Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

As a culture that is untrue.

Asians include China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and within those groups multiple different ethnic groups like Hmong. If you add East Asians (very different) you have even more diversity. Do you really think they all have the same culture as a “race”?

I’m referring to Asian Americans.

I suspect he is a low level government worker. Maybe worked in the Sanitation department or was a janitor at some County or City level office.

Either that or on welfare.
How do you know that it got black students over the top? Many of them have the academic accomplishments that you do and more.

Are you thanking your lucky stars that your ancestors suffered through the Holocaust.

So you as a white woman got into college because you are smart as hell, but me as a black man I got in through AA and you wonder why folks call you a dumbass racist.
Just going by statistics, hon. We’ve posted the chart many times showing how blacks with slightly-above average GPAs and SAT scores have a good chance of getting into the best schools, while whites and Asians with those same scores have a snowball’s chance in hell.
Well, Superbad seems to have made the case for the old heredity vs. environment argument unwittingly not in his favor, for you see, it is bad enough a guy like him who only argues and advocates for black causes calling everyone a racist comes on here trying to tell us that AA really benefited white people the most while complaining SCOTUS found it unconstitutional, but if AA actually worked at all in 65 years of helping put blacks and other minorities in touch with ivy league schools, then if behavior and performance benefited from ENVIRONMENT then Blacks would have prospered greatly! But Superbro is saying they DIDN'T benefit from the environment of colleges and universities of learning which then only leaves HEREDITY left as the controlling factor! And if heredity and not environment is what has held blacks back, then, THEY ONLY HAVE THEMSELVES TO BLAME. But somehow in Superbro's warped account of history, Blacks did not even benefit from and missed out on a program AIMED at benefitting them despite SIXTY-FIVE years of trying, spending vast amounts of money on, and government data to the contrary.

Bodine. Sixth grade education.

He sounds more like the janitor who pressed the wrong button on the freezer destroying a million dollars of genetic research that'll take years and years to replace.
Some people believe in the liberal, egalitarian principle that all people should be treated the same.
Leftist practitioners of identity politics do not.

Despite how people frame this decision, it acts according to liberal principles. One's fixed traits should provide neither an advantage nor a handicap towards their success in life, and this decision is a victory for equality against the illiberal forces seeking to punish some in order to install an authoritarian sense of "equity".
Poor baby. You snark at others so deal with it when it’s dished back and don’t whine.

So are you saying it is ok for a Jew to write about how he was affected by anti-semitism, it is ok for an Asian to write about how the pressure of living up to the myth of being a model minority affected him, it’s ok for a Hispanic immigrant student to write about overcoming language barriers and prejudices and misogyny she faced when sand succeeding, it’s ok for a woman to write about the pressures she faced when she wanted to decided she wanted to be a journalist reporting on sports like football….but a Black can’t include any of his chalenges that involve race?
No. Are you so eager to falsely accuse me of racism that you pretend not to understand the point?

The point is that an Asian or Jew who writes of bigotry will not be “rewarded” by elite schools because they are not looking to artificially raise their numbers. In fact, ”outing” oneself as a Jew or Asian can HURT their chances.

The only group who will gain by talking about racism and bigotry against them are blacks - because the schools are still seeking to find ways to favor blacks and discriminate against whites and Asians.
No. Are you so eager to falsely accuse me of racism that you pretend not to understand the point?
We have come to the point in our country that a person has to advocate for systems of privilege for certain identities or else be accused of racism. Correspondingly, the same is true if one fails to advocate AGAINST other identities.

How utterly Orwellian. These "anti" racists are the biggest racists around.
To assume that whites have never been considered because of race when there is a 247 year minimum history of whites being hired only because of race but everybody else is being considered because of race is racist.. Hiring or admissions/appointments have not for many whites ever been based on merit.
I make no such assumptions. I am well aware of the history of racism and sexism and all the other 'isms in this country and I am also well aware of how, at great personal cost to millions, all that has been addressed and for the most part remedied.

