Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

You don’t think parents are involved in their kid’s college admissions?

How stupid are you?

"Admissions"? Then you ARE talking about high school students, for the most part. Get your story straight.
Thesis: We need to end racism in this country and treat everyone of every race fairly while providing equity in opportunity.
Argument: Is a legal requirement for an educator or an employer to maintain specific percentage and or ratio based on ethnicity/race and not ability, counter to the thesis?
we do that today, ask Oprah or Beyonce, or Lebron. Libs will never get it,
It's comical listening to you racist claiming that all white folks are smarter than all black folks. It's a joke. Oh every white kid that goes to college and all the black kids that go to college are not.
I've got plenty, because your dumbass doesn't want to learn the truth about Uncle Thomas, that is on you.
Thank you, thank you for sharing.

As for one of our greatest Supreme Court Justices, Clarence Thomas, you would not believe the truth if it fell on you.
It is not—————- and it is not
bullshit, if a black kid, a white kid, and an asian kid have exactly the same test scores, GPA, activities, etc, the black kid will be granted admission and the white and asian kids won't. Affirmative action is racism of the worst kind, its amazing watching you libs try to support something you rally against constantly.

Is your real fear that blacks cannot compete on an equal footing/ MLK didn't believe that, why do you?
This THREAD is about college admissions.

Go away idiot
How do they get to college admissions if they are taught that being a good student is being white and good students are teased and ridiculed?

When do these race baiters, former President Barack Hussein Obama, former First Lady Michelle Obama, Eric Holder, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Rev. Al Sharpton, Minister Louis Farrakhan, Father Pflager, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr., Rev. Jesse Jackson, Jr., King Samir Shabazz, Van Jones, Charlie Rangel, Barbara Boxer, Maxine Waters, Al Green, Sheila Jackson Lee, Andre Carson, Shirley Sherrod, Keith Ellison, and the list goes on, start teaching minorities to quit claiming victimhood, buckle down, study and keep out of trouble?
Coming from someone who is outraged at seeing "too many" blacks in ads, on tv, who crosses the street to avoid passing a black person...that's rich. And now, per your earlier post, you are setting up a new outrage in case elite universities admit "too many" Black students right? Accuse them of getting coached on their essays even most other students do.
I didn’t say “too many blacks“ in advertising - I said disproportionately represented due to their race, and that means whites are being discriminated against.

And yes, I have a problem with black kids being coached to talk about how they have faced racism, since it’s a back door into using their race as a special advantage in getting admitted.

And worse: knowing that, kids will starting LOOKING for examples of racism - even if they are not - starting in middle school to use their skin color as an advantage in college admissions.

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