Breaking: Sean Hannity Now Being Accused Of Sexual Harassment By Jewess Debbie Schlussel

Even MORE reason for left-wing-hating O'Reilly to scream his innocence from the roofs! Instead, he goes quietly into the night. He's guilty, guilty, guilty. Or he's completely stupid, and I have a hard time believing that the #1 cable TV debater for the last zillion years is stupid (maybe wrong on politics, but not stupid.)

O'Reilly was the highest paid on cable TV, about $20 million per year. That kind of money makes people think they can get away with anything. Even the total of the harassment settlements were less than Bill-o's annual salary.
Actually, that kind of money makes them prime targets for sexual harassment suits. They know it, and they are probably even advised by their lawyers to be very careful around women in the office.
The question is will the derps that remain at Faux News now up the amperage on their lying because the first team of falsehoods is leaving? Will The Five Year Olds set now feature a rifle hanging over the mantle on set and a dead bald eagle looming over the shoulder of Juan Williams?

The human flotsam that is happiest about the Faux meltdown are the alt-right websites. Where else will conservatives go to get their factless information?
YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM! Time to leave the 1950's, my friend, and come into the 21st century.

If your "problem" is realty I can't help you.....I grew up in the 50's and nothing between men and women has changed other than the number of lawsuits filed by scheming witches who tease a guy into making an advance and then rat him out if he doesn't pay hush money. I been in the Big Leagues....where the hell have you ever been?
Wow. Turns out that a lot of conservatives are degenerate dirtbags. Who knew?
It turns out that you are a gullible moron, but we already knew that.

A drooling Trump supporter chimes in....
You really have to stop putting so much thought into your postings.

...And now my creepy weird stalker chimes in
You mean the poster who points out your low IQ.
Bill hardly protested at all though, did he. Non-guilty parties who are accused of atrocities SCREAM IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS (that they are being falsely accused) - especially an ego-maniac and great debater like O'Reilly. No one casually accepts walking away from future MILLIONS if someone is falsely accusing them. O'Reilly KNOW that he got caught "with his pants down", uh, so to speak.

FOX news didn't want to litigate it, moron. It was out of O'Reilly hands. They sued FOX, not O'Reilly.
A decent human being says "stop, I refuse to have it be implied that I did anything wrong - don't pay people $13 million for something that I did NOT do!" See, some people have ethics and a burning desire to do the right thing....not just what pads their bottom line.
Which is why all of those "decent" women stayed at Fox for so many years...moron.
The harassment was bad, was illegal, was worth millions of dollars, but was apparently NOT SO BAD that they'd leave lucrative and high-profile jobs. Bill and Roger KNEW that, so that's why they felt they could continually get away with the harassment.

PS Bill and Roger need to just get on Tinder, and stop looking for love in the wrong place (the work-place!) It's a free app, guys!

You have no proof that there was any harassment whatsoever.
It does not actually appear that SEAN was a harasser - just maybe a little horny, But Bill-O and Roger-A certainly did seem, largely due to the "ok here's millions of dollars" stuff, to be guilty. Go on 60 Minutes ASAP, Bill/Roger, and scream your innocence....I would!

If they have not done that, then they are either guilty, or just plain stupid. "I'm innocent of these charges, but even though I'm a savvy media mogul I have absolutely no idea whatsoever how I could possibly scream my innocence from the roof-tops - if only TV stations had reporters who would love to hear a huge celebrity like me talk about sexual claims against me...oh well."
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Wow. Turns out that a lot of conservatives are degenerate dirtbags. Who knew?
It turns out that you are a gullible moron, but we already knew that.

A drooling Trump supporter chimes in....
Wow. Turns out that a lot of conservatives are degenerate dirtbags. Who knew?
It turns out that you are a gullible moron, but we already knew that.

A drooling Trump supporter chimes in....
Ad hominem attacks, that lack a reasoned, articulate reply, are a sign that one might be bereft of cogent are better than that.

