Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

My second generation Italian brother-in-law does not have the same cultural experience as other people. As a white person who was born into and has lived below the poverty line for quite a number of years, I do not have the same cultural experience as somehow who was born into the middle or upper class. The small town person does not have the same cultural experience as the city person. The Christian does not have the same cultural experience as the Jew or Muslim. Very few of us have identical cultural experiences as anybody else. My cultural experience is quite different than the black person born into affluence.

Experiencing poverty or any other of a thousand other circumstances of my life is part of my life experience but it does not define me. It doesn't dictate what I think, what I believe, what I know, what I can do.

Against to hold up diversity of race as desirable and forbid diversity of thought, perspective, ability, perception is so backward I don't know where to begin. But that's exactly where we find ourselves in far too much of institutional America these days.
Have you noticed that the same leftists singing the praises of “diversity” are silencing differing (I.e., conservative) views?
No, racist like you and most on this forum want back the Good Ole Days when racism and discrimination was running rampant. Black kids are not the ones stopping Asians from getting into college, a fact that will be known in the next 4yrs.

It is the less qualified whites who are stopping Asians from getting into school. I posted 20 colleges yesterday and at almost everyone of them, the Asian student body is larger than the black student body. So that is a lie that white racist have used to set this country back 50yrs.

You want to go back to the 50s, that is exactly what racist trash like you wants and this ruling is helping you to get there. There are many black folks who have had to fight to reach success inspite of racist garbage like you and they didn't do it boot licking and cooning like Thomas, Sowell, Owens and Tim Scott. Hell Coondace Owens was too damn dumb to get a college degree and I bet you weren't patting her on the head when she used the NAACP to sue a group of white boys who were calling her names.
COONDANCE Owens? Do you racists even hear yourselves? OMG.
I think part of the problem is the myth that affirmative action automaticly means the person is less qualified.
Affirmative action assumes that many black people are less qualified and therefore need affirmative action.
Affirmative action too often denies the qualified the respect and appreciation they deserve.

That isn't a myth. That's a fact.
Affirmative action assumes that many black people are less qualified and therefore need affirmative action.
Affirmative action too often denies the qualified the respect and appreciation they deserve.

That isn't a myth. That's a fact.
No that's some bullshit, you don't have a clue what AA is. It's amazing how racist equate AA to black folks, when white women have benefitted from it more than anyone.
No idiot, you got it wrong.

Let's see... you said:

Tell me what I got wrong please...


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