Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

Do you think a kid from a small town in Mingo County, WV is going to think the same as a kid from suburban San Francisco?

Take a look at most major universities today. Do you note a lot of diversity of thought? These days, diversity of thought is banned for all intents and purposes.
Horseshit. Loads of resources are available to kids from lower economic circumstances.
What resources are available to low income kids compared to upper income kids in terms of test prep?

The difference comes down to motivation, time devoted to preparation, and support at home. The socio-economic factors influencing those things will affect any metric.
GPA is less influenced by them.
Take a look at most major universities today. Do you note a lot of diversity of thought? These days, diversity of thought is banned for all intents and purposes.
I think there is some truth there, but it is also arguable because there certainly is diversity of thought within the student body. There is also a self-selection aspect. Those enrolling in business are likely going to be more conservative than those enrolling in basket weaving.
No, it's not discrimination for the simple fact that the numbers prove it's not.
" Affirmative Action Bias as Unbiased Via Racial Proportions Of Population And Worse "

* Scotus Of Mumble Jumble Ambiguity Reiterates Previous Considerations On Equal Protection And Race *

The Court has ruled you can no longer use race to discriminate against others. Everyone should welcome this ruling.
The court concluded that the selection process for candidates by the universities was sufficiently ambiguous so that the court was compelled to rule that the admissions process was not sufficiently compliant with the equal protection clause of us 14th amendment , but the court also related that race may be included as a factor of consideration , along with other factors for consideration .

* Queen Of Spain Dumps More Nights Of Columbus Opportunists *

The court related that the protected class category of hispanic was under defined ; clearly , any with a modicum of sense understands that white hispanics are of european descent which have migrated from latin america .

So why should white hispanics receive any greater preference over whites from the united states or over whites from any other geographic region ?

Second, respondents’ admissions programs fail to articulate a meaningful connection between the means they employ and the goals they pursue. To achieve the educational benefits of diversity, respondents measure the racial composition of their classes using racial categories Cite as: 600 U. S. ____ (2023)
Syllabus that are plainly overbroad (expressing, for example, no concern whether South Asian or East Asian students are adequately represented as “Asian”); arbitrary or undefined (the use of the category “Hispanic”); or underinclusive (no category at all for Middle Eastern students). The unclear connection between the goals that respondents seek and the means they employ preclude courts from meaningfully scrutinizing respondents’ admissions programs.

* Court Of Bleating Nonsense To Dumb Sheep *

I. Data Collection Standards and Rationale for Selection

A. Race and Ethnicity

The starting point for the race and ethnicity data collection standards is OMB's current government-wide standard, issued in 1997 after a comprehensive public engagement process and extensive field testing. The principles underlying these government-wide standards are described below. The justifications for these principles are described by OMB in detail at

  • The specified race and ethnicity categories provide a minimum set of categories except when the collection involves a sample of such size that the data on the smaller categories would be unreliable, or when the collection effort focuses on a specific racial or ethnic group.
    • The OMB minimum categories for race are: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and White.
    • The OMB minimum categories for ethnicity are: Hispanic or Latino and Not Hispanic or Latino.

Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity​

Summary: In 1977, OMB issued the Race and Ethnic Standards for Federal Statistics and Administrative Reporting that are set forth in Statistical Policy Directive No. 15. The standards in this Directive have been used for almost two decades throughout the Federal government for recordkeeping, collection, and presentation of data on race and Hispanic origin. The standards have been used in two decennial censuses and in surveys of the population, data collections necessary for meeting statutory requirements associated with civil rights monitoring and enforcement, and in other administrative program reporting.

During the past several years, the standards have come under increasing criticism from those who believe that the minimum categories set forth in Directive No. 15 do not reflect the increasing diversity of our Nation's population. Some have also proposed changing the names of some categories. In response to the criticisms, OMB initiated a review of the Directive. As a first step in this process, OMB asked the Committee on National Statistics (CNSTAT) of the National Academy of Sciences to organize a workshop to discuss issues to be addressed in the review. A report of the workshop, held in February 1994, is forthcoming from CNSTAT. During 1994, the review process also included (1) public hearings in Boston, Denver, San Francisco, and Honolulu, (2) comment by Federal agencies on their requirements for racial and ethnic data, (3) development of a research agenda and related literature reviews, and (4) publication of a Federal Register notice, 59 Fed. Reg. 29831 (1994). The June 9, 1994, notice contained information on the development of the current standards and requested public comment on: (1) the adequacy of current racial and ethnic categories, (2) the principles that should govern any proposed revisions to the standards, and (3) specific suggestions for change that had been offered by individuals and interested groups over the past several years. (See Appendix for the text of Directive No. 15.)

This Federal Register notice (1) summarizes the suggestions for changes drawn from public comments, research findings, and literature reviews, (2) briefly discusses the research agenda for some of the significant issues that have been identified, and (3) sets forth proposed principles to be used in reaching a final decision on standards for the classification of data on race and ethnicity. The issues, suggestions for change, and pros and cons described in this notice are those raised in public comment and do not reflect OMB positions or decisions. In addition it should be noted that because the categories in Directive No. 15 have been useful for over 18 years for many purposes, an option under consideration is to make no changes.

Important dates in the balance of the review process are shown below. Various agencies are conducting activities to support the review process; these include work by the Bureau of the Census related to the 2000 Census program mentioned below.

GPA is less influenced by them.

I can tell you that it is not. The student with the motivation, initiative, and home support to consistently do well in school will almost always also do well on a standardized test and for the same reasons.
Now will see how certain people fly without a net.

I don't think it's going to end up well, at least not for students.

Once Universities remove race from the admission process, they'll now remove ACT, GPA, overall grades from it as well.
The only criteria to be accepted will be that you're dumber than a rock, which ironically they had right until SCOTUS ruling.
" Government Sector Or Public Indemnity "

* Private Sector Of Free Association Business Plans *

Unless a private corporation is under contract to receive federal benefits , it is not obligated to comply with affirmative action rules to implement a bias based on race or protected category in its hiring practices so as to not be considered biased or perceived to be in violation of us 14th amendment equal protection clause , such that private corporations are not required to pursue staffing policies to represent the proportion of racial incidence within the population demographic .
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