Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

Liberals never adhere to the law.

Just look how these despicable Democrats are ignoring the right to keep and bear arms rulings and the laws established by Congress for immigration, as examples.

I hope you realize that "how many kids have to die" is not rhetorical question or a political statement, but rather is a threat they will stop at nothing to take your guns from you.
Diversity is hard to separate completely from skin color or ethnicity because these factors can often influence how a person experiences the world or is judged by it. In my opinion diversity includes race, ethnicity, religion, economic class, geographic location, gender etc. Having that diversity in turn creates a diverse array of talents, perspectives and problem solving approaches. It means students are likely to encounter people they might not otherwise, as peers. It also creates diversity of thought. A rural kid White from the coalfields of WV is not going to have the same perspective as a Black kid from urban Chicago or an Asian kid whose parents immigrated from Bangladesh or …. Etc.

I do not think test scores should be that important. Unlike GPA they are heavily influenced by economic factors placing kids from schools or families with fewer resources at a disadvantage. GPA is an indication of a student‘s work ethic and achievement. Every school is going to be different. You could select students who meet the gpa range of that school and then from within that cohort make selections based on other things such achievement, personal stories, location, income level, and whether or not they are first generation. If you add changes to recruiting (for example making real efforts to target students from the areas you want then you might have a bigger and better pool of diverse applicants to choose from with race being part of the application.

In your other question, would fewer Black people be admitted, the answer seems to be yes, but not because of merit but because fewer apply (this is from what they have observed in the states that had already banned race conscious admissions. They saw a significant drop in minority applications and admissions and it took some time (and more changes) before they again came close to their prior enrollments.
Until skin color is treated as of no more importance than eye color or hair color, the system will continue to be racist at the detriment of those most harmed by racism.

And again if black people can't qualify for college admissions and aren't applying for that reason, we need to look at the failure of the public schools to properly educate black students. That's where you'll find the racism.
Liberals are generally stupid, so there is a good chance they will simply burn down these universities to express their rage.

The left's claim is that they're smarter because most of professors and students lean left.
It seems left is pissed of they won't be able to get in that easy anymore and retain being "smart" status.
Great way to prove how actually stupid they are.
Worse still, they have convinced blacks that they are inferior and shouldn't try.
I don’t think that’s it. They‘ve convinced blacks that whites and Asians, Including those from poor homes, are not as deserving of opportunities as they are - even when the whites and Asians are superior students.

They’ve created a sense of entitlement among blacks that they are more deserving than the other races.
Diversity is hard to separate completely from skin color or ethnicity because these factors can often influence how a person experiences the world or is judged by it. In my opinion diversity includes race, ethnicity, religion, economic class, geographic location, gender etc. Having that diversity in turn creates a diverse array of talents, perspectives and problem solving approaches. It means students are likely to encounter people they might not otherwise, as peers. It also creates diversity of thought. A rural kid White from the coalfields of WV is not going to have the same perspective as a Black kid from urban Chicago or an Asian kid whose parents immigrated from Bangladesh or …. Etc.

I do not think test scores should be that important. Unlike GPA they are heavily influenced by economic factors placing kids from schools or families with fewer resources at a disadvantage. GPA is an indication of a student‘s work ethic and achievement. Every school is going to be different. You could select students who meet the gpa range of that school and then from within that cohort make selections based on other things such achievement, personal stories, location, income level, and whether or not they are first generation. If you add changes to recruiting (for example making real efforts to target students from the areas you want then you might have a bigger and better pool of diverse applicants to choose from with race being part of the application.

In your other question, would fewer Black people be admitted, the answer seems to be yes, but not because of merit but because fewer apply (this is from what they have observed in the states that had already banned race conscious admissions. They saw a significant drop in minority applications and admissions and it took some time (and more changes) before they again came close to their prior enrollments.
No way is or should skin color ever be attached to a person's abilities and world view. Nice try, but that didn't work.

The only way that happens is if the person is raised wrong or is groomed to think in such a way. We all know people who don't like us, our views, and our looks even, but we get away from those people and find those who do like us, help us, and friendship with us instead of hurt us. If a person tries to bend the mind of his children or friend's, then as soon as one can, it best to get away from that person.

Personal problems don't belong in the job market, training facilities, school's and/or etc.

