Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

The same thing can be said about women….

but no one complains.
One of my favorite friends was a brilliant black woman who was top of her field, amazing at her job, and could come up with solutions the rest of us hadn't come up with good questions for. She once told me that she had been discriminated against for being a woman far more than for being black but, like most of us, she found ways to get around that and proved her worth.

I myself have held jobs traditionally held by only men--I was hired only because they had to have somebody and I was the only one available--and was able to prove my value/worth to the organization or company and sometimes grudging admiration from my coworkers.

And every time that happens, artificial barriers come down for others.

But when the lesser qualified person is hired due to affirmative action and turns out to be mediocre or not very good at his/her job, it only creates more negative opinions and/or resentments among employers, coworkers, etc.

The only reason I mentioned race re my friend is that she also told me how hurtful it was to know she was very very good at her job, but was seen by some as the 'token' woman or 'token' black and/or the affirmative action employee and was neither appreciated nor respected in the way she deserved. She hated affirmative action with a passion for just that reason because that never happened when she was chosen because of her superior credentials and track record.
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Diversity of skin color brings nothing to the table?

Do you think a black person has the same cultural experiences as a white person? You can’t be race blind until EVERYONE is race blind, and that doesn’t just apply to blacks but other groups as well.
Black people don’t all have the same cultural experiences. They’re not a monolith.

Having a poor white kid from the projects (with top grades and scores j would add more to the diversity at Harvard than the middle-class black daughter of college-educated parents.

You really miss the point of the SCOTUS ruling. You can’t treat black people as part of a racial group, and then try to get more people in of that race simply because they ARE in that group.
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An Asian with a 4.0 GPA and 1560 SAT score is entitled to be judged on their qualifications, and not rejected due to being the “wrong” color in favor of a black with a 3.5 and 1180 SAT due to being the “wanted” color.
None the less, they are not entitled to be and there seems to be an entitlement mentality there. They are entitled to be seriously considered, but in a highly competitive school that accepts a tiny percent of it’s applications, and uses multiple metrics, that is the only thing they are entitled to.

And they are far more likely to be losing a spot to the much larger group of legacy admits.

Thankfully, the SCOTUS has made it much more difficult for leftists to favor some people and discriminate against others depending on what race they are.
They will still try to achieve a diverse campus, even if you oppose that.
One of my favorite friends was a brilliant black woman who was top of her field, amazing at her job, and could come up with solutions the rest of us hadn't come up with good questions for. She once told me that she had been discriminated against for being a woman far more than for being black but, like most of us, she found ways to get around that and proved her worth.

I myself have held jobs traditionally held by only men--I was hired only because they had to have somebody and I was the only one available--and was able to prove my value/worth to the organization or company.

And every time that happens, artificial barriers come down for others.

And the only reason I mentioned race re my friend is that she also told me how hurtful it was to know she was very very good at her job, but was seen by some as the 'token' woman or 'token' black and/or the affirmative action employee. She hated affirmative action with a passion for just that reason.
Thankfully, that won’t happen now - and bright, high-achieving blacks admitted to Harvard will be known to have gotten there due to their own abilities - and not because they are part of the ”prioritized” race UNLESS Harvard tries a workaround.
None the less, they are not entitled to be and there seems to be an entitlement mentality there. They are entitled to be seriously considered, but in a highly competitive school that accepts a tiny percent of it’s applications, and uses multiple metrics, that is the only thing they are entitled to.

And they are far more likely to be losing a spot to the much larger group of legacy admits.

They will still try to achieve a diverse campus, even if you oppose that.
I don’t oppose a diverse campus. I oppose racist admissions policies.
This is true. About one in three blacks admitted to highly competitive, prestigious programs qualified in their own right, and not due to race.
And when they are hired/accepted on merit they are most often accepted as the best guy or gal for the job. Not so much when they are the affirmative action employee.
Black kids who are academic achievers are often ostracized for “acting white.”
Caused by white leftist liberals. They've dangerously courted the black vote by interjecting racial strife by an us against them strategy, otherwise making black people think that white Republican conservatives are the devil, and they shouldn't ever conform or assimilate.

It has to be this way, because why else would blacks be so loyal to a white party of leftist liberals, and especially as crazy as they are ? It's because both groups feel like they are gaining something out of their strange relationship.
One of my favorite friends was a brilliant black woman who was top of her field, amazing at her job, and could come up with solutions the rest of us hadn't come up with good questions for. She once told me that she had been discriminated against for being a woman far more than for being black but, like most of us, she found ways to get around that and proved her worth.

