Breaking: Sean Hannity Now Being Accused Of Sexual Harassment By Jewess Debbie Schlussel

Innocent/ethical people don't AGREE TO GAG ORDERS...BECAUSE THEY ARE INNOCENT IN THE FIRST PLACE! Why would I agree to not discuss a false claim against me!?

Have somebody push a check for several million dollars across a desk to you and get back to us on that.
He, by not standing up to the (apparently) false accusers, is PASSING UP millions in future ad revenue that he'd get part of if he was cleared of these (allegedly) false claims. BILL is the one who should not only be standing up for himself (if he's innocent, that is), for his reputation, but to actually make more money - these women have damaged his reputation and his bankability - so even MORE reason to come out with guns blazing against these (allegedly) false accusers. He attacks Hillary way more than he attacks women who falsely accuse him (apparently) of sexual harassment. Bill-O is SCREAMING "GUILTY!", in my opinion. So he's probably a real scumbag. Well, uh, we KNOW he's a scumbag because of this video alone - not someone loving enough to be a Scientific Humanist, sadly:
You're obviously too stupid to understand what a gag order is.
Even MORE reason for left-wing-hating O'Reilly to scream his innocence from the roofs! Instead, he goes quietly into the night. He's guilty, guilty, guilty. Or he's completely stupid, and I have a hard time believing that the #1 cable TV debater for the last zillion years is stupid (maybe wrong on politics, but not stupid.)

O'Reilly was the highest paid on cable TV, about $20 million per year. That kind of money makes people think they can get away with anything. Even the total of the harassment settlements were less than Bill-o's annual salary.
Actually, that kind of money makes them prime targets for sexual harassment suits. They know it, and they are probably even advised by their lawyers to be very careful around women in the office.

So O'Reilly is more arrogant than Trump or just plain stupid?
If O'Reilly was so innocent, he would be shouting it to all who would listen. He would be trying to clear his name, and prove his innocence. But that's kinda hard to do, when one of the ladies he harassed has him on her answering machine, and a tape of Bill-o making lewd sexual comments to her while playing with himself.
He is legally not allowed to, moron.

How would O'Reilly be barred from talking about the case. You're thinking how the settlement is a form of 'hush' money, where they breech the settlement if they disclose the terms, or the case.

O'Reilly was on Fox's side. They're allowed to say anything they want.
Even MORE reason for left-wing-hating O'Reilly to scream his innocence from the roofs! Instead, he goes quietly into the night. He's guilty, guilty, guilty. Or he's completely stupid, and I have a hard time believing that the #1 cable TV debater for the last zillion years is stupid (maybe wrong on politics, but not stupid.)

O'Reilly was the highest paid on cable TV, about $20 million per year. That kind of money makes people think they can get away with anything. Even the total of the harassment settlements were less than Bill-o's annual salary.
Actually, that kind of money makes them prime targets for sexual harassment suits. They know it, and they are probably even advised by their lawyers to be very careful around women in the office.

So O'Reilly is more arrogant than Trump or just plain stupid?
Why would anyone conclude O'Reilly is more important than Trump?
i wonder which very hot white chick will accuse Bob Beckel of groping her.
Not all allegegations of sexual harassment are made up.
People with your attitude are why so many Cosby accusers waited so long to come forward (too long, legally) - didn't think they'd be believed, or feeling shame that they were even in that situation in the first place.
Part of the previous settlements is undoubtedly that all parties do not discuss them. So O'Reilly is legally bound not to discuss them. What would you have him shout about?

If O'Reilly was so innocent, he would be shouting it to all who would listen. He would be trying to clear his name, and prove his innocence. But that's kinda hard to do, when one of the ladies he harassed has him on her answering machine, and a tape of Bill-o making lewd sexual comments to her while playing with himself.

He liked to call them up and jerk off. What a fucking pig.
If O'Reilly was so innocent, he would be shouting it to all who would listen. He would be trying to clear his name, and prove his innocence. But that's kinda hard to do, when one of the ladies he harassed has him on her answering machine, and a tape of Bill-o making lewd sexual comments to her while playing with himself.
He is legally not allowed to, moron.

How would O'Reilly be barred from talking about the case. You're thinking how the settlement is a form of 'hush' money, where they breech the settlement if they disclose the terms, or the case.

O'Reilly was on Fox's side. They're allowed to say anything they want.

Keeping quiet about the details is commonly a clause in all legal settlements. Both sides commonly ask for. The accusers certainly don't want O'Reilly lambasting them every night on his program or mentioning these matters with their future employers who ask for a reference.
Part of the previous settlements is undoubtedly that all parties do not discuss them. So O'Reilly is legally bound not to discuss them. What would you have him shout about?

If O'Reilly was so innocent, he would be shouting it to all who would listen. He would be trying to clear his name, and prove his innocence. But that's kinda hard to do, when one of the ladies he harassed has him on her answering machine, and a tape of Bill-o making lewd sexual comments to her while playing with himself.

He liked to call them up and jerk off. What a fucking pig.

