Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

Well is the black person being punished when his SAT score is 1520 and the white guy's is 1150 and he gets in.
I’M not trying to imply any credit by association like you are.
I implied nothing. Can you read? I just worked for a living till retirement. I was giving credit where credit was do. THANKS ,Whitey. Everything that makes our lives better was invented by you,.
That is not what she said. Besides it is total BS.

Join the military and you will find a merit based system in this country
That is true. I got to work in Fayetteville NC for a few years and became acquainted with several black men who had served in the military, some even retired after their 20 year service who made great lives for themselves post military by either continuing to work as a contractor for the military or took on other opportunities that served them well. There are plenty of great opportunities for every person of every race/color, if you want to take those steps, work hard, have a great attitude and aptitude and make something of your life. Or you can sit around and bitch and moan about slavery, jim crow, and white privilege while you do nothing to further yourself. The choice is up to you.
Affirmative Action in college admissions is bad policy. Increasing supply- the number of students accepted for admission- makes a lot more sense than any bullshit rationing scheme.
For some schools, student to teacher ratio, facilities, etc., plays an important role in the "Supply".
Yeah, put that in the category of “things that never happened.” A black with a 1520 will get offers from multiple Ivys and the white with an 1150 will end up at State U.

(Or rather, that’s how it USED to be before the SCOTUS put an end to racism in college admissions.)
It's amazing how you pull these scenarios out your ass and then nothing to back it up.
I was in the military, it has it's Good Old Boy system as well.
You will make an excuse for everything.
But, i'll add. Military service has its perks. Have you used any of those post service benefits like VA Home Loan? Did you score a good job post service due to extra points on a civil service exam.

Exactly what will make you happy and for you to declare that Blacks in America are no longer under oppression?
Definitely the proper ruling. Race has no place in admissions. You either are smart enough or you're not.
No, I want to bring the black kids schools in their neighborhoods up to the same standards as the schools you want to send them to with vouchers.
That would be easy to do if the parents got involved. The parents don’t want to be involved which is how the schools got to be inferior in the first place. When parents don’t demand that their kids get a real education, administrators and teachers do what is easiest for them, which is little to nothing. Why waste time trying to instill discipline when both the kids and parents ignore your efforts? Why try to teach when the kids refuse to learn and do homework and parents ignore notes advising them that their kids are failing and disruptive?

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