If a person is known to have been brainwashed, then offering help to that person is all a specialized program, private school or individual can do for that person, but they have to show a want to move on, and not instead get a handout for nothing..... Worse if the person gets in, then the institution might find that the person is actually the problem, and not other's for whom the person blames. Then what ? Colin Kaepernick comes to mind.
I don’t think that’s it. They‘ve convinced blacks that whites and Asians, Including those from poor homes, are not as deserving of opportunities as they are - even when the whites and Asians are superior students.

They’ve created a sense of entitlement among blacks that they are more deserving than the other races.
Could very well be.
Since it was revealed that the US Supreme Court would be ruling on Affirmative Action (partially), protesters have been showing up with signs protesting against the abolition of AA. These protesters are doing 2 things ..

1. Displaying their anti-white and anti-Asian racism.
2. Displaying their inability to compete fairly for college admissions


Interesting how some of these pro-Affirmative Action protesters are Asian. The very VICTIM group who sued Harvard University, and for whom the SCOTUS cast its decision.
Are these kids so brainwashed in their classrooms, that they don't who's who ?

Here are the more enlightened ones >>>
Imagine how stupid and brainwashed you have to be to protest against your own interests.

The clamor for reparations will increase because this 50 year old reparation just got canned
Lisa do you hold a college degree?

Why should a middle-class child with the advantage of college-educate parents get in ahead of a lower-income black kid with high-school educated parents. Are you assuming the lower-income white kid has better grades than the middle class black kid?

The SCOTUS just gave racist like Flash, thehawk and yourself what you wanted, to bring back racist practices from the 40s and 50s.
Idiots like you and Coyote want racism to be a part of of college admissions because the Asians are all smarter than you two racists. YOU are the racist for wanting a more qualified Asian or white passed over for a less qualified black person. Try actually doing well in school. Oh wait, a lot of you morons stuck in the 1950s think getting educated means they want to be white. See the attacks a know nothing like you makes against educated blacks like Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Candace Owens, Tim Scott.
I hope you realize that "how many kids have to die" is not rhetorical question or a political statement, but rather is a threat they will stop at nothing to take your guns from you.
The great majority of the "kids" that are dying in the US are the inner city ghetto thugs, gang bangers and druggies in the Democrat big city shitholes.
Fair enough, but how can a Democrat liberal not totally disavow the extreme narratives or talking points and actions of the Democrat's that go off the deep end ? The very reason the radicals are as powerful as they are, is because certain alleged good Democrat's do absolutely nothing to stop the radicals. It's the same with black's when it comes to disavowing themselves from gang culture and thuggery. If they did, then the radicals doing all the killing in these blue state crap holes wouldn't even be on a radar.
I honestly think the problem is the all out attack on our unalienable right to our expressed thoughts, beliefs, opinions, questions, proposals, concepts, theories, etc.

When the correct point of view and the correct language to express it is dictated and any other is disallowed, you destroy real diversity and will almost always miss something or choose the least productive, even sometimes the most destructive, policy or goal. The long term results/consequences will always be less satisfying and the population is dumbed down.

Universities were once great fountains of critical thinking, expansion of point of view, stretching the mind to include more possibilities. An open mind was a student's greatest asset. Now the student who writes a thesis arguing against CRT or suggests AGW should not be 'settled science' or the brilliance of John Locke and/or the French classical liberals will almost always be graded down if not flunked or even expelled in today's universities.

Again diversity of skin color brings nothing to the table any more than diversity of those descended from ancestors in Argentina or Spain or France or Germany or Russia brings anything useful to the table. Skin color should just be a feature of a person as is hair color or eye color but should be of no more importance than that. It is experience, insight, talent, ability, critical thinking that should be sought out to achieve diversity.

And today's universities do not encourage critical thinking or any other diversity of thought or perspective.
Until skin color is treated as of no more importance than eye color or hair color, the system will continue to be racist at the detriment of those most harmed by racism.

And again if black people can't qualify for college admissions and aren't applying for that reason, we need to look at the failure of the public schools to properly educate black students. That's where you'll find the racism.
what is it when blacks demand black only dorms at colleges? is that racist, yes or no?
If you throw a black young man who can’t swim into the Harvard swimming pool, he will still drown

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