Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions


The value of a degree is in the rigor of the program and in its completion. My view is that matters is that the college should be able to select it’s applicants in such a way as to have a diverse array of race, ethnicity, economic and regional backgrounds because that adds value to the program.
Except now they can’t choose by race. It’s unconstititutional. A poor, white Jewish boy with a 3.9 won’t have to lose his seat to a middle-class black with a 3.5 for no other reason than race.
Except that doesn’t HAPPEN, you moron.
It happens every year idiot.
And I’m not assuming the white kid from the poor family has better grades. I am saying that, before the SCOTUS shot it down, poor white kids WITH much better grades than middle-class blacks were getting rejected in favor of them, simply because the black had darker skin.
Based on what? Your racist opinion, what you are saying doesn't even make sense. I posted the numbers in college enrollment so what you are claiming is bullshit.
You people are so desperate to call people racist that you accuse them of saying things they never said. Very deceitful way to debate.
You are nothing but a racist hag that hates black folks and you have proven that time and time again.
It happens every year idiot.

Based on what? Your racist opinion, what you are saying doesn't even make sense. I posted the numbers in college enrollment so what you are claiming is bullshit.

You are nothing but a racist hag that hates black folks and you have proven that time and time again.
OMG….you’re loony-tunes.

You people are actually engendering racism by screaming racist at everyone who wants a colorblind society, and not one that favors one race over the other two.
It happens every year idiot.

Based on what? Your racist opinion, what you are saying doesn't even make sense. I posted the numbers in college enrollment so what you are claiming is bullshit.

You are nothing but a racist hag that hates black folks and you have proven that time and time again.
When you posted the enrolment figures for University of Oregon, it listed non Hispanic Whites as 60 percent of the student body, whereas Eugene, itself, is actually 80 percent non Hispanic white.

Why do you feel yourself unable to compete on a level playing field?
OMG….you’re loony-tunes.

You people are actually engendering racism by screaming racist at everyone who wants a colorblind society, and not one that favors one race over the other two.
Please, you don't want no damn colorblind society. You want to go back to the Good Ole Days, when you could be openly racist and not be checked on it. Whites have been favored over black folks since this country was taken and you know it.
When you posted the enrolment figures for University of Oregon, it listed non Hispanic Whites as 60 percent of the student body, whereas Eugene, itself, is actually 80 percent non Hispanic white.

Why do you feel yourself unable to compete on a level playing field?
Could it be because the playing field has never been level.

The value of a degree is in the rigor of the program and in its completion. My view is that matters is that the college should be able to select it’s applicants in such a way as to have a diverse array of race, ethnicity, economic and regional backgrounds because that adds value to the program.
What value is diversity if it discriminates against somebody else?

What value is a degree if anybody with enough money and connections or for no other reason than his/her skin color can earn one?

And what does it do to a person's self esteem and/or opportunities to not be able to succeed in college and wash out or quit? Latest studies show that white students are 2-1/2 times more likely to graduate college than black students. Asian students graduate at a much higher rate than white students.

Shouldn't college admissions be awarded to those most likely to succeed?

Who do you want as your heart surgeon? The person, white, black, Asian or whatever who graduated at the top of his/her class? Or the affirmative action person who barely graduated and only did so by standards being lowered for him/her?

To achieve diversity via affirmative action requires lowering standards, encouraging mediocrity, encouraging failure. To achieve diversity by merit says the public schools are doing a quality job of education for all students.

We should stop all the social engineering crap that goes on in public schools, and devote time, resources, emphasis on pushing quality college prep courses in real subjects to all students who want that and give student inspiration and belief that they can master those subjects and qualify for quality higher education. That would be the very best thing government could do for any student including the black ones.
Please, you don't want no damn colorblind society. You want to go back to the Good Ole Days, when you could be openly racist and not be checked on it. Whites have been favored over black folks since this country was taken and you know it.
All lies. I want a colorblind society, and the conservatives on the bench took us one step closer. It is the progressives who want to keep discrimination against whites and Asians alive.

Sorry, but you lost.
You folks wonder why black folks don't vote Republican, this idiot right here is a prime example why we don't. Let's see if Lisa is woman enough to address this post.
The Negroes vote for Democrats and all they get is destruction.

The Democrats offer the Negroes a little welfare and to be soft on crime and the Negroes jump at it. meanwhile the Democrat cities and states are turning to shit.
All lies. I want a colorblind society, and the conservatives on the bench took us one step closer. It is the progressives who want to keep discrimination against whites and Asians alive.

Sorry, but you lost.
Conservatives on the bench took us to what they have always took us to, more racism. AA isn't discrimination against whites or Asians, Asians make up more of the student body than black folks, so if they are being discriminated against it isn't black folks. You are right, black folks did lose to racist.
You have most likely lived your whole life where you were favored due to a.a., so yes, the playing field that advantaged you was not level. Thanks to this decision, it is a bit more level now.
He also mentioned upthread that both he and his wife are college graduates. That means his children grew up in middle-class comfort. Why should his middle-class kids get favored over a poor white with better grades and scores?
Actually it didn‘t. I’d give more detail, but I don’t like to brag.
Shall we use the same argument you used to dimminish the accomplishments of the Black valedictorian who was accepted into all the Ivy League schools?
Conservatives on the bench took us to what they have always took us to, more racism. AA isn't discrimination against whites or Asians, Asians make up more of the student body than black folks, so if they are being discriminated against it isn't black folks. You are right, black folks did lose to racist.
Blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans make up such a tiny proportion of the admissions…

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