Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

I’m sure many do that. However it doesn’t change the fact that GPA is a much better predictor of success than test scores and test scores are more a predictive of economic inequality than college success. Why throw money into an industry built around promoting and maintaining standardized tests?
Even IF you are right, what difference does that make?

Comparisons by Race/Ethnicity​

  • Average GPA for Black: 2.69, Hispanic: 2.84, White: 3.09, Asian/Pacific: 3.26

As for me, my SAT scores were what got me into college. My high school grades were just okay. In fact, my French teacher agreed to give me a passing grade to get into the field I wanted IF I promised to never take French again. We both kept our word. :D

As for me, my SAT scores were what got me into college. My high school grades were just okay. In fact, my French teacher agreed to give me a passing grade to get into the field I wanted IF I promised to never take French again. We both kept our word. :D

I was so hung over the day I took the SAT I don't know how I managed to fill out the little ovals. Wasn't too worried about it.
I was so hung over the day I took the SAT I don't know how I managed to fill out the little ovals. Wasn't too worried about it.
Frankly, I was shocked. Given okay grades in high school, I expected middle-of-the-road from the SATs.
Um, no they don't. I can't think of many ways more likely to get your application rejected.
There are photographers who specialize in that kind of photography. And applicants are encouraged to have a professional photo to accompany their application rather than a selfie or some such.
Idiot, the entire basis of AA WAS BASED ON RACE! So: RACIST.

Very first definition coming up:

View attachment 800094
Admittedly being prejudiced FOR, discriminating FOR a group of people by a university or the government based solely on heritage / cultural background / skin color is the very DEFINITION of RACISM, no different than being prejudiced AGAINST or discriminating AGAINST someone is!

AA WAS RACIST. It was unconstitutional. It was just as immoral as any other action taken based on race. TWO WRONGS DO NOT MAKE A RIGHT.

End of story.
I have to laugh att thee convoluted right wing minnd.. AA was created to provide equal opportunity denied by racism.
Again it is not whether or not a person is or isn't qualified. It is the perception that the affirmative action employee likely did not merit his/her job or position or whatever just as the boss's kid in the office is usually never seen as anything other than the nepotism employee and is often resented. That is why so many businesses have a policy against nepotism. And yes, affirmative action should become a thing of the past.
That's a racist perception. Should we assume that all whites do not merrit his/her job only because of their race? Because that's what was happening before AA and it went on whilee the policy was in effect. White Racism is not a thing of the past. Whites are still getting hired and blacks denied because of race.
That's a racist perception. Should we assume that all whites do not merrit his/her job only because of their race? Because that's what was happening before AA and it went on whilee the policy was in effect. White Racism is not a thing of the past. Whites are still getting hired and blacks denied because of race.
To assume people who happen to be black cannot qualify or merit positions, jobs, promotions or whatever so affirmative action is necessary is racist.

But if hiring or appointments are made on merit, the color of one's skin will be immaterial.
To assume people who happen to be black cannot qualify or merit positions, jobs, promotions or whatever so affirmative action is necessary is racist.

But if hiring or appointments are made on merit, the color of one's skin will be immaterial.
To assume that whites have never been considered because of race when there is a 247 year minimum history of whites being hired only because of race but everybody else is being considered because of race is racist.. Hiring or admissions/appointments have not for many whites ever been based on merit.
I have to laugh att thee convoluted right wing minnd..
This is a joke, right? You are either blasted on shit or are an illiterate. Neither would surprise me.

AA was created to provide equal opportunity denied by racism.
"Equal" opportunity? Or a new kind of positive /discrimination/ as DEFINED in the historical record

to offset the admitted general ethnic differences in learning, behavior and performance between Africans and Caucasians?

Put another way, giving blacks a shorter, easier, preferred path to follow to help facilitate them meeting the government's quotas on having equal diversity in hiring between the races regardless of the filters in place, As a new way to use the American Black now that the old ways of outright and subtle slavery have run their due? And despite all of the outward complaints and protests, we see now this too is just about the money, that is, money for a few while the condition of the black man in the streets that MLK really STOOD for remains unchanged, languishing, because despite all that has been said, you wouldn't be AGAINST AA if not for admitting that most blacks still NEED it unable to get ahead without it, it means lots more good paying government jobs for blacks, because if you didn't need it you wouldn't care, and most of all, it is the new form of 21st Century slavery which you claim to be against while ignoring that welfare in any form which is what AA really is, is just slavery concealed.

Oh and, if AA was going to do any good, if it actually DID anything for people, if it hasn't helped blacks after nearly 65 years of implementation, it NEVER will and should have been ended as just another far left boondoggle a LONG TIME AGO.
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This is a joke, right? You are either blasted on shit or are an illiterate. Neither would surprise me.

"Equal" opportunity? Or a new kind of positive /discrimination/ as DEFINED in the historical record

to offset the admitted general ethnic differences in learning, behavior and performance between Africans and Caucasians?

Put another way, giving blacks a shorter, easier, preferred path to follow to help facilitate them meeting the government's quotas on having equal diversity in hiring between the races regardless of the filters in place, As a new way to use the American Black now that the old ways of outright and subtle slavery have run their due? And despite all of the outward complaints and protests, we see now this too is just about the money, that is, money for a few while the condition of the black man in the streets that MLK really STOOD for remains unchanged, languishing, because despite all that has been said, you wouldn't be AGAINST AA if not for admitting that most blacks still NEED it unable to get ahead without it, it means lots more good paying government jobs for blacks, because if you didn't need it you wouldn't care, and most of all, it is the new form of 21st slavery which you claim to be against while ignoring that welfare in any form which is what AA really is, is just slavery concealed.

