Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

I can tell you that it is not. The student with the motivation, initiative, and home support to consistently do well in school will almost always also do well on a standardized test and for the same reasons.

Maybe not….

Standardized tests that are used for the purposes of college admissions don’t predict college success very well. Scores on the widely used SAT and ACT tests only predict adequately for grades earned in a student’s first year in college. And those scores are worse predictors for black and brown students. For what it’s worth, scores from the SAT and ACT tests are good proxies for the amount of wealth students are born into: income tracks with test performance. The more money a student’s parents make, the more likely he or she will have a higher score. It follows, then, that the less money you make, the more likely you’ll be denied a chance at a selective institution. And unfortunately, the divide between the rich and the poor is widening. The achievement gap between those who make less than $80,000 and those who make more than that amount has increased from 2012 to 2016, according to a 2016 ACT report.

In addition, it’s been found that GPA is a better predictor of college success than test scores. A student that motivated and self disciplined and has a good support system can achieve a good gpa regardless of financial circumstances.

The authors of the new study, Elaine M. Allensworth and Kallie Clark, both of the University of Chicago, also found that the predictive power of GPAs is consistent across high schools. The relationship between ACT scores and college graduation depends on which high school a student attends; at many high schools there is no connection between students’ ACT scores and eventual college graduation.

“It was surprising not only to see that there was no relationship between ACT scores and college graduation at some high schools, but also to see that at many high schools the relationship was negative among students with the highest test scores,” said Allensworth, who is the director of the University of Chicago Consortium on School Research.

Across all high schools in the study, each incremental increase in GPA is associated with an increase in the odds of graduating college. The chance of graduating from college ranges from 20 percent for students with high school GPAs under 1.5 to about 80 percent for those with GPAs of 3.75 or higher, after controlling for student backgrounds and college characteristics.

“While people often think the value of GPAs is inconsistent across high schools, and that standardized test scores, like the ACT, are neutral indicators of college readiness because they are taken by everyone under the same conditions, our findings indicate otherwise,” Allensworth said. “The bottom line is that high school grades are powerful tools for gauging students’ readiness for college, regardless of which high school a student attends, while ACT scores are not.”
Fuck off ,Bastard. So one can't learn by reading BOOKS? Just answer one fucking question. What is the difference between reading a book at home and PAYING $30,000 to read the same book in College?
Accountability. How to think. Supposedly.
You can't deny can't explain it away......

the democrat party controls the education system in the democrat party controlled cities, from top to bottom.........and they are not teaching black children reading, writing or math........this isn't me saying this....this is actual facts, and statistics showing this.......

You don't know how to respond to the facts, truth and have nothing...

The truth, and facts are, 13% of the population is not a discriminatory factor against 80% of the population.

Reality is a place you do not reside in.
Take a look at most major universities today. Do you note a lot of diversity of thought? These days, diversity of thought is banned for all intents and purposes.
Colleges make the mistake of feeling that diversity of skin color makes diversity of thought and expression unnecessary. In fact they often restrict or prohibit it.
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Stop lying to yourself racist. YOU keep racism alive by practicing it.

Let me guess, you've been told by Democrats, and you believe them, that AA is necessary for you because you're too stupid to achieve anything on your own.
Let me guess, you've been told by Democrats, and you believe them, that AA is necessary for you because you're too stupid to achieve anything on your own.
It’s a form of cheating and they can’t win much on their own steam so they need and like to cheat
This is the bunch that feel boys should physically compete against girls so they can finally win and “feel good” about themselves.
Every single Asian that's rejected should file the lawsuit.

By the way, the biggest winner in this case are whites.
The biggest winners this is anyone who achieved academic success regardless of race.

At least we have established the fact that liberals think blacks are an inferior race. We always knew that though
The biggest winners this is anyone who achieved academic success regardless of race.

At least we have established the fact that liberals think blacks are an inferior race. We always knew that though
Worse still, they have convinced blacks that they are inferior and shouldn't try.
Not all. There are some who I disagree with on various sociopolitical issues but they do have a rationale of sorts for what they believe. Their rationale most often won't hold up when all information is included. Where they go off the deep end is they refuse to look at or consider the negative consequences of progressive policies and keep doubling down on them.

To them I say and this responds also to Coyote who unlike most rarely argues in sound bites and slogans but does make an effort to make an argument:

Diversity is a good thing. But it is diversity of creativity, of ability, of talent, of various kinds of genius, of perspective, of thought that is a good thing. Group think will rarely solve problems because it is so narrow and rarely includes all the options and possibilities and solutions that would achieve the best possible outcome.

When diversity is seen as 'skin color' while diversity of thought is discouraged and sometimes disallowed as is the case with too many universities these days, the result will invariably be mediocrity, lessened success, worse policy along with perpetuation of racism and negative long range consequences.

To our progressive friends what do you really think about black people? Would you agree to college admission policies based purely on test scores plus some personal experience and achievement? Those evaluating the applications would not see a photo of the student and there would be no race indicated? Do you believe black people would be admitted on such a system? Or would be mostly shut out?

I suspect far too many believe as this University of Michigan professor and Democrat advocate/operative believes:

Fair enough, but how can a Democrat liberal not totally disavow the extreme narratives or talking points and actions of the Democrat's that go off the deep end ? The very reason the radicals are as powerful as they are, is because certain alleged good Democrat's do absolutely nothing to stop the radicals. It's the same with black's when it comes to disavowing themselves from gang culture and thuggery. If they did, then the radicals doing all the killing in these blue state crap holes wouldn't even be on a radar.

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