To be frank, I think ad hominems are more appropriate than 'cogent responses' 99% of the time on this forum. Have you ever interacted with these people before?
Part of the previous settlements is undoubtedly that all parties do not discuss them. So O'Reilly is legally bound not to discuss them. What would you have him shout about?

If O'Reilly was so innocent, he would be shouting it to all who would listen. He would be trying to clear his name, and prove his innocence. But that's kinda hard to do, when one of the ladies he harassed has him on her answering machine, and a tape of Bill-o making lewd sexual comments to her while playing with himself.
YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM! Time to leave the 1950's, my friend, and come into the 21st century.

If your "problem" is realty I can't help you.....I grew up in the 50's and nothing between men and women has changed other than the number of lawsuits filed by scheming witches who tease a guy into making an advance and then rat him out if he doesn't pay hush money. I been in the Big Leagues....where the hell have you ever been?
I know women in my business who are in their 40s and whine about how they can't find a man. Gals, you did it to yourselves. Why would any man go near a woman in the office when it's so dangerous to their careers?
Wow. Turns out that a lot of conservatives are degenerate dirtbags. Who knew?
It turns out that you are a gullible moron, but we already knew that.

A drooling Trump supporter chimes in....
Wow. Turns out that a lot of conservatives are degenerate dirtbags. Who knew?
It turns out that you are a gullible moron, but we already knew that.

A drooling Trump supporter chimes in....
Ad hominem attacks, that lack a reasoned, articulate reply, are a sign that one might be bereft of cogent are better than that.

To be frank, I think ad hominems are more appropriate than 'cogent responses' 99% of the time on this forum. Have you ever interacted with these people before?
I'm trying to figure out if you're an amoeba or a paramecium.
One thing's for sure, you're IQ hovers around zero.
Wow. Turns out that a lot of conservatives are degenerate dirtbags. Who knew?
It turns out that you are a gullible moron, but we already knew that.

A drooling Trump supporter chimes in....
Wow. Turns out that a lot of conservatives are degenerate dirtbags. Who knew?
It turns out that you are a gullible moron, but we already knew that.

A drooling Trump supporter chimes in....
Ad hominem attacks, that lack a reasoned, articulate reply, are a sign that one might be bereft of cogent are better than that.

To be frank, I think ad hominems are more appropriate than 'cogent responses' 99% of the time on this forum. Have you ever interacted with these people before?
I'm trying to figure out if you're an amoeba or a paramecium.
One thing's for sure, you're IQ hovers around zero.

Boy, you just can't stop, can you? What a creepy fucking weirdo you are.
Part of the previous settlements is undoubtedly that all parties do not discuss them. So O'Reilly is legally bound not to discuss them. What would you have him shout about?

If O'Reilly was so innocent, he would be shouting it to all who would listen. He would be trying to clear his name, and prove his innocence. But that's kinda hard to do, when one of the ladies he harassed has him on her answering machine, and a tape of Bill-o masking lews sexual comments to her while playing with himself.
He's bound by legal agreements not to discuss these matters, dumbass.

I have heard nothing about the stuff you accuse him of. Do you have a link?
YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM! Time to leave the 1950's, my friend, and come into the 21st century.

If your "problem" is realty I can't help you.....I grew up in the 50's and nothing between men and women has changed other than the number of lawsuits filed by scheming witches who tease a guy into making an advance and then rat him out if he doesn't pay hush money. I been in the Big Leagues....where the hell have you ever been?
You just don't get it, I'm afraid. Fortunately the kids in their 20's today are starting to get it, and by the time THEY become the old horny sleaze-bags like Trump/Bill-O/Roger-A/Clinton/Cosby there will be way less harassment - they will respect women as much as Scientific Humanists respect women.
Part of the previous settlements is undoubtedly that all parties do not discuss them. So O'Reilly is legally bound not to discuss them. What would you have him shout about?

