for all.
When evidence shows that isn’t the true (one source I found showed 1% more than their percent population, another showed they were under represented) then the only conclusion is “too many”.

And…you apply a different standard to Universities.

But you don’t have a problem with whites being coached on the attributes needed to give them an advantage in being admitted?

Lisa…kids are just kids. Why don’t you leave them alone rather laying all this crap on them? We already have parents jockeying to get their kids into the “right” pre-schools starting at birth, to gain an advantage in admissions. But you have problem with that. Just like you have no problem with the way white women benefited more than Blacks from AA.
None of this has a thing to do with the Constitution and judging not based on race. You also try to lump affirmative action and entrance qualifications to universities into the same debate. They are two separate issues. If you cannot understand this, then you are in good company with the Democrats.
None of this has a thing to do with the Constitution and judging not based on race. You also try to lump affirmative action and entrance qualifications to universities into the same debate. They are two separate issues. If you cannot understand this, then you are in good company with the Democrats.
The debate involves entrance qualifications.

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