Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

That would be easy to do if the parents got involved. The parents don’t want to be involved which is how the schools got to be inferior in the first place. When parents don’t demand that their kids get a real education, administrators and teachers do what is easiest for them, which is little to nothing. Why waste time trying to instill discipline when both the kids and parents ignore your efforts? Why try to teach when the kids refuse to learn and do homework and parents ignore notes advising them that their kids are failing and disruptive?
To this point: Funding of public education needs to be overhauled and should not be, in some states, reliant on property taxes, which is how we have varying degree of standards.
But, schools also are a place of education. Education requires personal discipline and responsibility to leverage the opportunity that an education gives you. At times, schools will also need to be the strict disciplinarian that works with local gov't and families to set personal conduct policies. We have given to many rights back to these children and teens who don't want to be educated, cause disturbances and fights, not just between them and other students but also agression towards educators and staff.
... Why waste time trying to instill discipline when both the kids and parents ignore your efforts? Why try to teach when the kids refuse to learn and do homework and parents ignore notes advising them that their kids are failing and disruptive?

Because some people care about the students. And put away the broad brush.
Funny. I don’t see you objecting when 50% (or more) of commercials and advertising posters are of blacks, when they are only 13% of the population.

Why would I object to claim you pulled out of your ass?

In fact, you’ve been screaming “racist” at me for MONTHS for pointing it out.
If it walks like a duck...
To this point: Funding of public education needs to be overhauled and should not be, in some states, reliant on property taxes, which is how we have varying degree of standards.
But, schools also are a place of education. Education requires personal discipline and responsibility to leverage the opportunity that an education gives you. At times, schools will also need to be the strict disciplinarian that works with local gov't and families to set personal conduct policies. We have given to many rights back to these children and teens who don't want to be educated, cause disturbances and fights, not just between them and other students but also agression towards educators and staff.
People largely don't know how bad it is now and it's going to get much worse. My college roommate has a scary fast math aptitude and was given a job offer by Prudential Insurance prior to graduation to work as an Actuary. She tutors on the weekends for kids at the 8th and 9th grade level who literally struggle with basic arithmetic. These kids are in public school classes with up to 42 students, one-third of whom speak only broken English and are a 4th grade class level. All the advanced placement classes for American kids are gone and there's no learning taking place. Kids are just warehoused.
There goes that ridiculous thing with the percentages. You think people, as group members, should be admitted until their admissions rate equals their percentage in the population.

Asians are disproportionately represented because they are superior students! Same thing with Jews, who I believe are about 15% at Harvard, when only 2% of the population. They too are superior stidents.
In otherwords they are clearly not being discrimminated against.
when blacks with lower test scores are admitted before asians, that IS discrimination. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
You would have if test scores were the only metric used to determine admission.
a white reporter at NBC News once was told if he was black, he would be made White House Correspondent. "it should be: if you're the best at your job, you get the gig, no matter what color you are", he now says

it's all in this video:

She is OK with discrimination when it goes against Asians. She’s also fine with it when it goes against whites. Or Jews.
Coming from someone who is outraged at seeing "too many" blacks in ads, on tv, who crosses the street to avoid passing a black person...that's rich. And now, per your earlier post, you are setting up a new outrage in case elite universities admit "too many" Black students right? Accuse them of getting coached on their essays even most other students do.

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