Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

No...your anscestors sold your other ancestors to British, spanish, protuguese, and french and your ancestors have some explaining to do.....

Actually, you could not be more wrong.

Yes, I was from Arkansas and my family settled in Arkansas AFTER the War of 1812, but they never owned Slaves. One of my Ancestors owned a newspaper in what is now Brinkley Arkansas. He would hire freed men to work for him and taught them how to set type. My Ancestor lost two of his son's in the Civil War, fighting for the Union Army.

On my Mother's side, one her Ancestor's ran a station on the Under Ground Railroad.

That man and his family were attacked for opposing Slavery. His wife and daughter were raped and killed.

Growing up, as a child in Arkansas certain language was never allowed in our house, including racial slurs. My parents did not such language to used, even by guests in our home.

Racism is learned behavior, and I learned that racism is wrong. Only narrow minded people are racist, clinging to a discredited and the wholly wrong and very disgusting belief that their skin color some how makes them superior.

Just as disgusting and morally abhorrent is the belief that certain religions are wrong because of how those who practice that religion. Those who think their belief in their version of their Magical/Mystical/Mythical Non-Existent Sky Man makes them better and/or superior to anyone who does NOT follow such a false belief are wrong.

I know Antisemites/Bigots/Homophobes/Islamophobes/Racists have a very strong and overpowering need to feel superior, it helps them cope with their own inadequate life. They have to someone to blame to for their own failures. Which all I'm really reading in this thread.
What culture would that be? When black folks were slaves or when black folks were sharecroppers or when black folks were dealing with Jim Crow segregation. Did that make OUR country great?
When we had great values - valuing hard work, obeying laws, becoming successful, being responsible, behaving appropriately, and not feeling entitled to other people’s momey.
Actually, you could not be more wrong.

Yes, I was from Arkansas and my family settled in Arkansas AFTER the War of 1812, but they never owned Slaves. One of my Ancestors owned a newspaper in what is now Brinkley Arkansas. He would hire freed men to work for him and taught them how to set type. My Ancestor lost two of his son's in the Civil War, fighting for the Union Army.

On my Mother's side, one her Ancestor's ran a station on the Under Ground Railroad.

That man and his family were attacked for opposing Slavery. His wife and daughter were raped and killed.

Growing up, as a child in Arkansas certain language was never allowed in our house, including racial slurs. My parents did not such language to used, even by guests in our home.

Racism is learned behavior, and I learned that racism is wrong. Only narrow minded people are racist, clinging to a discredited and the wholly wrong and very disgusting belief that their skin color some how makes them superior.

Just as disgusting and morally abhorrent is the belief that certain religions are wrong because of how those who practice that religion. Those who think their belief in their version of their Magical/Mystical/Mythical Non-Existent Sky Man makes them better and/or superior to anyone who does NOT follow such a false belief are wrong.

I know Antisemites/Bigots/Homophobes/Islamophobes/Racists have a very strong and overpowering need to feel superior, it helps them cope with their own inadequate life. They have to someone to blame to for their own failures. Which all I'm really reading in this thread.

How does your post have anything to do with my post that you quoted?

Africans sold slaves to British, Spanish and likely French buyers...........and Arabs made slaves of both blacks and whites...... is my post anything to do with what you just posted...?
Higher scores were not admitted so that lower scoring blacks could be.
You believe in that policy due to your racism.

Rather than confronting the fact that the blacks scored lower because the democrat party controls the education system and refuses to teach black children how to read, write, and do math......and the democrats control the education system in the cities they control from top to bottom....

He needs to take on the democrat party, he needs to fight for school choice along side the republicans so black children can escape democrat party schools....
Really? The Democrat Party was founded until 1828, slavery started in this country in 1619.

The democrat party was founded by 2 slave owners, and it was the party of slavery.....

This country was founded in 1776, not 1619......
The irony here is that conservatives consider this a win. Roberts fucked you again. This might give colleges an exemption to AA, but it re-affirms the precedent that the 14th Amendment applies to private institutions. It reinforces the identity politics and unequal rights at foundation of most of our anti-discrimination laws.
Does that mean Republicans don't give a damn about minorities either, since they haven't done a damn thing about fixing the problems either.

That's a lie.

Democrats care more about sexualizing, LGBTQ indoctrinating, transgender confusing, f*ing, trafficking, & killing kids thantbey do educating them.

White kids in school? Yup, and Joe says some minorities are just as smart as thry are.
Does that mean Republicans don't give a damn about minorities either, since they haven't done a damn thing about fixing the problems either. You know there are white kids who attend public schools as well, oh that's right those schools are taken care of by Democrats and Republicans.

The republicans are fighting for better education for black children with their fight for both school vouchers and charter schools...

Blacks support the republican school choice movement....blacks just don't know that republicans want to give them a chance to educate their children because democrats control the mainstream media, and the public education system...... do you explain the fact that blacks support school vouchers and school choice? The very thing Republicans are fighting to give them?

The results are similar to Education Next’s 2015 survey, which found that 58 percent of blacks nationwide supported universal school vouchers and 66 percent supported vouchers for low-income families.
BAEO’s question on vouchers was clear: “Do you support school vouchers/scholarships?” Yes, most blacks do.

A recent EdChoice public opinion survey found that 78% of Democrats agreed with 78% of Republicans and 77% of independents in favoring education savings accounts, which let families access money usually funneled to school districts to spend on education-related expenses for their child. Current school parents were 85% in favor of ESAs, as were 78% of African Americans and 79% of Hispanic respondents.
And when EdChoice asked questions about school vouchers, which allow families to choose any type of school for their child using taxpayer dollars, Republicans were 68% in favor, followed by independents at 62% and Democrats at 59%. Parents favored vouchers at a 72% clip, as did African Americans. Hispanics were at 73%.

The only people who oppose school vouchers and school choice are the democrat party leadership, the democrat party teachers unions, and the democrat party teachers and administrators......the very people responsible for black, hispanic and white children not being able to read, write or do even basic math....

Now......I know this fact that blacks support the Republican party school voucher going to melt your have been told your whole life the republicans are democrats who are the actual racists....

You need to think harder on these issues...
Rather than confronting the fact that the blacks scored lower because the democrat party controls the education system and refuses to teach black children how to read, write, and do math......and the democrats control the education system in the cities they control from top to bottom....

He needs to take on the democrat party, he needs to fight for school choice along side the republicans so black children can escape democrat party schools....
School should be about the “three Rs” and not the 4th “R” of Resentment (of whites)
That's a lie.

Democrats care more about sexualizing, LGBTQ indoctrinating, transgender confusing, f*ing, trafficking, & killing kids thantbey do educating them.

White kids in school? Yup, and Joe says some minorities are just as smart as thry are.
If it's a lie, tell us what they have done.

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