So they claim. Where's the evidence?
You just don't get it, I'm afraid. Fortunately the kids in their 20's today are starting to get it, and by the time THEY become the old horny sleaze-bags like Trump/Bill-O/Roger-A/Clinton/Cosby there will be way less harassment - they will respect women as much as Scientific Humanists respect women.

..... So knock off the gender generalizations............
So can we agree that THIS "gender generalization" is downright wrong?
"As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church”
Most of these allegations are one party is on top and the other is screwing their way to the top and after at the top for a while they get all introspective and then libs to the victim's rescue
No, I don't. As an example, not even the threat of eternal torture and the promise of eternal paradise will get me to dump science and believe that Jesus' magic is real.

Wait until you've been in an ambulance doing 80mph down a highway to get a loved one to an ER before you ask me to believe that.
i wonder which very hot white chick will accuse Bob Beckel of groping her.
Not all allegegations of sexual harassment are made up.
People with your attitude are why so many Cosby accusers waited so long to come forward (too long, legally) - didn't think they'd be believed, or feeling shame that they were even in that situation in the first place.
Yes, not all are made up, but many are. It's about the easiest lawsuit to win these days. Showing any kind of interest in a woman at the office can land you in courthouse these days.
i wonder which very hot white chick will accuse Bob Beckel of groping her.
Not all allegegations of sexual harassment are made up.
People with your attitude are why so many Cosby accusers waited so long to come forward (too long, legally) - didn't think they'd be believed, or feeling shame that they were even in that situation in the first place.

Fox Noise and Bill O'Reilly have been the highest rated cable news network and program, and Fox is also run by men. Not a single woman at the top. When you have that kind of a male-dominated cabal, you can expect exactly what happened and is happening at Fox. I can't imagine a woman not seeing that on the first interview, or knowing about this piggish culture before even applying for a job there.
Innocent/ethical people don't AGREE TO GAG ORDERS...BECAUSE THEY ARE INNOCENT IN THE FIRST PLACE! Why would I agree to not discuss a false claim against me!?

Have somebody push a check for several million dollars across a desk at you and get back to us on that.
I can't be bought.
ROFL! Sure you can.
No, I can't. As an example, not even the threat of eternal torture and the promise of eternal paradise will get me to dump science and believe that Jesus' magic is real or that the Bible is ethical.
O'Reilly is the real victim in all this. :crybaby:
Yes he is, turd. Him and all his fans. I am not an O'Reilly fan, but this whole thing stinks.

Bill Clinton: Where there's smoke there's fire.

Bill O'Reilly: He's a victim of a smear campaign by the left.

You'll chide one scumbag all the while making excuses for the other. I wonder what the diffe(R)ence could be?
Part of the previous settlements is undoubtedly that all parties do not discuss them. So O'Reilly is legally bound not to discuss them. What would you have him shout about?

If O'Reilly was so innocent, he would be shouting it to all who would listen. He would be trying to clear his name, and prove his innocence. But that's kinda hard to do, when one of the ladies he harassed has him on her answering machine, and a tape of Bill-o making lewd sexual comments to her while playing with himself.

He liked to call them up and jerk off. What a fucking pig.

So they claim. Where's the evidence?
That was in the testimony against him.
i wonder which very hot white chick will accuse Bob Beckel of groping her.
Not all allegegations of sexual harassment are made up.
People with your attitude are why so many Cosby accusers waited so long to come forward (too long, legally) - didn't think they'd be believed, or feeling shame that they were even in that situation in the first place.
Yes, not all are made up, but many are. It's about the easiest lawsuit to win these days. Showing any kind of interest in a woman at the office can land you in courthouse these days.

Nope, many are NOT made up. Several reasons for not complaining:
1. Personal shame and self-blame
2. No support from HR (as some of the women have already said on air about the HR dept at Fox)
3. Demotion or job loss
4. No one will believe them.

In the case of O'Reilly, he has projected a false image of a moral, married man.
He's a fucking liar and hypocrite and I am ecstatic that he is ending his long career in shame.

It takes enormous courage to come out and make the accusation. I suspect Gretchen Carlson has rationalized that the money she took from O'Reilly/Fox was the income she would lose if she never worked in the industry again, so add that as No. 5.

"the easiest lawsuit to win these days"
Name a few, Bozo. Everything you say comes from the backend of your trousers.
What do the women who Fox hires think is going to happen the way they flash skin and fling their bottle blonde hair around? .......
YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM! Time to leave the 1950's, my friend, and come into the 21st century.

Fox Noise is still in the '50s, and the dress code for women there:
1. Tight, short, sleeveless dresses hopefully with plunging necklines
2. Stiletto heels
3. Long hair extensions
4. 1.5" false eyelashes and red lipstick
was something the desperate women who want to work at Fox allowed to happen.
But dressing like a Las Vegas cocktail waitress doesn't mean a woman is inviting sexual assault or overtures.

That is dress code for women when they are on camera. The network is partially selling their sex appeal, and their appearance is a big part of why they were hired for their positions. If they don't like it, then they should go elsewhere.
We have a winner!

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