Oh and, if AA was going to do any good, if it actually DID anything for people, if it hasn't helped blacks after nearly 65 years of implementation, it NEVER will and should have been ended as just another far left boondoggle a LONG TIME AGO.
Apparently you are ignorant of American history to include the present. AA was not just for blacks dumbfuck, and white women benefittedvthe most. Now since white is a race, white women cannot be considered either. AA did do some good and you don't end 188 years of damage in 59.

You need to stop smoking crack before you post idiot. AA was not discriminating against whites. all the data shows that whites were not harmed. The only people who have ever needed help in this country has been whites. Specifically white males. There is 247 years worth of legislation that proves it.
Whites used race based admissions before AA. And after AA whites will continue using race based admissions. Right wing whites never wanted to include people of color.
Apparently you are ignorant

Says the most ignorant, uneducated, RACIST on the board whose every post is as if he reads from some privately written alternate history!

IM-Nothing, you must be who Ronald Reagan was referring to when he mentioned people like you who remember everything except that everything they remember is WRONG.

Whites used race based admissions before AA. And after AA whites will continue using race based admissions. Right wing whites never wanted to include people of color.
Exactly, that is exactly what they don't want to talk about. They don't want to talk about the fact that AA helps white women more than anyone else, they have convinced Asians that they are being rejected because of black folks using AA. 4 or 5yrs from now, I want to see what the excuse is going to be.
White men have ALWAYS had the advantage over every other group of folks because they are white. AA gives minorities opportunity, because they were being denied opportunity because we are not white.

That's not what AA does. AA does exactly what you're saying the "white man" did only for not white men. Again, justification aside if you can't even admit what the program is doing how can you be for or against it?

If there are 10 spots and any of them go to a less qualified candidate based on skin color, then someone is being racially discriminated against.

Is Brett Favre's son getting in over that Asian kid? Is amazing how when an Asian kid doesn't get you want to claim it was because a black kid got in. There are more Asian kids at Harvard than there are black, who is to say he was denied because the white kids got in.

No, it's not discrimination for the simple fact that the numbers prove it's not.

The numbers do say it's racial discrimination. They proved that in the court case. At Harvard a poor Asian or white kid who scores in the top decile has a lesser chance of being accepted for admission than a rich black kid who scored in the 40th decile. In other words Harvard (and colleges all over the country) are discriminating against Asian and white applicants because of their race. You can make all the justification for that you want but it doesnt change what was happening.

What this court case did was remove race from the equation. The people making the decision about who's accepted or not wont know what the race of the applicant is so how would they be able to discriminate based on a person's race?
That's not what AA does. AA does exactly what you're saying the "white man" did only for not white men. Again, justification aside if you can't even admit what the program is doing how can you be for or against it?

If there are 10 spots and any of them go to a less qualified candidate based on skin color, then someone is being racially discriminated against.

The numbers do say it's racial discrimination. They proved that in the court case. At Harvard a poor Asian or white kid who scores in the top decile has a lesser chance of being accepted for admission than a rich black kid who scored in the 40th decile. In other words Harvard (and colleges all over the country) are discriminating against Asian and white applicants because of their race. You can make all the justification for that you want but it doesnt change what was happening.

What this court case did was remove race from the equation. The people making the decision about who's accepted or not wont know what the race of the applicant is so how would they be able to discriminate based on a person's race?
The problem is….the Court left the colleges a way around that. They are allowed to consider how an applicant overcame “racism” as explained in their essays, and thus every single black applicant will be looking for racism to report, and every college will know who the black applicants are. They will then have a category called “overcoming obstacles,” and give the advantage to blacks.

Hmmmm…..I wonder if Jewish applicants can write of the antisemitism they faced and get extra points for that. Something tells me no.
Exactly, that is exactly what they don't want to talk about.
What's that? That all AA has done in 65 years is funnel money to democrats keeping them in office and getting you to keep voting for them because THIS time, it REALLY mattered and change was right around the corner? While actually never doing anything for black people it promised to serve? Revolution! Power to the people! :auiqs.jpg:

They don't want to talk about the fact that AA helps white women more than anyone else,
If that were true then why would you care, much less not believe that it would be the WHITE people not blacks, fighting to keep it? Are you even for real? You talk like an idiot with a 5th grade education.

Maybe you are Jethro's "brutha." :71:
What's that? That all AA has done in 65 years is funnel money to democrats keeping them in office and getting you to keep voting for them because THIS time, it REALLY mattered and change was right around the corner? While actually never doing anything for black people it promised to serve?

If that were true then why would you care, much less not believe that it would be the WHITE peopler not blacks, fighting to keep it? Are you even for real? You talk like an idiot with a 5th grade education.

Maybe you are Jethro's "brutha." :71:
1. Really, if AA were to have worked, it would have taken just ONE generation: let blacks who are lesser qualified into great colleges, and then their children grow up in middle-class comfort and don’t need extra bonus points for their “blackness.”

2. Who is Jethro?

3. I agree that Superbro does not sound like a college graduate.

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