Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

I m not the one that has destroyed the great American cities. It is the worthless ghetto assholes that commit all the crimes and the incompetent Democrats they put into office.

A Negro will always vote three things:

1. Welfare
2. Their race
3. Anybody that will promise not to put them in jail for the crimes they commit
You racist POS, you created the ghettoes. Well since it is more whites on welfare, it is obvious they are voting for it as well.

How many white presidents have you voted for?

Black folks go to prison while whites are given rehab or put on probation.

Get some new lies clown.
If gives minorities opportunities they were being denied of.
That's not what AA did. It gave one group of people an advantage over another based on skin color.
Explain who it is discriminating against.
Everyone who isn't getting preferential treatment based on their skin color.

Under AA, an Asian kid who grew up poor with a single Mom, and abusive Father but scored in the top 10% of all students taking the SAT/ACT and GPA has a lesser chance of making it into Harvard than Bronny James even if James scored in the top 40% of all students.

Are you really going to act like that's not discrimination? Forget whether it's right or wrong. We have to at least come to an agreement about what AA is and isnt.
That's cool, but you have to have the opportunity to achieve.

No it doesn't.

You don't need AA in the NBA or NFL for the simple fact that EVERYONE is given the opportunity to compete in those leagues. Remember both leagues used to be ALL White when black folks weren't ALLOWED to compete in those leagues.
opportunity to succeed??????????????? is that what you want????????? Did the following have the opportunity to succeed: Obama, Clarence Thomas, Oprah, Beyonce, Jerry Rice, Lebron James, MLK, Malcolm X, Condi Rice,

Yes, racism existed in our past and it was a terrible thing, but its over, no one is held back today due to race except due to the discriminatio of AA, asians, hispanics, whites, native americans etc. But you are OK with that because you only goal is to "get even". you are pathetic.
You racist POS, you created the ghettoes. Well since it is more whites on welfare, it is obvious they are voting for it as well.

How many white presidents have you voted for?

Black folks go to prison while whites are given rehab or put on probation.

Get some new lies clown.
You racist POS, you created the ghettoes. Well since it is more whites on welfare, it is obvious they are voting for it as well.

How many white presidents have you voted for?

Black folks go to prison while whites are given rehab or put on probation.

Get some new lies clown.
actually democrats created the ghettos, to keep you down and voting for them, they made you virtual slaves and you are too dumb to understand.
opportunity to succeed??????????????? is that what you want????????? Did the following have the opportunity to succeed: Obama, Clarence Thomas, Oprah, Beyonce, Jerry Rice, Lebron James, MLK, Malcolm X, Condi Rice,

Yes, racism existed in our past and it was a terrible thing, but its over, no one is held back today due to race except due to the discriminatio of AA, asians, hispanics, whites, native americans etc. But you are OK with that because you only goal is to "get even". you are pathetic.
Not get even persae, but rather he wants to keep the discrimination train fueled up and going. It's time for black's to trust in their abilities, and to stop helping to make rich these liar's who keep telling them that they can't make it unless
actually democrats created the ghettos, to keep you down and voting for them, they made you virtual slaves and you are too dumb to understand.
Well be it that they are all in it together, it is that they don't see themselves as being dumb at all.

You are attempting to understand why the black's living in the ghettos are satisfied with it, but freedom for them is taking less if it means selling their souls and culture out to the white devils. This is what the propaganda artist, and the radical activist teach the young black's (grooming them over time), to think like.
" Student Body And Program Tracks Full "

* Unbiased Bias Conjectured On Incidence By Population *

To that, I pointed out that the AA practice of favoring blacks brings in the question as to whether the same would have happened to an Asian or white. It’s a valid question, considering there was a thread just a week ago in which an Asian kid with a perfect GPA and a 1560 SAT was rejected from ALL Ivy League universities.
A premise for bias in programs is based on expectations that programs remain unbiased towards any particular collective of individuals and , currently , the bias of non bias is based on programs reflecting the percentage of incidence by race in the population .

