Breaking: Sean Hannity Now Being Accused Of Sexual Harassment By Jewess Debbie Schlussel

Why Sean Hannity is a threat to liberals. He's White, married with normal kids, works hard, and conservative.



Nice rack and she most have worn her knees out.

Those kneeholes are blatantly cut. Although Sean just might be a lucky man. ;)
Marion's #1 rule for dating: never date a woman that has no knee markings on her jeans. :)

Girls I date wear short skirts, minidresses, or sundresses.

I know what my woman should be wearing and it's made by Zoey Beth.

I figured you for a "my women wear cologne, their birthday-suit, and a smile" kind of guy.

You just can't make this up. This is a treacherous organized scheme to rid Fox New of all it's top rated Conservative hosts. First Bill O'Reilly, now Sean.


Who the hell is Debbie Schlussel?
So he's NOW going to scream it from the roof-tops, when he gets back from Rome? I would, because I care about the truth and my reputation if someone falsely accuses me of horrific behavior....O'Reilly?....well, not so much. At least he we be counter-suing every one of the many many women, and not PAYING them money, to boot!

So you think what you'd do or say should apply to a man who's fame and fortune dwarfs your own? You have no idea what's going on behind the scenes or what kind of non-disclosure deal he cut with Fox. He'd said last year he was tired of needing a bodyguard with him out in public and might leave at the end of his deal. Fox demanded he re-sign and then fired him....this is on Fox, not O'Reilly.
A REAL man doesn't go quietly into the night when he's (falsely) accused of wrong-doing by many women to the tune of $13 MILLION and the destruction of his long-earned (supposedly good) reputation! Bill Clinton payed Paula Jones a bit under $1 million, but Clinton is a scum-bag. Don't pay a dime to false-accusers.
Bill hardly protested at all though, did he. Non-guilty parties who are accused of atrocities SCREAM IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS (that they are being falsely accused) - especially an ego-maniac and great debater like O'Reilly. No one casually accepts walking away from future MILLIONS if someone is falsely accusing them. O'Reilly KNOW that he got caught "with his pants down", uh, so to speak.

He was in ROME meeting the pope, dumbass....a cowardly deed indeed but that's Fox these days.
So he's NOW going to scream it from the roof-tops, when he gets back from Rome? I would, because I care about the truth and my reputation if someone falsely accuses me of horrific behavior....O'Reilly?....well, not so much. At least he we be counter-suing every one of the many many women, and not PAYING them money, to boot!
Sounds like she is complaining, saying that is why she wasn't invited back onto his show.
You might have a good point, there.
No, that is just her saying it according to the article. I have read some of her tweets and she doesn't sound like something I'd want to listen to on a show like Hannity has.
Yes, poor guy - I think what he needs is to get fired for sexual harrassment, and get a $25 million payout like O'Reilly got - then he could afford some decent clothes for his family.

O'Reilly made Fox BIILLION$ over the years.....and there was no "payout".....they'd signed a new contract and caved in to extortionists and vile leftist pressure on's a filthy game being played.....I'd much rather see it shot out in the streets instead of this gutless warfare.
Bill hardly protested at all though, did he. Non-guilty parties who are accused of atrocities SCREAM IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS (that they are being falsely accused) - especially an ego-maniac and great debater like O'Reilly. No one casually accepts walking away from future MILLIONS if someone is falsely accusing them. O'Reilly KNOW that he got caught "with his pants down", uh, so to speak.

FOX news didn't want to litigate it, moron. It was out of O'Reilly hands. They sued FOX, not O'Reilly.
The Jew is always a victim, like Julius Popper, Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda, Lenin, Fidel Castro, Jakub Berman, Bela Kuhn, Rosa Luxemberg, Salomon Morel, Menachem Begin, Meyer Lansky, Avraham Stern, Ami Popper, Loius Bulchalter, Semion Mogilevich, Ludwig Fainberg, Marat Barugula, Bugsie Siegel, Baruch Goldstein, Julius, and Ethel Rosenberg, Jonathan Pollard, Bernie Madoff, Scott Rothstein, Karl Marx, William Rapfogel, Jack Abramoff, Roman Polanski, Jack the Ripper, David Berkowitz, and Jared Fogel.

I read Bernie Madoff has cornered the desserts business in his prison and is charging other inmates pirate rates for sweets.....Hopefully he'll drop his soap in the shower and reap the rewards of prison justice.
"I read Bernie Madoff has cornered the desserts business in his prison and is charging other inmates pirate rates for sweets."
It's funny how people's names sometimes reflect reality: Bernie Made Off with billions of dollars of other people's money.
You just can't make this up. This is a treacherous organized scheme to rid Fox New of all it's top rated Conservative hosts. First Bill O'Reilly, now Sean.

