Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

That would be the Democrats actually. The people you most blame are the ones who did the most to end racism, who are the least likely to speak in racist language or promote racist policy and who are fighting the hardest to remove racist policy demanded by the Democrat Party.
Save that weak argument, the Republican Party of 2023 is not the party of 1865 or 1965. This party is more like the Democrat Party of those years. repeat the last thing you heard from the democrat party...the party that controls the education system that will not teach black children to read, write, or do even basic math?
Hmmm, I came up through the public school system, my wife came up through the public school system, my children came up through the public school system and we can all read, write and do basic math and damn we ALL hold college degrees. Pretty throws out your weak theory. I am pretty sure most of you clowns on this thread came up through the public school system as well.
Yep and Jim Crow part II will be written by the Republican Party of 2023.
What changed? We now get our “facts“ from memes apparently.

Between 1957 and 1967, the number of Black owned businesses (mostly small self-owned businesses) fell by 36.9%. Between 1970 and 1980, the number of Blacks owning incorporated businesses increased 92%.

The reasons behind these trends have historical roots.

According to the same paper Black self employment in the NE and MW regions hovered around 0.01%….so where do you get the 40% from?
Hmmm, I came up through the public school system, my wife came up through the public school system, my children came up through the public school system and we can all read, write and do basic math and damn we ALL hold college degrees. Pretty throws out your weak theory. I am pretty sure most of you clowns on this thread came up through the public school system as well.
No child of black parents who have college degrees (many who gained from AA themselves) should EVER have gotten favored for admission over whites with better grades and scores simply due to his/her skin color.

Why should a middle-class black child, with the advantage of college-educated parents, get in ahead of a lower-income white kid, with high-school educated parents, who has better grades and scores?

Glad the SCOTUS put the racism to bed. Now we can concentrate on something more fair.
Hmmm, I came up through the public school system, my wife came up through the public school system, my children came up through the public school system and we can all read, write and do basic math and damn we ALL hold college degrees. Pretty throws out your weak theory. I am pretty sure most of you clowns on this thread came up through the public school system as well.

Not the stats on democrat party public schools now
That would be the Democrats actually. The people you most blame are the ones who did the most to end racism, who are the least likely to speak in racist language or promote racist policy and who are fighting the hardest to remove racist policy demanded by the Democrat Party.
I would disagree. Parties are parties. Their platforms change with their ability to increase their share of the votes. The Democrats of that era were very conservative (split actually between northern Democrats andsouthern Democrats).

Neither party is like was 60 years ago. Today, when I look at social media, and place like here…I see those on the right speaking in racist language, referencing IQ and I ate violence. In politics…who is trying to erase “uncomfortable” African American history and the authors who write about it?

There are no angels here ESPECIALLY in political parties.
" Handing Over Education Fields Plus Diversity Hire "

* Disproportionately Large Sample Spaces Means Tracked Candidates Are Easier To Place *

Those who wish to divide and incite people based on ethnicity and race should choke on their own vomit.
So , out of country are free to maintain priority for placement in us universities as foreign countries track students and guild the most highly intelligent from its population distributions , as chinese students walk off with us corporate and national secrets , as the plethora of highly intelligent us students are on their own and free to choose less compelling academic fields .
I would disagree. Parties are parties. Their platforms change with their ability to increase their share of the votes. The Democrats of that era were very conservative (split actually between northern Democrats andsouthern Democrats).

Neither party is like was 60 years ago. Today, when I look at social media, and place like here…I see those on the right speaking in racist language, referencing IQ and I ate violence. In politics…who is trying to erase “uncomfortable” African American history and the authors who write about it?

There are no angels here ESPECIALLY in political parties.
Odd. It seems the only people who are objecting to the end of racist policies against Asians and whites are the Democrats. The Republicans are happy that a lower-income white kid with high scores and grades won’t be rejected for a middle-class black kid with worse scores and grades simply due to skin color.
Odd. It seems the only people who are objecting to the end of racist policies against Asians and whites are the Democrats. The Republicans are happy that a lower-income white kid with high scores and grades won’t be rejected for a middle-class black kid with worse scores and grades simply due to skin color.
Sounds like you want whiter elite schools …. However test scores have never been the only metric. That won’t change.
How can Harvard be discriminating against Asians when 29.9% of their admissions are Asian and Asians only make up 6.3% of our population?
I don't know where you get your numbers.

This list shows a very different picture:

And if Asians are over represented at Harvard or anywhere else, it is because a higher percentage of Asians qualify for Harvard and that should be the criteria for admissions. In an equal opportunity society they shouldn't even be asking what race somebody is on their admission form but base admissions on SAT scores and whatever other qualifications they are looking for.

For certain, in a non-racist country, somebody should never be recruited nor denied admission just because they are a certain race. And that is exactly what the SCOTUS ruling said.
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Sounds like you want whiter elite schools …. However test scores have never been the only metric. That won’t change.
I want whites to have the same chance as blacks.

Now we won’t be favoring blacks over whites with better scores and grades just because a bright, top student was born white. Very unfair to the white student.

Sounds like you are OK with discrimination against whites.
I want whites to have the same chance as blacks.

Now we won’t be favoring blacks over whites with better scores and grades just because a bright, top student was born white. Very unfair to the white student.

Sounds like you are OK with discrimination against whites.
Sounds like you favor whites.
Sounds like you favor whites.
Sounds like you enjoy calling people racist when they say they are happy that race can’t be a consideration as to who gets into college.

As I said, thank GD my bright, motivated, disciplined, hard-working father with top grades and Regent score applied before educators rejected top whites in favor of weaker blacks.

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