As asia represents an estimated 4 billion of the 8 billion occupants on the planet , though representing less than 10% in the us , which proportion of academic programs should asians represent ?

From intelligence quotient ( iq ) tests , approximately 20% of us blacks have an iq above the median iq for whites , such that if the bias for unbias were based on intelligence , and not incidence in population , then should the proportion of blacks accepted be only 20% , or some other fractional percentage , of an approximate 10% in us population ?

* Anecdote From Coworker *

A coworker from india related that when the caste system was largely in place , applicants from higher castes could enter academic programs with lower scores than those from lower castes .

* Basics For Consideration *

A premise of indirect taxes is that indirect taxes can be indirectly apportioned .

A premise of positive liberties is that as endowments they may not be equally endowed .

A premise of negative liberties is that as protections they are to be equally protected .
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Thank President Trump for nominating the Supreme Court Justices that he nominated.
Exactly, because look at the mentally challenged people that the Biden administration has attempted to nominate and be seated on the benches. It's truly a sad thing to watch.
" Good Luck With That "

* Flour Cracker Demands To Be Supplanted *

Hahahaha.....Suck it you racist bed wetting democrook parasites.
The acceptance of asians into academic programs is limited by incidence in us population , such that asians have the highest sat scores , but the lowest acceptance based on the percentage population and sat scores .

As asians represents an estimated 4 billion of the 8 billion global population , though representing less than 10% in the us , which proportion of academic programs should asians represent ?

" Student Body And Program Tracks Full "

* Unbiased Bias Conjectured On Incidence By Population *

A premise for bias in programs is based on expectations that programs remain unbiased towards any particular collective of individuals and , currently , the bias of non bias is based on programs reflecting the percentage of incidence by race in the population .

As asia represents an estimated 4 billion of the 8 billion occupants on the planet , though representing less than 10% in the us , which proportion of academic programs should asians represent ?

From intelligence quotient ( iq ) tests , approximately 20% of us blacks have an iq above the median iq for whites , such that if the bias for unbias were based on intelligence , and not incidence in population , then should the proportion of blacks accepted be only 20% , or some other fractional percentage , of an approximate 10% in us population ?

* Anecdote From Coworker *

A coworker from india related that when the caste system was largely in place , applicants from higher castes could enter academic programs with lower scores than those from lower castes .

* Basics For Consideration *

A premise of indirect taxes is that indirect taxes can be indirectly apportioned .

A premise of positive liberties is that as endowments they may not be equally endowed .

A premise of negative liberties is that as protections they are to be equally protected .
Bottom line is that this is really simple, but of course you have to over intellectualize everything thing for whatever reasoning you have for doing so.
White leftist liberals are a confused bunch of demon's from straight out of hell itself.
Not all. There are some who I disagree with on various sociopolitical issues but they do have a rationale of sorts for what they believe. Their rationale most often won't hold up when all information is included. Where they go off the deep end is they refuse to look at or consider the negative consequences of progressive policies and keep doubling down on them.

To them I say and this responds also to Coyote who unlike most rarely argues in sound bites and slogans but does make an effort to make an argument:

Diversity is a good thing. But it is diversity of creativity, of ability, of talent, of various kinds of genius, of perspective, of thought that is a good thing. Group think will rarely solve problems because it is so narrow and rarely includes all the options and possibilities and solutions that would achieve the best possible outcome.

When diversity is seen as 'skin color' while diversity of thought is discouraged and sometimes disallowed as is the case with too many universities these days, the result will invariably be mediocrity, lessened success, worse policy along with perpetuation of racism and negative long range consequences.

To our progressive friends what do you really think about black people? Would you agree to college admission policies based purely on test scores plus some personal experience and achievement? Those evaluating the applications would not see a photo of the student and there would be no race indicated? Do you believe black people would be admitted on such a system? Or would be mostly shut out?

