Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

I wish your racist ass would jump to something.
Negroes use to vote just their welfare check and race. Now they also have added soft on crime and that is why the big city shitholes are going to hell.

Negroes are stupid as hell.

Defund the police and do away with required bail. What could possibly go wrong?
Shall we use the same argument you used to dimminish the accomplishments of the Black valedictorian who was accepted into all the Ivy League schools?
To that, I pointed out that the AA practice of favoring blacks brings in the question as to whether the same would have happened to an Asian or white. It’s a valid question, considering there was a thread just a week ago in which an Asian kid with a perfect GPA and a 1560 SAT was rejected from ALL Ivy League universities.
No, the six justices who ruled correctly went with the Constitution. The three women who dissented went with their feeeeeelings.

No, activist judges. All six of them testified under oath at their conformation hearings, that they stood by stare decisis.

That also makes them perjurers.

But more importantly, they have now drawn first blood, and set the precedent, that any law near and dear to conservatives, that is considered settled, is now null and void.

The day is coming in the not so distant future, that those precious settled conservative rights you consider settled, are now in jeopardy.

Hope your feeeelings aren't hurt to bad when those rulings come.
No, activist judges. All six of them testified under oath at their conformation hearings, that they stood by stare decisis.

That also makes them perjurers.

But more importantly, they have now drawn first blood, and set the precedent, that any law near and dear to conservatives, that is considered settled, is now null and void.

The day is coming in the not so distant future, that those precious settled conservative rights you consider settled, are now in jeopardy.

Hope your feeeelings aren't hurt to bad when those rulings come.
Your perception of who are not the activists and who are the Constitutionalists is completely upside down.
Hmmm, I came up through the public school system, my wife came up through the public school system, my children came up through the public school system and we can all read, write and do basic math and damn we ALL hold college degrees. Pretty throws out your weak theory. I am pretty sure most of you clowns on this thread came up through the public school system as well.
That's all fine and dandy. Nice history lesson.

Now let's discuss 2023.
What value is diversity if it discriminates against somebody else?

What value is a degree if anybody with enough money and connections or for no other reason than his/her skin color can earn one?

And what does it do to a person's self esteem and/or opportunities to not be able to succeed in college and wash out or quit? Latest studies show that white students are 2-1/2 times more likely to graduate college than black students. Asian students graduate at a much higher rate than white students.

Shouldn't college admissions be awarded to those most likely to succeed?

Who do you want as your heart surgeon? The person, white, black, Asian or whatever who graduated at the top of his/her class? Or the affirmative action person who barely graduated and only did so by standards being lowered for him/her?

To achieve diversity via affirmative action requires lowering standards, encouraging mediocrity, encouraging failure. To achieve diversity by merit says the public schools are doing a quality job of education for all students.

We should stop all the social engineering crap that goes on in public schools, and devote time, resources, emphasis on pushing quality college prep courses in real subjects to all students who want that and give student inspiration and belief that they can master those subjects and qualify for quality higher education. That would be the very best thing government could do for any student including the black ones.
What value is diversity? Employers value it, that is one thing. Beyond that, it adds value for the students who encounter people from different backgrounds, experiences etc. (not just racial). It encourages new of thinking and problem solving as well as a greater understanding of other people’s backgrounds. If you want to get rid of racism that is one way to do it. Meet people. Work together to solve problems (such as an engineering task you given in a course). Collaborate.

Secondly, it isn’t a an either/or situation where if you have diversity you can’t also have merit. These elite schools have never selected based on test scores and GPA alone. They have to write an essay, they have a resume of activities to show they are well rounded or have shown leadership, and they have an in person interview. All of which counts towards the decision.

No one is admitted solely on skin color. And you also miss the point: earned.

You don’t earn a degree simply being accepted.

The reasons people don’t graduate aren’t necessarily because they can’t handle the academic rigor, there can be a number of reasons including financial.

However, in Harvard (and I’m using that as representative of these elite schools) the graduation rates by race are:

Asian. 97.67%
White. 97.17%
Hispanic 96.83%
Black 96.43%

That is barely any difference between races in terms of graduation rates. It sounds like admissions are being awarded to those most likely to succeed. And again, ALL of these young people admitted are going to be highly qualified regardless.

