Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

what is it when blacks demand black only dorms at colleges? is that racist, yes or no?
It seems many young blacks want to go right back to segregation. Wanting black only dorms, to be taught by only black teachers, separate dining facilities, etc. The very thing their parents and grandparents fought (and some died) to eliminate. Wanting to go backward instead of forward.
America has so much to thank Donald Trump for:

No. The student who participates in sports or music activities or has unusual other talents might not need to excel quite as much academically to qualify but there should be a minimum degree of academic excellence required for a top rated university. Otherwise those degrees are less valuable to the students who do excel academically.

And we should never have to see a university professor (also a Democrat advocate and operative) make a tweet like this one:

Justice Thomas's majority opinion clearly expressed how insulting that attitude is to bright young black people who are more than capable of qualifying on merit. And how that attitude disadvantages the brightest and best who are never allowed to be seen as qualifying on merit but will always be 'the affirmative action' token person.

The person who made that offensive tweet now has a suspended account on Twitter so we can't see the tweet anymore. But what it basically said was that the SCOTUS ruling denying universities to give favor to any particular race or races, i.e. employ affirmative action, meant that black people would ever be able to qualify for college admissions.
Idiots like you and Coyote want racism to be a part of of college admissions because the Asians are all smarter than you two racists. YOU are the racist for wanting a more qualified Asian or white passed over for a less qualified black person. Try actually doing well in school. Oh wait, a lot of you morons stuck in the 1950s think getting educated means they want to be white. See the attacks a know nothing like you makes against educated blacks like Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Candace Owens, Tim Scott.
Absolutely! The sad thing is that not only do they not recognize their own racism, they will turn around and twist words and attribute sentiment to those of us who want all races treated equally in order to scream “raaaacist!” at us. It really is a disgusting way to try to win a debate.
what is it when blacks demand black only dorms at colleges? is that racist, yes or no?
I think so for the most part. It could happen naturally just by the choice of the students and though that is unfortunate, it may just be the way it is. Just as the black church remains one of the most segregated institutions out there. But it shouldn't be policy.

But everything can't be pinned down in purely black and white terms. (Admitting shameless pun there.)

When the government set about to do urban renewal to improve roads and housing and also to break down the last vestiges of segregation via affirmative action and busing and whatever, there were some disastrous unintended consequences.

New highways sometimes cut through communities and forever segregated them when they might have otherwise become more naturally integrated. Children who felt secure and safe and had community in their schools were forced to bus to a different neighborhood where even if they were not harassed or bullied, they never felt fully accepted or included. Vital old neighborhoods where the people all knew, supported, and looked after one another were bulldozed and the people scattered into the projects that, with no pride of ownership or inclusion, all too soon became run down, vandalized, overrun with rodents and crime.

And not to be overlooked, institutions that supported, helped, advised, promoted black advancement were largely dismantled. When at one time the black demographic was the one advancing the most economically, all that came to a screeching halt. (My observation here is based on the writings of Thomas Sowell, Walter E. Williams, Shelby Steele, et al who did extensive research on all that.)

Affirmative action once had its place when it was necessary to break down artificial barriers and get the American public used to an integrated society. But once that was accomplished and laws were in place to protect everybody, affirmative action should have ended and let culture and customs develop naturally as they always have. If that had happened I think racism would be a rare and manageable event in most of America.

But the modern American left seems hell bent determined to keep it alive and well and continue to insist on policy that will keep it alive and well.

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