I suspect far too many believe as this University of Michigan professor and Democrat advocate/operative believes:

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Well the odds for you were even better, since AA helped you more than it did me or my wife and kids.

No, now my grandkids run the chance of being discriminated against like my parents and grand parents were.

No.......your grand kids are out of luck if they are trapped in a democrat party controlled school....where they will not learn to read, write or do math....
" Personal Vanities In Identity Politics Not As Simple As One Would Might Imagine To Believe "

* Subjective Review Boards Apply Bias As Non Bias Based On Incidence And Demographic *

Bottom line is that this is really simple, but of course you have to over intellectualize everything thing for whatever reasoning you have for doing so.
Perhaps a candidate meets testing scores necessary to qualify for an academic program , however those testing scores are not the greatest among the candidates , is testing scores to be the only consideration to qualify for an academic seat ?

* Watt Is Yearn Opine *

Would you agree or disagree with an academic panel selection process from candidates for placement in an academic program , which maintains a bias for placing an applicant based on genetic sex , because the governance policy for the academic program is to be unbiased towards genetic sex , based on an incidence of individuals in the demographic , whether male or female , such that based on satisfying an incidence of representation a particular individual could receive a preferential bias for acceptance , though the preferential bias does not preclude that minimal testing scores not be met , and the selection process does not exclude extraneous considerations such as motivations and individual character ?

* Inspecting For Over Extended Appropriations Of Bias *

Whether one agrees or disagrees with a requirement for affirmative action , the program presumes that government should apply a bias based on race , so as to comply with being unbiased towards race , where unbiased towards race occurs when proportions by race in the work force resemble the proportion of race within the demographic .

A prerequisite for minimal qualification always applies , while incidence by race according to metrics for bias to be unbiased , for specific and overall employment roles in government persists with silent scrutiny .

Black representation is uneven across aspects of the government. While the Senate still under-represents Black Americans, the percent of Black Americans working for the federal government (18.2%) is higher than the overall US population who identifies as Black (12.6%).

* Majority With Preferential Minority Status *

The U.S. Hispanic population reached 62.1 million in 2020, accounting for 19% of all Americans and making it the nation’s second largest racial or ethnic group, behind White Americans and ahead of Black Americans, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. It is also one of the fastest growing groups in the U.S. Between 2010 and 2020, the country’s Hispanic population grew 23%, up from 50.5 million in 2010 (the Asian population grew faster over the same decade). Since 1970, when Hispanics made up 5% of the U.S. population and numbered 9.6 million, the Hispanic population has grown more than sixfold.

ACTION: Interim Notice of Review and Possible Revision of OMB's Statistical Policy Directive No. 15, Race and Ethnic Standards for Federal Statistics and Administrative Reporting: Summary and Analysis of Public Comments and Brief Discussion of Research Agenda
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In the early days we called it “reverse discrimination” but soon realized it was just plain ole discrimination.
It’s over sporties, no more cheating

Supreme Court rejects affirmative action in ruling on universities using race in admissions decisions​

Without AA, the native American girl like Elizabeth Warren would never be accepted to Rutgers.

That's not what AA did. It gave one group of people an advantage over another based on skin color.
White men have ALWAYS had the advantage over every other group of folks because they are white. AA gives minorities opportunity, because they were being denied opportunity because we are not white.
Everyone who isn't getting preferential treatment based on their skin color.
Under AA, an Asian kid who grew up poor with a single Mom, and abusive Father but scored in the top 10% of all students taking the SAT/ACT and GPA has a lesser chance of making it into Harvard than Bronny James even if James scored in the top 40% of all students.
Is Brett Favre's son getting in over that Asian kid? Is amazing how when an Asian kid doesn't get you want to claim it was because a black kid got in. There are more Asian kids at Harvard than there are black, who is to say he was denied because the white kids got in.
Are you really going to act like that's not discrimination? Forget whether it's right or wrong. We have to at least come to an agreement about what AA is and isnt.
No, it's not discrimination for the simple fact that the numbers prove it's not.

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