Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

1. Really, if AA were to have worked, it would have taken just ONE generation: let blacks who are lesser qualified into great colleges, and then their children grow up in middle-class comfort and don’t need extra bonus points for their “blackness.”
Well, Superbad seems to have made the case for the old heredity vs. environment argument unwittingly not in his favor, for you see, it is bad enough a guy like him who only argues and advocates for black causes calling everyone a racist comes on here trying to tell us that AA really benefited white people the most while complaining SCOTUS found it unconstitutional, but if AA actually worked at all in 65 years of helping put blacks and other minorities in touch with ivy league schools, then if behavior and performance benefited from ENVIRONMENT then Blacks would have prospered greatly! But Superbro is saying they DIDN'T benefit from the environment of colleges and universities of learning which then only leaves HEREDITY left as the controlling factor! And if heredity and not environment is what has held blacks back, then, THEY ONLY HAVE THEMSELVES TO BLAME. But somehow in Superbro's warped account of history, Blacks did not even benefit from and missed out on a program AIMED at benefitting them despite SIXTY-FIVE years of trying, spending vast amounts of money on, and government data to the contrary.

2. Who is Jethro?
Bodine. Sixth grade education.

3. I agree that Superbro does not sound like a college graduate.
He sounds more like the janitor who pressed the wrong button on the freezer destroying a million dollars of genetic research that'll take years and years to replace.
Even IF you are right, what difference does that make?

Comparisons by Race/Ethnicity​

  • Average GPA for Black: 2.69, Hispanic: 2.84, White: 3.09, Asian/Pacific: 3.26

As for me, my SAT scores were what got me into college. My high school grades were just okay. In fact, my French teacher agreed to give me a passing grade to get into the field I wanted IF I promised to never take French again. We both kept our word. :D
These aren’t the GPA’s that get a Black student into Harvard…in terms of difference, GPA’s are less influenced by wealth and more indicative of success. (I hated French!).
The problem is….the Court left the colleges a way around that. They are allowed to consider how an applicant overcame “racism” as explained in their essays, and thus every single black applicant will be looking for racism to report, and every college will know who the black applicants are. They will then have a category called “overcoming obstacles,” and give the advantage to blacks.

Hmmmm…..I wonder if Jewish applicants can write of the antisemitism they faced and get extra points for that. Something tells me no.
Every single applicant is allowed to wrote about their personal life experiences and how overcoming adversity might have whether it is poverty, being a child of immigrants, growing up on a reservation, facing bigotry or antisemitism. Except for for Blacks.

Every single applicant is likely coached in what to write to maximize chances of admission, and no one objects. Except for Blacks.
Every single applicant is allowed to wrote about their personal life experiences and how overcoming adversity might have whether it is poverty, being a child of immigrants, growing up on a reservation, facing bigotry or antisemitism. Except for for Blacks.

Every single applicant is likely coached in what to write to maximize chances of admission, and no one objects. Except for Blacks.
I was explaining to the other poster that colleges will still be able to identify which applicants are black.

Enough with your snark.
1. Really, if AA were to have worked, it would have taken just ONE generation: let blacks who are lesser qualified into great colleges, and then their children grow up in middle-class comfort and don’t need extra bonus points for their “blackness.”

2. Who is Jethro?

3. I agree that Superbro does not sound like a college graduate.
Lisa, you sound like a bitter racist who wasn't smart enough to get into college and you needed someone to blame for your short comings and you blamed it on black folks.
" Court Did Not Deny Diversity Interests Guided By Academic Panels Only The Extent To Which Race Was Emphasized The Decision Making Process "

* Sensitivity Button *

Every single applicant is allowed to wrote about their personal life experiences and how overcoming adversity might have whether it is poverty, being a child of immigrants, growing up on a reservation, facing bigotry or antisemitism. Except for for Blacks.
Every single applicant is likely coached in what to write to maximize chances of admission, and no one objects. Except for Blacks.
Why is being a child of an immigrant relevant or considered for bonus over heritage ; why not get to the end of line , no cutting in line ?

As semitic is a racial reference to the genetic lineage of eponymous shem , as in ha shem ( the name ) , such that as the ash kin of the nazis are from the lineage of japheth , by means of gomer , they could not be subjected to race based bigotry , because the racemic traits of shem are not common with those from the lineages of japheth .

