Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

Yea that wanted to end slavery, not racism and discrimination.
That would be the Democrats actually. The people you most blame are the ones who did the most to end racism, who are the least likely to speak in racist language or promote racist policy and who are fighting the hardest to remove racist policy demanded by the Democrat Party.
Oh you want us to believe that DeSatan actually put forth a bill that will help black folks, the very folks whose history he is trying to get rid of. repeat the last thing you heard from the democrat party...the party that controls the education system that will not teach black children to read, write, or do even basic math?
And here you have it. The real reason those on the left think affirmative action is necessary. (This person is a university professor and Democrat operative/advocate):

So essentially, this dingbat is coming right out and saying that Dems believe blacks aren’t smart enough to succeed on their own.
So essentially, this dingbat is coming right out and saying that Dems believe blacks aren’t smart enough to succeed on their own.
The gist of it has Always Been make the standards snd requirements lower so that those who could not get in now can, WHILE at the same time ignore those who do achieve the higher standards.
It’s actually 2X racism.
Bullshit, that is just the weak excuse that has been used to do away with AA. What's next the CRA, when you try to bring back Jim Crow Laws.
" Privileged Opportunities To Acquire Technology Futures "

* Statistically Prevalent In Academic Performance *

Good. Death to institutionalized racism. :113:
Which proportion of which ethnic clads should asians be able to supplant , as they achieve rankings numerically higher in proportion from its population , than is expected from populations of other ethnic clads ?
How many times are you going to post this crap, as I said the last 2 times you posted it I don't give a damn. If AA needs to go, then so does Legacy and any other special treatment that is out there.
I agree.

Legacy admissions should be sharply curtailed. That's up to the universities, what is your proposal?

Aside from whining, what have you done to challenge legacy admissions?

Harvard is one of the worst offenders. In fact, they already have so much money in their accounts (billions) that they could offer free tuition and never run out of money.
" Privileged Opportunities To Acquire Technology Futures "

* Statistically Prevalent In Academic Performance *

Which proportion of which ethnic clads should asians be able to supplant , as they achieve rankings numerically higher in proportion from its population , than is expected from populations of other ethnic clads ?
Those who wish to divide and incite people based on ethnicity and race should choke on their own vomit.
All praise be to God.

Only equality must and will prevail.

The far left is losing. They look at messages like this and they don’t even read it or because they’re on dope and stoned out of their mind. They don’t care about it and they just scream racism. Meanwhile there’s masses of poor people in America.

Now we can help uplift the poor people of America

Those few American voices that believe America is a racist Evil country are losing. And they will go into the dust bit of history because they are on the side of the devil.
Really? So why was it that black folks and Native Americans didn't have those inalienable rights?
Who gives a shit?

The Founding Fathers had it right when they only allowed land owning Whites males to vote. Much better country then that what we have now with all the dumbass welfare queen Blacks and Browns voting. Look at the destructive shit they vote into office.

Yet she has certain Asians and certain Jews here eating out of the palm of her hand.

Some people do not understand bigotry even when it is against them.

Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) represents a group of anonymous Asian Americans rejected from Harvard. In 2021, SFFA petitioned the Supreme Court of the United States to review 'Students for Fair Admissions v. President and Fellows of Harvard College' and eventually won the case. The Supreme Court understood that the admission process at Harvard is discriminatory as Asian applicants had the highest rejection rate among all races, followed by whites.

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