Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

And that tweet and your post clearly illustrate the blatant racism that Clarence Thomas has so often addressed. You accuse him of hypocrisy of benefitting from affirmative action and government largesse and don't consider or allow that he was uniquely qualified for the jobs he has held, did very commendable work in those jobs, and demonstrated the knowledge and appreciation for the Constitution and proper judicial temperament and jurisprudence.

He has been a consistent reliable constitutionalist on the High Court, maybe the most reliable constitutionalist along with Antonin Scalia.

He hates affirmative action because the most successful and bright people who happen to be black so often get no credit for their credentials, track record, success but are assumed they are where they are because of affirmative action. Just as you and the racist who wrote that tweet accuse Clarence Thomas.
Funny. I don’t see you objecting when 50% (or more) of commercials and advertising posters are of blacks, when they are only 13% of the population.

In fact, you’ve been screaming “racist” at me for MONTHS for pointing it out.

Well, you're not suppose to notice those things. I thought it's more than 50% and that makes me bigger racist than you are, I suppose.

Similarly, 6% of the members of Congress are Jews, while their share of the population is around 2%. You're not going to scream "anti-Semite" at me for noticing that, are you? :cool:
The responses are all almost exclusively divided into.:

1) Republicans, who celebrate that race cannot be a factor in deciding who gets in - thus abolishing racist policies

2) Democrats, who are furious that whites and Asians will no longer be punished for their race.

One of those groups is racist. The other one ended slavery, segregation, JC laws...
How many times must you be told this? Raw percentages mean nothing,

I could say that people with IQs of under 100 are being discriminated against because there are virtually none at. Harvard - even though they make up 50% of the population.

The fact is that, on average, Asians and Jews are better students, with substantially higher grades and scores, and that’s why they are overrepresented. They deserve to be.

I don't think "overrepresented" is a right word. I don't think they represent whole group, but they earned their spots individually. Just like NBA players earned theirs.
I don’t think that’s it. They‘ve convinced blacks that whites and Asians, Including those from poor homes, are not as deserving of opportunities as they are - even when the whites and Asians are superior students.

They’ve created a sense of entitlement among blacks that they are more deserving than the other races.
And the worst downside of that is the millions of people who happen to be black who put in the time and effort to actually qualify, excel, earn and merit what they do and have all too often don't get credit for that from their employers, colleagues, etc. who see them as a 'token black' or the 'affirmative action person' or whatever.
Wouldn't your time be better spent working toward tutors and coaches for lower-income kids who WANT the help?

I’m sure many do that. However it doesn’t change the fact that GPA is a much better predictor of success than test scores and test scores are more a predictive of economic inequality than college success. Why throw money into an industry built around promoting and maintaining standardized tests?
Whites are being punished when a white guy with a 3.8 and an SAT score of 1520 is rejected from Harvard and a black guy with a 3.5 and an SAT of 1150 gets in. The white was punished for his skin color.
No one is entitled to be admitted.
And the worst downside of that is the millions of people who happen to be black who put in the time and effort to actually qualify, excel, earn and merit what they do and have all too often don't get credit for that from their employers, colleagues, etc. who see them as a 'token black' or the 'affirmative action person' or whatever.
The same thing can be said about women….

but no one complains.
And the worst downside of that is the millions of people who happen to be black who put in the time and effort to actually qualify, excel, earn and merit what they do and have all too often don't get credit for that from their employers, colleagues, etc. who see them as a 'token black' or the 'affirmative action person' or whatever.
This is true. About one in three blacks admitted to highly competitive, prestigious programs qualified in their own right, and not due to race.
And read those pathetic dissenting opinions. Nothing but garbage and whining. Makes you wonder how they got through school.
Makes one amazed that they were actually confirmed to the bench... Talk about the most unqualified candidate's getting confirmed by Congress, and all because of what ? Because of it's fear of the entire spectacle that causes a fear for them to do what's right.. I mean I'm not saying it because of being a racist because that I am not, but they confirm their unqualified status through the idiotic bull shite coming straight out of their own mouths or disenting papers. They are just like Biden.
I’m sure many do that. However it doesn’t change the fact that GPA is a much better predictor of success than test scores and test scores are more a predictive of economic inequality than college success. Why throw money into an industry built around promoting and maintaining standardized tests?

Test scores are more predictive of bad or no parenting.
I honestly think the problem is the all out attack on our unalienable right to our expressed thoughts, beliefs, opinions, questions, proposals, concepts, theories, etc.

When the correct point of view and the correct language to express it is dictated and any other is disallowed, you destroy real diversity and will almost always miss something or choose the least productive, even sometimes the most destructive, policy or goal. The long term results/consequences will always be less satisfying and the population is dumbed down.

Universities were once great fountains of critical thinking, expansion of point of view, stretching the mind to include more possibilities. An open mind was a student's greatest asset. Now the student who writes a thesis arguing against CRT or suggests AGW should not be 'settled science' or the brilliance of John Locke and/or the French classical liberals will almost always be graded down if not flunked or even expelled in today's universities.

Again diversity of skin color brings nothing to the table any more than diversity of those descended from ancestors in Argentina or Spain or France or Germany or Russia brings anything useful to the table. Skin color should just be a feature of a person as is hair color or eye color but should be of no more importance than that. It is experience, insight, talent, ability, critical thinking that should be sought out to achieve diversity.

And today's universities do not encourage critical thinking or any other diversity of thought or perspective.
Diversity of skin color brings nothing to the table?

Do you think a black person has the same cultural experiences as a white person? You can’t be race blind until EVERYONE is race blind, and that doesn’t just apply to blacks but other groups as well.
No one is entitled to be admitted.
An Asian with a 4.0 GPA and 1560 SAT score is entitled to be judged on their qualifications, and not rejected due to being the “wrong” color in favor of a black with a 3.5 and 1180 SAT due to being the “wanted” color.

Thankfully, the SCOTUS has made it much more difficult for leftists to favor some people and discriminate against others depending on what race they are.

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