Why would you assume that your future heart surgeon barely graduated because of AA or because race/ethnicity/income status/first generation/gender may have been of of multiple factors in the admissions decision?

And another note…why is it that people are ONLY upset about Black admissions and not any of these others I mentioned above? Not women, not Hispanics, not first generation…all the accusations about lack of merit are only directed only at Blacks (not saying that of you, but of what I see in thread after thread).
To that, I pointed out that the AA practice of favoring blacks brings in the question as to whether the same would have happened to an Asian or white. It’s a valid question, considering there was a thread just a week ago in which an Asian kid with a perfect GPA and a 1560 SAT was rejected from ALL Ivy League universities.
It’s always a “valid” question when you talk about Blacks.

AA also favored women.
Really, I see black kids graduating every year and going to college and they can read, write and are beyond basic math.
Yes, but it is a shame that they are such an exception. What can be done to remove the blight of black kids ridiculing other black kids who work hard and study? In fact, all kids are suffering with the Democrat-run school boards.

Please, you don't want no damn colorblind society. You want to go back to the Good Ole Days, when you could be openly racist and not be checked on it. Whites have been favored over black folks since this country was taken and you know it.
Why are so eager to prove that blacks are incapable of intellectually competing with other races on a level field?
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Treating everybody according to the same egalitarian principles is a long-honored LIBERAL tradition.

How interesting it is to see who despises actual egalitarianism, here, and who is propping up racial privilege.
Why are so eager to prove that blacks are incapable of competing with other races on a level field?
He has lived his whole life privileged due to the color of his skin.

He is pissed that the privilege he has come to expect as his due has now been taken away.
Hmmm, I came up through the public school system,

Oh. That explains it.

we can all read, write and do basic math and damn we ALL hold college degrees.

But you're still a leftard. :p

Pretty throws out your weak theory. I am pretty sure most of you clowns on this thread came up through the public school system as well.

No one in my family has.

That's why we're not gullible like you clowns.
That would be because black folks couldn't go to many white owned businesses, after integration we didn't want to go to black owned businesses anymore. We wanted to spend our money at white owned businesses, I trend that is still going on until this day.


Please explain this.

Why would you not want to go to black owned businesses anymore?

You wanted to go to the people who mistreated you, to make a point?
What value is diversity? Employers value it, that is one thing.

No we don't. It costs us lots and lots of money, and we avoid it like the plague if we possibly can.

Beyond that, it adds value for the students who encounter people from different backgrounds, experiences etc. (not just racial). It encourages new of thinking and problem solving as well as a greater understanding of other people’s backgrounds. If you want to get rid of racism that is one way to do it. Meet people. Work together to solve problems (such as an engineering task you given in a course). Collaborate.

(rolls eyes)

Timeless leftard social engineering madness.

You can NOT get rid of racism, shitfer. It's impossible.

You thought you did it in '65, how's that working out for you?

Secondly, it isn’t a an either/or situation where if you have diversity you can’t also have merit. These elite schools have never selected based on test scores and GPA alone. They have to write an essay, they have a resume of activities to show they are well rounded or have shown leadership, and they have an in person interview. All of which counts towards the decision.

A kid writes "black lives matter" on his application 100 times, and gets into Stanford? That's not an essay, it's a slap in the face to all of academia.

No one is admitted solely on skin color. And you also miss the point: earned.

You don’t earn a degree simply being accepted.

The reasons people don’t graduate aren’t necessarily because they can’t handle the academic rigor, there can be a number of reasons including financial.

You can also get kicked out of school for drugs, prostitution,, and theft.

However, in Harvard (and I’m using that as representative of these elite schools) the graduation rates by race are:

Asian. 97.67%
White. 97.17%
Hispanic 96.83%
Black 96.43%

That is barely any difference between races in terms of graduation rates. It sounds like admissions are being awarded to those most likely to succeed. And again, ALL of these young people admitted are going to be highly qualified regardless.

Harvard will graduate a ham sandwich.

Can't you tell?

