Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

Sounds like you want whiter elite schools …. However test scores have never been the only metric. That won’t change.
No. The student who participates in sports or music activities or has unusual other talents might not need to excel quite as much academically to qualify but there should be a minimum degree of academic excellence required for a top rated university. Otherwise those degrees are less valuable to the students who do excel academically.

And we should never have to see a university professor (also a Democrat advocate and operative) make a tweet like this one:

Justice Thomas's majority opinion clearly expressed how insulting that attitude is to bright young black people who are more than capable of qualifying on merit. And how that attitude disadvantages the brightest and best who are never allowed to be seen as qualifying on merit but will always be 'the affirmative action' token person.
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Sounds like you enjoy calling people racist when they say they are happy that race can’t be a consideration as to who gets into college.

It’s more like I tend to check the racist box when they demean highly accomplished Black valedictorians, talk about crossing the street to avoid Black people, claim they are vastly overrepresented in ads and acting when they are not, have a hissy fit when a Black actor plays a role formerly play
ed by a White actor, ignores the fact that white women and other minorities also benefitted from a system that she condemns, and considers them, as a group, to have a lower IQ.

Beyond a single politician in one thread have you ever said anything positive about them?

It’s more like I tend to check the racist box when they demean highly accomplished Black valedictorians, talk about crossing the street to avoid Black people, claim they are vastly overrepresented in ads and acting when they are not, have a hissy fit when a Black actor plays a role formerly play
ed by a White actor, ignores the fact that white women and other minorities also benefitted from a system that she condemns, and considers them, as a group, to have a lower IQ.

Beyond a single politician in one thread have you ever said anything positive about them?
Of course. I’ve voted for them, as well.
She wants fairness, equality and merit- based entrance standards.

You want none of those things so are trying to insinuate SHE is the racist when it is most obviously you, instead.
Thank you. Every single response from her is a personal attack quite directly implying I am racist. Have you noticed how she takes a different tact to posters who are also expressing approval that race-based as admissions was struck down by the Court? Never the snarky attitude she takes with me, and we both know why.
Thank you. Every single response from her is a personal attack quite directly implying I am racist. Have you noticed how she takes a different tact to posters who are also expressing approval that race-based as admissions was struck down by the Court? Never the snarky attitude she takes with me, and we both know why.
Has she called you a "princess" yet, as in the antisemitic slur "Jewish American Princess"?

I have seen her do that to you many times.
Has she called you a "princess" yet, as in the antisemitic slur "Jewish American Princess"?

I have seen her do that to you many times.
Not recently, but I remember that slap. Quite a tell, wasn’t it?

You weren’t around, I believe, a couple of weeks ago when I mentioned that my dad (rip) may not have had the wonderful career he did if AA were in effect in the 1940s. He had top grades and one of the top Regent scores in the city, and he could have been rejected in favor of a black with much less impressive credentials if the leftists had AA in place.

Her response was that my dad could have gone to a lesser school, asking why should the black kid be robbed of the opportunity? I asked why MY dad, the superior student should be robbed of the opportunity and the weaker black kid go to the lesser school?

She has no real answer, other than to defend the opportunity for the weaker black kid and insist the Jewish boy be the one to make the sacrifIce.
Contrary to popular belief 42% of Black children live with two parents (compared to 70% of all children) while 51% live with one parent (compared to 25% of all children). The reason why this is not well known may have to do with a commonly repeated statistic regarding out-of-wedlock births (70%) which only takes into account whether or not a woman was married at the time she gave birth. This of course doesn’t factor in that many births take place to engaged or couples who are not yet married or who plan to cohabitate indefinitely.

That would be because black folks couldn't go to many white owned businesses, after integration we didn't want to go to black owned businesses anymore. We wanted to spend our money at white owned businesses, I trend that is still going on until this day.
Who gives a shit?

The Founding Fathers had it right when they only allowed land owning Whites males to vote. Much better country then that what we have now with all the dumbass welfare queen Blacks and Browns voting. Look at the destructive shit they vote into office.
You folks wonder why black folks don't vote Republican, this idiot right here is a prime example why we don't. Let's see if Lisa is woman enough to address this post.
Not recently, but I remember that slap. Quite a tell, wasn’t it?

You weren’t around, I believe, a couple of weeks ago when I mentioned that my dad (rip) may not have had the wonderful career he did if AA were in effect in the 1940s. He had top grades and one of the top Regent scores in the city, and he could have been rejected in favor of a black with much less impressive credentials if the leftists had AA in place.

Her response was that my dad could have gone to a lesser school, asking why should the black kid be robbed of the opportunity? I asked why MY dad, the superior student should be robbed of the opportunity and the weaker black kid go to the lesser school?

She has no real answer, other than to defend the opportunity for the black kid and insist the Jewish boy should be the one to make the sacrifIce.
This is the modern face of extreme racism, my friend.

I have a great idea, though. We should affix weights to the feet of black college basketball players so we can create "equity" for the Asian and Jewish students.
No. The student who participates in sports or music activities or has unusual other talents might not need to excel quite as much academically to qualify but there should be a minimum degree of academic excellence required for a top rated university. Otherwise those degrees are less valuable to the student who do excel academically.

And we should never have to see a university professor (also a Democrat advocate and operative) make a tweet like this one:

Justice Thomas's majority opinion clearly expressed how insulting that attitude is to bright young black people who are more than capable of qualifying on merit. And how that attitude disadvantages the brightest and best who are never allowed to be seen as qualifying on merit but will always be 'the affirmative action' token person.

The value of a degree is in the rigor of the program and in its completion. My view is that matters is that the college should be able to select it’s applicants in such a way as to have a diverse array of race, ethnicity, economic and regional backgrounds because that adds value to the program.
No child of black parents who have college degrees (many who gained from AA themselves) should EVER have gotten favored for admission over whites with better grades and scores simply due to his/her skin color.

Why should a middle-class black child, with the advantage of college-educated parents, get in ahead of a lower-income white kid, with high-school educated parents, who has better grades and scores?

Glad the SCOTUS put the racism to bed. Now we can concentrate on something more fair.
Lisa do you hold a college degree?

Why should a middle-class child with the advantage of college-educate parents get in ahead of a lower-income black kid with high-school educated parents. Are you assuming the lower-income white kid has better grades than the middle class black kid?

The SCOTUS just gave racist like Flash, thehawk and yourself what you wanted, to bring back racist practices from the 40s and 50s.
Lisa do you hold a college degree?

Why should a middle-class child with the advantage of college-educate parents get in ahead of a lower-income black kid with high-school educated parents. Are you assuming the lower-income white kid has better grades than the middle class black kid?

The SCOTUS just gave racist like Flash, thehawk and yourself what you wanted, to bring back racist practices from the 40s and 50s.
Except that doesn’t HAPPEN, you moron.

And I’m not assuming the white kid from the poor family has better grades. I am saying that, before the SCOTUS shot it down, poor white kids WITH much better grades than middle-class blacks were getting rejected in favor of them, simply because the black had darker skin.

You people are so desperate to call people racist that you accuse them of saying things they never said. Very deceitful way to debate.

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