Thus those claiming antisemitism while attempting to capitalize on bigotry based on a non transient quality of race are disingenuous , as the scope of bigotry would only be limited to the creed of edicts and tenets for the belief system of torahnism .
Lisa, you sound like a bitter racist who wasn't smart enough to get into college and you needed someone to blame for your short comings and you blamed it on black folks.
Yeah, right….accepted to every college I applied, and graduated top of my class, Phi Beta Kappa.

You, otoh, sound like an entitled black man who not only gained by taking a better qualified white person’s seat, but whose children did as well, and want to keep the anti-white racism going for your grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Sorry, but time to compete fairly.
Yeah, right….accepted to every college I applied, and graduated top of my class, Phi Beta Kappa.

You, otoh, sound like an entitled black man who not only gained by taking a better qualified white person’s seat, but whose children did as well, and want to keep the anti-white racism going for your grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Sorry, but time to compete fairly.
So AA got you over the top as well, it just goes to prove it has helped white women mire than anyone.

I served in the military, I am a disabled Vet, so which white person did I steal that from? After my military service I went to college, I pretty sure I earned the use of the GI Bill don't think I stole that from anyone. As long as, their are white folks like you around racism is alive and well.
So AA got you over the top as well, it just goes to prove it has helped white women mire than anyone.

I served in the military, I am a disabled Vet, so which white person did I steal that from? After my military service I went to college, I pretty sure I earned the use of the GI Bill don't think I stole that from anyone. As long as, their are white folks like you around racism is alive and well.
How did it get me over the top? I just laid out my academic accomplishments, which shows I got in and succeeded without benefit of favoritism.

You should be down on the ground thanking your lucky stars that your ancestor was taken here in a slave ship. Not only did you likely gain admission to college due to AA, we taxpayers funded your education!
Asians weren't being discriminated against.

Asians are six percent of the American population, but they were 25.9 percent of the students entering Harvard in 2021. That is a full ten percentage points more than African Americans (15.9%) and more than double the percentage of both Hispanics (12.5%) and Native Americans (11%). In fact, there were more Asians admitted into Harvard than Hispanics and Native Americans combined.

Admissions Statistics, A Brief Profile of the Admitted Class of 2025, Harvard welcomes students from across the country and all over, Admissions Statistics
As a culture, Asians put a premium on education and are successful moreso than any other race or ethnicity; including whites.
How did it get me over the top? I just laid out my academic accomplishments, which shows I got in and succeeded without benefit of favoritism.
How do you know that it got black students over the top? Many of them have the academic accomplishments that you do and more.
You should be down on the ground thanking your lucky stars that your ancestor was taken here in a slave ship.
Are you thanking your lucky stars that your ancestors suffered through the Holocaust.
Not only did you likely gain admission to college due to AA, we taxpayers funded your education!
So you as a white woman got into college because you are smart as hell, but me as a black man I got in through AA and you wonder why folks call you a dumbass racist.
This was the proper ruling.
Yes, I am in agreement with this decision. Justice Thomas, at one time, has said that Affirmative Action was necessary, and it probably was. However, we are way past that now, there being many brilliant black and brown graduates, who did it based upon their intelligence and leadership skills and are having a positive effect on our society.
Yes, I am in agreement with this decision. Justice Thomas, at one time, has said that Affirmative Action was necessary, and it probably was. However, we are way past that now, there being many brilliant black and brown graduates, who did it based upon their intelligence and leadership skills and are having a positive effect on our society.
There was many brilliant black and brown students b4 AA, but that brilliance was denied because they were denied the opportunity. Clarence Thomas hates the fact thst he was born black and that hate is so deep that he will destroy the very avenue that gave him the opportunity to accel.
This court case is not about anti-Asian discrimination. It’s a manufactured case about maintaining White privilege and creating divisions, not healing them. Prior to a 1978 Supreme Court decision, schools set aside a certain number of seats specifically for Asian Americans to combat very real racism. That decision ended the quota system but allowed race to still be considered (including Asian) in admissions.

Dig a little deeper…

"Asians were standing in as proxies for white students," says Jeff Chang, a writer and activist who has long fought for affirmative action. "That's essentially the strategy that Ed Blum used."