Why would you assume that your future heart surgeon barely graduated because of AA or because race/ethnicity/income status/first generation/gender may have been of of multiple factors in the admissions decision?

I know a black brain surgeon. He didn't get where he is by being stupid.

And another note…why is it that people are ONLY upset about Black admissions and not any of these others I mentioned above? Not women, not Hispanics, not first generation…all the accusations about lack of merit are only directed only at Blacks (not saying that of you, but of what I see in thread after thread).
Just don't graduate retarded idiots who can't read. I don't care what color they are.

Harvard graduates dumbshits because they don't want the public perception that their students are flunking out and therefore they made poor admissions decisions.
What value is diversity? Employers value it, that is one thing. Beyond that, it adds value for the students who encounter people from different backgrounds, experiences etc. (not just racial). It encourages new of thinking and problem solving as well as a greater understanding of other people’s backgrounds. If you want to get rid of racism that is one way to do it. Meet people. Work together to solve problems (such as an engineering task you given in a course). Collaborate.

Secondly, it isn’t a an either/or situation where if you have diversity you can’t also have merit. These elite schools have never selected based on test scores and GPA alone. They have to write an essay, they have a resume of activities to show they are well rounded or have shown leadership, and they have an in person interview. All of which counts towards the decision.

No one is admitted solely on skin color. And you also miss the point: earned.

You don’t earn a degree simply being accepted.

The reasons people don’t graduate aren’t necessarily because they can’t handle the academic rigor, there can be a number of reasons including financial.

However, in Harvard (and I’m using that as representative of these elite schools) the graduation rates by race are:

Asian. 97.67%
White. 97.17%
Hispanic 96.83%
Black 96.43%

That is barely any difference between races in terms of graduation rates. It sounds like admissions are being awarded to those most likely to succeed. And again, ALL of these young people admitted are going to be highly qualified regardless.

Why would you assume that your future heart surgeon barely graduated because of AA or because race/ethnicity/income status/first generation/gender may have been of of multiple factors in the admissions decision?

And another note…why is it that people are ONLY upset about Black admissions and not any of these others I mentioned above? Not women, not Hispanics, not first generation…all the accusations about lack of merit are only directed only at Blacks (not saying that of you, but of what I see in thread after thread).
I made no assumptions. I asked a simple question that anybody could answer if they don't read more into it than the question itself.

Nobody on the right is upset about black students. Only the Democrats seem to be uptight about black students, i.e. that tweet I posted in response to one of your posts.

I think I have already made my arguments on all of this and I accept that you don't agree with them. But again, I don't know what source you used for Harvard's graduation rates but this one has Harvard really low down on the list for graduation rates:
When we had great values - valuing hard work, obeying laws, becoming successful, being responsible, behaving appropriately, and not feeling entitled to other people’s momey.
He thinks that because of something that me and you had no part in, (but our ancestors may have had a part in), and because we are WHITE, then we are just an extension (guilty by heritage or genealogy), of our ancestors historic ideology or culture concerning black slavery in America..... He thinks that we have an ideology that believes that black's are an inferior people that need to be controlled by other humans or they'll go bat shite crazy far worse than they already are, otherwise when given a leash that is to long for them to handle.

Roll it forward within the same context, and he wants to blame us for everything that is also going on with certain black's and their actions today, but it's just an excuse in which those like him absolutely have to make in his blame whitey mind, and so he hopes that white's are just dumb enough to go along in order to get along.

It's time for black's to abandon this blame whitey game for everything they do, as if being white makes us guilty of black oppression when that's just a damned lie straight out of hell that is used in hopes to control whitey.

They are wrong if they are blaming me or if they are looking at me with some sort of thinking that I'm guilty of causing their mental problems, because they have had the same opportunities that I've had in life, and I've watched them screw up, get fired, and blame whitey for it. They say that racism is a learned thing in white household's, yet they ignore the learning of racism that they've been taught in the very same ways in accordance with their behavioral patterns. It's nothing but excuse making and blame game's being played constantly, and it's just dumb these days.
And here you have it. The real reason those on the left think affirmative action is necessary. (This person is a university professor and Democrat operative/advocate):

White leftist liberals are a confused bunch of demon's from straight out of hell itself.

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