If O'Reilly was so innocent, he would be shouting it to all who would listen. He would be trying to clear his name, and prove his innocence. But that's kinda hard to do, when one of the ladies he harassed has him on her answering machine, and a tape of Bill-o masking lews sexual comments to her while playing with himself.
He's bound by legal agreements not to discuss these matters, dumbass.

I have heard nothing about the stuff you accuse him of. Do you have a link?
Innocent/ethical people don't AGREE TO GAG ORDERS...BECAUSE THEY ARE INNOCENT IN THE FIRST PLACE! Why would I agree to not discuss a false claim against me!?
If O'Reilly was so innocent, he would be shouting it to all who would listen. He would be trying to clear his name, and prove his innocence. But that's kinda hard to do, when one of the ladies he harassed has him on her answering machine, and a tape of Bill-o making lewd sexual comments to her while playing with himself.

These prog phonies crack me up...they'll vote for as vicious a criminal as there's ever been in Hillary and then mock outrage some TV personality they've never watched and know nothing about. :eusa_snooty:
Part of the previous settlements is undoubtedly that all parties do not discuss them. So O'Reilly is legally bound not to discuss them. What would you have him shout about?

If O'Reilly was so innocent, he would be shouting it to all who would listen. He would be trying to clear his name, and prove his innocence. But that's kinda hard to do, when one of the ladies he harassed has him on her answering machine, and a tape of Bill-o masking lews sexual comments to her while playing with himself.
He's bound by legal agreements not to discuss these matters, dumbass.

I have heard nothing about the stuff you accuse him of. Do you have a link?
Oh it's there, trust me - I've heard it.
YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM! Time to leave the 1950's, my friend, and come into the 21st century.

If your "problem" is realty I can't help you.....I grew up in the 50's and nothing between men and women has changed other than the number of lawsuits filed by scheming witches who tease a guy into making an advance and then rat him out if he doesn't pay hush money. I been in the Big Leagues....where the hell have you ever been?
You just don't get it, I'm afraid. Fortunately the kids in their 20's today are starting to get it, and by the time THEY become the old horny sleaze-bags like Trump/Bill-O/Roger-A/Clinton/Cosby there will be way less harassment - they will respect women as much as Scientific Humanists respect women.


Whatever man, them faggots just want to bugger them in the wrong hole and not feel guilty about it.

Bovine feces. ;)
Yes, poor guy - I think what he needs is to get fired for sexual harrassment, and get a $25 million payout like O'Reilly got - then he could afford some decent clothes for his family.

O'Reilly made Fox BIILLION$ over the years.....and there was no "payout".....they'd signed a new contract and caved in to extortionists and vile leftist pressure on's a filthy game being played.....I'd much rather see it shot out in the streets instead of this gutless warfare.
Bill hardly protested at all though, did he. Non-guilty parties who are accused of atrocities SCREAM IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS (that they are being falsely accused) - especially an ego-maniac and great debater like O'Reilly. No one casually accepts walking away from future MILLIONS if someone is falsely accusing them. O'Reilly KNOW that he got caught "with his pants down", uh, so to speak.
Yeah caught leering behind someone's back.

These are fake complaints. They are too vague to have a basis in reality. No witnesses. No contemporaneous claims. They came right out of the DNC.

As soon as the O'Reilly story broke I said that the next target was Hannity. Hannity isn't the last either. The Murdoch boys are liberals and will play with their new toy until it breaks.
What do the women who Fox hires think is going to happen the way they flash skin and fling their bottle blonde hair around? .......
YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM! Time to leave the 1950's, my friend, and come into the 21st century.

Fox Noise is still in the '50s, and the dress code for women there:
1. Tight, short, sleeveless dresses hopefully with plunging necklines
2. Stiletto heels
3. Long hair extensions
4. 1.5" false eyelashes and red lipstick
was something the desperate women who want to work at Fox allowed to happen.
But dressing like a Las Vegas cocktail waitress doesn't mean a woman is inviting sexual assault or overtures.

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