All the necessary laws are now in place to deal with blatant and harmful racism in our country and that has been the case for almost six decades now. We did need affirmative action for awhile to break down the cultural artificial barriers that remained but that was accomplished within a few years.

Now affirmative action, demands for reparations, demanding that black people be seen as an oppressed class rather too sensitive and fragile to tease or joke with or enjoy having fun with old stereotypes is preventing too many black people from just being normal Americans in normal American society.

People with attitudes like yours are what is keeping racism alive and well in this country.
People with attitudes like yours are what is keeping racism alive and well in this country.
Black people like him exhibiting nothing but hatred against white people are certainly keeping racism alive. The bigger problem, as I see it, lies in the huge number of white people who roll on their back and pee on their belly in abject racial shame when encountering the blatant racism of those like him.

The left has infantilized blacks by enabling the very most childish attributes among them, the most salient of which involves taking any responsibility for their own actions and attitudes.
Black people like him exhibiting nothing but hatred against white people are certainly keeping racism alive. The bigger problem, as I see it, lies in the huge number of white people who roll on their back and pee on their belly in abject racial shame when encountering the blatant racism of those like him.

The left has infantilized blacks by enabling the very most childish attributes among them, the most salient of which involves taking any responsibility for their own actions and attitudes.
I’m more angry at the white leftists than the blacks who want to keep the anti-white racism going. I can understand why blacks would want continued special favoritism at the admissions office, even though it’s still racism and is wrong, but whites who want to make it harder for better-qualified whites to get in are just self-loathing.
No. One of the worst things you can do to a college application.

No. One of the worst things you can do to a college application.
Maybe. On further research I don't see it as a requirement except for some scholarship programs and a suggestion that for colleges who do employ affirmative action.

At the same time there is this:

So I don't know. I saw one Georgetown application form that did offer a space for an optional photo. But you may be right that it isn't common.
Maybe. On further research I don't see it as a requirement except for some scholarship programs and a suggestion that for colleges who do employ affirmative action.

At the same time there is this:

So I don't know. I saw one Georgetown application form that did offer a space for an optional photo. But you may be right that it isn't common.
I have spoken at length with many, many admissions officers at many colleges. They have all told me that if an application comes with a photo they are highly likely to place it in the circular file just to avoid problems if nothing else.
The point is not whether they are qualified or capable though most of us in affirmative action situations have witnessed at least one or more cases where somebody got the job because of their sex or skin color and were not capable or qualified to do the job. Affirmative action by its very nature lowers standards (including expectations) and unfortunately that taints perception of those who actually do qualify and merit their position.

If we have true equality everybody has to meet the same standards regardless of their sex or skin color or sexual orientation or anything else.

These people who claim removing affirmative action allows discrimination would scream bloody murder if the high court required that photos and race be omitted from college applications and admissions be on merit alone.
So then you agree with my position?
Oh, dear. How does one cope with life when your pronouns are delicate flower and emotional basketcase?

I suspect this is the end result of no objective standards or more likely, an abandonment of objective standards in favor of joining the leftist, tender sensibility groupies. If qualifications for law school are abandoned, I suppose there will eventually be hordes of buffoons who are only suited to pleading down parking tickets in traffic court.

Black people like him exhibiting nothing but hatred against white people are certainly keeping racism alive. The bigger problem, as I see it, lies in the huge number of white people who roll on their back and pee on their belly in abject racial shame when encountering the blatant racism of those like him.

The left has infantilized blacks by enabling the very most childish attributes among them, the most salient of which involves taking any responsibility for their own actions and attitudes.
I agree that many attitudes of the left toward black people are absolutely racist and a major reason there is so much racial unrest these days.
So then you agree with my position?
Maybe. I don't know you well enough and your post contained too much wiggle room for me to be certain of exactly what you are arguing. I didn't see anything I automatically would argue with, but in all honestly I wasn't exactly sure what you were getting at either.

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