That strategy, before a far right Supreme Court, would finally be a winning one for Blum. But to reach this goal, scholars like Chang say he and his colleagues pitted Asian Americans against Black and Latino communities, using both real issues and false narratives, to end policies that had helped diversify college campuses.

…."In the case of university admissions over the past decade, Asians serve as this sort of mask for white privilege," Chang says. "A mask that white privilege can wear in order to hide itself." A mask, he says, with the veneer of very real experiences of racism by Asian Americans.

"Is anti-Asian racism real? Yeah, absolutely," says OiYan Poon, a professor at Colorado State University who studies race-based admissions. "I have experienced it firsthand."

But according to her research, affirmative action is not the source of that racism.

"I've been pouring over the data for years," she says — including the admissions data of Harvard before the court in one of the case that just ended affirmative action. "There is no evidence that there's a practice of anti-Asian discrimination."

"Predominantly white, conservative political forces are leveraging this experience of being racially marginalized among Asian Americans to say, yeah, and by the way, there's this policy that you're not benefiting from," Poon says.

"It's really tapping into fear with zero evidence."

Chang was a student at Berkeley, part of a cohort of students fighting against Asian American exclusion in the decade after, in the 1980s. (This was before California's 1996 ban on affirmative action created a steep drop off in Black and Latino students on University of California campuses).

Chang says when he was at Berkeley there was evidence schools were purposefully suppressing Asian American admission — not because those seats were going to Black or Latino students, but because they were going to white ones.

"We were able to get the University of California to actually admit that they had discriminated against Asian Americans by dis-advantaging them in what we're supposed to be head-to-head, merit-based types of competitions between Asian and white students," Chang says.

Chang says he can't help but notice that Blum and his supporters borrowed, even co-opted, their movement and their message, along with some of their legal strategies, but for the exact opposite ends. Instead of fighting for affirmative action, they were fighting to kill it.

The group Chang co-founded in 1987 was called the Student Coalition for Fair Admissions.

When Blum founded his organization in 2014 he called it Students for Fair Admissions, or SFA.

But for one word, it was an exact copy of the name of the organization Chang co-founded.

But the missing word—coalition—is a key one. Chang's group was founded and filled with Asian American students and activists. Blum's group, on the other hand, was founded by a white man and "never produced any students who were discriminated against as they had in the Fisher case," Chang says. Some students have spoken out in the media, but none have testified in court.

Split and conquer is an old tactic pitting minority against minority when the real benefactors are Whites and “stolen” seats 43%) go to predom White legacy and donor students.

They co-opted Asian discriminationand pitted them against other minorities, mainly Blacks. Not any other (like White women) who benefitted from AA.
I was explaining to the other poster that colleges will still be able to identify which applicants are black.

Enough with your snark.
Poor baby. You snark at others so deal with it when it’s dished back and don’t whine.

So are you saying it is ok for a Jew to write about how he was affected by anti-semitism, it is ok for an Asian to write about how the pressure of living up to the myth of being a model minority affected him, it’s ok for a Hispanic immigrant student to write about overcoming language barriers and prejudices and misogyny she faced when sand succeeding, it’s ok for a woman to write about the pressures she faced when she wanted to decided she wanted to be a journalist reporting on sports like football….but a Black can’t include any of his chalenges that involve race?
There are photographers who specialize in that kind of photography. And applicants are encouraged to have a professional photo to accompany their application rather than a selfie or some such.
No. One of the worst things you can do to a college application.
As a culture, Asians put a premium on education and are successful moreso than any other race or ethnicity; including whites.
As a culture that is untrue.

Asians include China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and within those groups multiple different ethnic groups like Hmong. If you add East Asians (very different) you have even more diversity. Do you really think they all have the same culture as a “race”?

There are photographers who specialize in that kind of photography. And applicants are encouraged to have a professional photo to accompany their application rather than a selfie or some such.
When it comes to these elite schools resumes begin by getting into the “right” pre-school and go right through the application process which is very high end and professionally done. Remember the big sport scandal?
3. I agree that Superbro does not sound like a college graduate.
I suspect he is a low level government worker. Maybe worked in the Sanitation department or was a janitor at some County or City level office.

Either that or on welfare.

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