I myself have held jobs traditionally held by only men--I was hired only because they had to have somebody and I was the only one available--and was able to prove my value/worth to the organization or company and sometimes grudging admiration from my coworkers.

And every time that happens, artificial barriers come down for others.

But when the lesser qualified person is hired due to affirmative action and turns out to be mediocre or not very good at his/her job, it only creates more negative opinions and/or resentments among employers, coworkers, etc.

The only reason I mentioned race re my friend is that she also told me how hurtful it was to know she was very very good at her job, but was seen by some as the 'token' woman or 'token' black and/or the affirmative action employee and was neither appreciated nor respected in the way she deserved. She hated affirmative action with a passion for just that reason because that never happened when she was chosen because of her superior credentials and track record.
I think part of the problem is the myth that affirmative action automaticly means the person is less qualified.
the GOP p;assed the civil rights act of 1965, democrats tried to block it with a fillibuster,
What have they done since 1964? Not a damn thing.
Biden said it would make our schools "a racial jungle". you have it all backwards because the media has been lying to you for decades.
Biden's dumb ass comment was made in 1977, 13yrs after that bill passed and he was speaking on busing. Not the 64 CRA.
I don’t oppose a diverse campus. I oppose racist admissions policies.
Ah, ok…then you should have no problem with recruitment strategies that target diverse neighborhoods.

Except I though you said the only diversity that matters is ideological?
You racist POS, you created the ghettoes. Well since it is more whites on welfare, it is obvious they are voting for it as well.

How many white presidents have you voted for?

Black folks go to prison while whites are given rehab or put on probation.

Get some new lies clown.

You loved percentages when you were talking about college admissions. Suddenly, percentages are things you ignore when they don't support your argument.

Let's test it. 13% of the population commits 50% of all violent crimes.
Ah, ok…then you should have no problem with recruitment strategies that target diverse neighborhoods.
You mean black neighborhoods? They certainly aren‘t going into the Asian and Jewish neighborhoods.

As long as they no longer lower the standards for blacks, like they did with their recruitment letters: they mailed them out to blacks with mid-range SAT scores as low 1150 blacks but to Asians only with 1400 or higher.
Diversity of skin color brings nothing to the table?

Do you think a black person has the same cultural experiences as a white person? You can’t be race blind until EVERYONE is race blind, and that doesn’t just apply to blacks but other groups as well.
My second generation Italian brother-in-law does not have the same cultural experience as other people. As a white person who was born into and has lived below the poverty line for quite a number of years, I do not have the same cultural experience as somehow who was born into the middle or upper class. The small town person does not have the same cultural experience as the city person. The Christian does not have the same cultural experience as the Jew or Muslim. Very few of us have identical cultural experiences as anybody else. My cultural experience is quite different than the black person born into affluence.

Experiencing poverty or any other of a thousand other circumstances of my life is part of my life experience but it does not define me. It doesn't dictate what I think, what I believe, what I know, what I can do.

Again to hold up diversity of race as desirable and forbid diversity of thought, perspective, ability, perception is so backward I don't know where to begin. But that's exactly where we find ourselves in far too much of institutional America these days.
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The dems are the perfect example

if you think on it

they don't want a meritocracy ....

A meritocracy endangers their plan otherwise their overall agenda. Black's best wake the hell up, and finally recognize that the Democrat's are keeping them close as they can, and this is in order to control the situation with the numbers gained.

Not to say that racism wasn't a problem in the past, but the nation has been ready for decades to move on, but the leftist liberals had other plans.
Idiots like you and Coyote want racism to be a part of of college admissions because the Asians are all smarter than you two racists.
No, racist like you and most on this forum want back the Good Ole Days when racism and discrimination was running rampant. Black kids are not the ones stopping Asians from getting into college, a fact that will be known in the next 4yrs.
YOU are the racist for wanting a more qualified Asian or white passed over for a less qualified black person.
It is the less qualified whites who are stopping Asians from getting into school. I posted 20 colleges yesterday and at almost everyone of them, the Asian student body is larger than the black student body. So that is a lie that white racist have used to set this country back 50yrs.
Try actually doing well in school. Oh wait, a lot of you morons stuck in the 1950s think getting educated means they want to be white. See the attacks a know nothing like you makes against educated blacks like Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Candace Owens, Tim Scott.
You want to go back to the 50s, that is exactly what racist trash like you wants and this ruling is helping you to get there. There are many black folks who have had to fight to reach success inspite of racist garbage like you and they didn't do it boot licking and cooning like Thomas, Sowell, Owens and Tim Scott. Hell Coondace Owens was too damn dumb to get a college degree and I bet you weren't patting her on the head when she used the NAACP to sue a group of white boys who were calling her names.

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