Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

So essentially, this dingbat is coming right out and saying that Dems believe blacks aren’t smart enough to succeed on their own.
It's the same identical thought process these dumb aces have by saying that voter ID was racist thing because black's can't get ID or they don't have driver's licenses or blah blah blah blah blah with their lying bull shite. They know better, but they don't want any excuses why any person who shows up at a voting booth, can then cast their vote regardless of the system needing check's and balances in place in order to control fraudulent votes and/or anything else that could go on at the voting stations.

Hell they are in the process of allowing millions to simply cross the southern border in hopes to have them ready to vote in the election that will keep their white leftist liberal demonic aces in power.

Like I say, the Democrat's are like a bunch of diversified bank robbers, for whom once they robbed the bank, then they go to a sleazy hotel room in order to split the loot.... Problem is that there won't be multiple group's leaving there with their cut of the loot. Why ? Because they are all clinging together in order to achieve a goal, but it's actually separate goals that they all want. Once they use each other to complete that goal, then they'll cut each other's throats in order to get results at the end of the heist in order to see who is going to control the power and the money, and only one group will leave there.
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What does that even mean?

That is not what AA does.

I would love to see black college athletes commit themselves to just HBCUs and then the athletic programs at these white colleges could reflect the same thing you see in the student body.
it means that what you achieve is up to you, not some federal mandate.

yes it is exactly what AA does

Why not pass a law that all athletic teams must match the racial mix of the country as a whole? What would the NBA and NFL look like? That would be AA in action, would you support that? no, you don't want equal treatment, you want special treatment because you fear that you could not compete on an equal playing field.
Negroes use to vote just their welfare check and race. Now they also have added soft on crime and that is why the big city shitholes are going to hell.

Negroes are stupid as hell.

Defund the police and do away with required bail. What could possibly go wrong?
Are you just a stupid ass racist or a racist ass that is just stupid.
It's the same identical thought process these dumb aces have by saying that voter ID was racist thing because black's can't get ID or they don't have driver's licenses or blah blah blah blah blah with their lying bull shite. They know better, but they don't want any excuses as to why any person that shows up at a voting booth, can't then cast their vote regardless of the system needing or having check's and balances in place, otherwise in order to control fraudulent votes and/or anything else that could go on at the voting stations.

Hell they are currently in the process of allowing millions to simply cross the southern border in hopes to have them ready to vote in the election that will keep their white leftist liberal demonic aces in power.

Like I say, the Democrat's are like a bunch of diversified bank robbers, for whom once they robbed the bank, then they go to a sleazy hotel room in order to split the loot.... Problem is that there won't be multiple group's leaving there with their cut of the loot. Why ? Because they are all clinging together in order to achieve a goal, but it's actually separate goals that they all want. Once they use each other to complete that goal, then they'll cut each other's throats in order to get results at the end of the heist in order to see who is going to control the power and the money, and only one group will leave there.
I can't figure this out... So I post a post, and then I see corrections that need made, so I edit the post and repost it, then two post are created with both showing as if they are both separate post, so I read both the post looking for the corrections on the one, and delete the other post that the errors were made on. Yet to my surprise it deleted the corrected post, and then kept the unedited one ???? What is going on I wonder ?? Anyways, so I re-edited the above by using the bold function to note the edited wording.
You must be confused, I am not a white man. It has never been level, you have always had the advantage.
The odds are 2:1 that you got into your college due to your race. Simple statistics. Same with your wife. Same with your kids.

Now, your grandchildren - whose parents AND grandparents were college graduates - will have to compete with whites based on merit.
it means that what you achieve is up to you, not some federal mandate.

yes it is exactly what AA does

Why not pass a law that all athletic teams must match the racial mix of the country as a whole? What would the NBA and NFL look like? That would be AA in action, would you support that? no, you don't want equal treatment, you want special treatment because you fear that you could not compete on an equal playing field.
Exactly what he fears for black's if they don't retain the crutch, so he's fighting for them because he actually thinks that they are inferior.
Let's be clear......

Affirmative Action = Racism.
Let's be clearer - It equals reverse racism all depending on who is the administrator of the program, and how it was being interpreted and run.
it means that what you achieve is up to you, not some federal mandate.
That's cool, but you have to have the opportunity to achieve.
yes it is exactly what AA does
No it doesn't.
Why not pass a law that all athletic teams must match the racial mix of the country as a whole? What would the NBA and NFL look like? That would be AA in action, would you support that? no, you don't want equal treatment, you want special treatment because you fear that you could not compete on an equal playing field.
You don't need AA in the NBA or NFL for the simple fact that EVERYONE is given the opportunity to compete in those leagues. Remember both leagues used to be ALL White when black folks weren't ALLOWED to compete in those leagues.
That's cool, but you have to have the opportunity to achieve.

No it doesn't.

You don't need AA in the NBA or NFL for the simple fact that EVERYONE is given the opportunity to compete in those leagues. Remember both leagues used to be ALL White when black folks weren't ALLOWED to compete in those leagues. are dumb.......

Everyone is allowed to compete for places in these democrat party run colleges......they are just using racism to deny qualified students places.....

If we used Affirmative Action/racism for athletics....then lots of black athletes would lose their scholarship to hispanics and asians........
The odds are 2:1 that you got into your college due to your race. Simple statistics. Same with your wife. Same with your kids.
Well the odds for you were even better, since AA helped you more than it did me or my wife and kids.
Now, your grandchildren - whose parents AND grandparents were college graduates - will have to compete with whites based on merit.
No, now my grandkids run the chance of being discriminated against like my parents and grand parents were. are dumb.......
Not dumb enough to listen to that bullshit that you are spewing.
Everyone is allowed to compete for places in these democrat party run colleges......they are just using racism to deny qualified students places.....
You claim everyone is allowed to compete, if that were true AA would have never been created in the first place. See this is how the lie is told, they don't go on the street and find a bum and then make him a doctor. You have to be qualified, all AA does is give you the same opportunity that it does white folks.
If we used Affirmative Action/racism for athletics....then lots of black athletes would lose their scholarship to hispanics and asians........
Why don't you use it? Oh that's right because if you didn't Georgia wouldn't have won back to back championships. Ask Alabama what happened to them in 1971 when they played a USC team that had blacks on the team.
Well the odds for you were even better, since AA helped you more than it did me or my wife and kids.

No, now my grandkids run the chance of being discriminated against like my parents and grand parents were.
That's not what this ruling did. AA didn't end discrimination based on race it IS discrimination based on race. Whether or not you think it's ok to do so because of the past is irrelevant. That's what it is.
Are you just a stupid ass racist or a racist ass that is just stupid.
I m not the one that has destroyed the great American cities. It is the worthless ghetto assholes that commit all the crimes and the incompetent Democrats they put into office.

A Negro will always vote three things:

1. Welfare
2. Their race
3. Anybody that will promise not to put them in jail for the crimes they commit

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