Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

" Know Won Knows What The Future Holds "

* Raving About Nothing In A Catch Twenty Two *

In the early days we called it “reverse discrimination” but soon realized it was just plain ole discrimination.
It’s over sporties, no more cheating
The bias to appear unbiased , which is the basis of affirmative action , does not appear to be going away , or remaining in check .

It seems the loonies have missed the boat , as nothing appears to have changed , other than a court ruling that race cannot be the only determining factor for academic or role placement , and since a governance policy for government agencies is to implement bias to be unbiased towards a demographic of protected classes , then role placement will continue to seek an expectation for reflecting the proportional incidences of race in the demographic .
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Man go on somewhere with that bullshit, nobody is buying it.

You can't deny can't explain it away......

the democrat party controls the education system in the democrat party controlled cities, from top to bottom.........and they are not teaching black children reading, writing or math........this isn't me saying this....this is actual facts, and statistics showing this.......

You don't know how to respond to the facts, truth and have nothing...
Conservatives on the bench took us to what they have always took us to, more racism. AA isn't discrimination against whites or Asians, Asians make up more of the student body than black folks, so if they are being discriminated against it isn't black folks. You are right, black folks did lose to racist.

The Court has ruled you can no longer use race to discriminate against others. Everyone should welcome this ruling.
So tell us what the Republicans have done. It wasn't Democrats who were writing public policy at that time, it was Republicans.
the GOP p;assed the civil rights act of 1965, democrats tried to block it with a fillibuster, Biden said it would make our schools "a racial jungle". you have it all backwards because the media has been lying to you for decades.
" Private Institutions Accept Government Funded Positive Liberties And Compliance With Bias To Be Unbiased "

* Pseudo Science Requirements *

No surprise she couldn't get there on her own.
What should be the scholastic testing requirements be for a liberal arts program ?

Reid graduated from Harvard University in 1991 with a concentration in film, and is a 2003 Knight Center for Specialized Journalism fellow.
" Private Institutions Accept Government Funded Positive Liberties And Compliance With Bias To Be Unbiased "

* Pseudo Science Requirements *

What should be the scholastic testing requirements be for a liberal arts program ?

Reid graduated from Harvard University in 1991 with a concentration in film, and is a 2003 Knight Center for Specialized Journalism fellow.
Heh. A ''film'' major.

Munching popcorn and writing a film review she could crib from Siskel & Ebert.
You idiot. The pandemic proved what a disaster "remote learning" (let alone autodidactic learning) is for most students k-12. Your stupidity would set us up for economic collapse and an even greater surge in crime.
Fuck off ,Bastard. So one can't learn by reading BOOKS? Just answer one fucking question. What is the difference between reading a book at home and PAYING $30,000 to read the same book in College?
Not all. There are some who I disagree with on various sociopolitical issues but they do have a rationale of sorts for what they believe. Their rationale most often won't hold up when all information is included. Where they go off the deep end is they refuse to look at or consider the negative consequences of progressive policies and keep doubling down on them.

To them I say and this responds also to Coyote who unlike most rarely argues in sound bites and slogans but does make an effort to make an argument:

Diversity is a good thing. But it is diversity of creativity, of ability, of talent, of various kinds of genius, of perspective, of thought that is a good thing. Group think will rarely solve problems because it is so narrow and rarely includes all the options and possibilities and solutions that would achieve the best possible outcome.

When diversity is seen as 'skin color' while diversity of thought is discouraged and sometimes disallowed as is the case with too many universities these days, the result will invariably be mediocrity, lessened success, worse policy along with perpetuation of racism and negative long range consequences.

To our progressive friends what do you really think about black people? Would you agree to college admission policies based purely on test scores plus some personal experience and achievement? Those evaluating the applications would not see a photo of the student and there would be no race indicated? Do you believe black people would be admitted on such a system? Or would be mostly shut out?

I suspect far too many believe as this University of Michigan professor and Democrat advocate/operative believes:

Diversity is hard to separate completely from skin color or ethnicity because these factors can often influence how a person experiences the world or is judged by it. In my opinion diversity includes race, ethnicity, religion, economic class, geographic location, gender etc. Having that diversity in turn creates a diverse array of talents, perspectives and problem solving approaches. It means students are likely to encounter people they might not otherwise, as peers. It also creates diversity of thought. A rural kid White from the coalfields of WV is not going to have the same perspective as a Black kid from urban Chicago or an Asian kid whose parents immigrated from Bangladesh or …. Etc.

I do not think test scores should be that important. Unlike GPA they are heavily influenced by economic factors placing kids from schools or families with fewer resources at a disadvantage. GPA is an indication of a student‘s work ethic and achievement. Every school is going to be different. You could select students who meet the gpa range of that school and then from within that cohort make selections based on other things such achievement, personal stories, location, income level, and whether or not they are first generation. If you add changes to recruiting (for example making real efforts to target students from the areas you want then you might have a bigger and better pool of diverse applicants to choose from without race being part of the application.

In your other question, would fewer Black people be admitted, the answer seems to be yes, but not because of merit but because fewer apply (this is from what they have observed in the states that had already banned race conscious admissions. They saw a significant drop in minority applications and admissions and it took some time (and more changes) before they again came close to their prior enrollments.

I do not think test scores should be that important. Unlike GPA they are heavily influenced by economic factors placing kids from schools or families with fewer resources at a disadvantage. ...
Horseshit. Loads of resources are available to kids from lower economic circumstances. The difference comes down to motivation, time devoted to preparation, and support at home. The socio-economic factors influencing those things will affect any metric.

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