Was she Sean's employee? The article doesn't seem to imply that. If not, then Sean would just be trying to cheat on his wife (but can you blame him, look at his wife's fashion choices!) and not sexually harassing Debbie. Nothing wrong with simply asking a woman to go to your hotel room - maybe he wanted to play Yahtzee with her, or maybe run ideas by her for his next book.
His wife, Jill, is real cute! She seems to be just aan ol' friendly Alabama country girl. Don't judge her on just one pic. I was trying to find pics of his kids and that pic was available. Can't find any more showing her full figure but I've seen many women wear jeans with the cuts in the knees. Hell, they even sell em that way. My granddaughter bought a pair for over a $100.00 a few months back.

Here's some more.


Yes, poor guy - I think what he needs is to get fired for sexual harrassment, and get a $25 million payout like O'Reilly got - then he could afford some decent clothes for his family.

O'Reilly made Fox BIILLION$ over the years.....and there was no "payout".....they'd signed a new contract and caved in to extortionists and vile leftist pressure on's a filthy game being played.....I'd much rather see it shot out in the streets instead of this gutless warfare.
Bill hardly protested at all though, did he. Non-guilty parties who are accused of atrocities SCREAM IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS (that they are being falsely accused) - especially an ego-maniac and great debater like O'Reilly. No one casually accepts walking away from future MILLIONS if someone is falsely accusing them. O'Reilly KNOW that he got caught "with his pants down", uh, so to speak.

FOX news didn't want to litigate it, moron. It was out of O'Reilly hands. They sued FOX, not O'Reilly.
A decent human being says "stop, I refuse to have it be implied that I did anything wrong - don't pay people $13 million for something that I did NOT do!" See, some people have ethics and a burning desire to do the right thing....not just what pads their bottom line.
Yes, poor guy - I think what he needs is to get fired for sexual harrassment, and get a $25 million payout like O'Reilly got - then he could afford some decent clothes for his family.

O'Reilly made Fox BIILLION$ over the years.....and there was no "payout".....they'd signed a new contract and caved in to extortionists and vile leftist pressure on's a filthy game being played.....I'd much rather see it shot out in the streets instead of this gutless warfare.
Bill hardly protested at all though, did he. Non-guilty parties who are accused of atrocities SCREAM IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS (that they are being falsely accused) - especially an ego-maniac and great debater like O'Reilly. No one casually accepts walking away from future MILLIONS if someone is falsely accusing them. O'Reilly KNOW that he got caught "with his pants down", uh, so to speak.

FOX news didn't want to litigate it, moron. It was out of O'Reilly hands. They sued FOX, not O'Reilly.
A decent human being says "stop, I refuse to have it be implied that I did anything wrong". See, some people have ethics and a burning desire to do the right thing....not just what pads their bottom line.
It doesn't appear that she's worried about being harassed here:

Yes, poor guy - I think what he needs is to get fired for sexual harrassment, and get a $25 million payout like O'Reilly got - then he could afford some decent clothes for his family.

O'Reilly made Fox BIILLION$ over the years.....and there was no "payout".....they'd signed a new contract and caved in to extortionists and vile leftist pressure on's a filthy game being played.....I'd much rather see it shot out in the streets instead of this gutless warfare.
Bill hardly protested at all though, did he. Non-guilty parties who are accused of atrocities SCREAM IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS (that they are being falsely accused) - especially an ego-maniac and great debater like O'Reilly. No one casually accepts walking away from future MILLIONS if someone is falsely accusing them. O'Reilly KNOW that he got caught "with his pants down", uh, so to speak.

FOX news didn't want to litigate it, moron. It was out of O'Reilly hands. They sued FOX, not O'Reilly.
A decent human being says "stop, I refuse to have it be implied that I did anything wrong - don't pay people $13 million for something that I did NOT do!" See, some people have ethics and a burning desire to do the right thing....not just what pads their bottom line.
Which is why all of those "decent" women stayed at Fox for so many years...moron.
You just can't make this up. This is a treacherous organized scheme to rid Fox New of all it's top rated Conservative hosts. First Bill O'Reilly, now Sean.

Was she Sean's employee? The article doesn't seem to imply that. If not, then Sean would just be trying to cheat on his wife (but can you blame him, look at his wife's fashion choices!) and not sexually harassing Debbie. Nothing wrong with simply asking a woman to go to your hotel room - maybe he wanted to play Yahtzee with her, or maybe run ideas by her for his next book.
His wife, Jill, is real cute! She seems to be just aan ol' friendly Alabama country girl. Don't judge her on just one pic. I was trying to find pics of his kids and that pic was available. Can't find any more showing her full figure but I've seen many women wear jeans with the cuts in the knees. Hell, they even sell em that way. My granddaughter bought a pair for over a $100.00 a few months back.

Here's some more.



Yes, poor guy - I think what he needs is to get fired for sexual harrassment, and get a $25 million payout like O'Reilly got - then he could afford some decent clothes for his family.

O'Reilly made Fox BIILLION$ over the years.....and there was no "payout".....they'd signed a new contract and caved in to extortionists and vile leftist pressure on's a filthy game being played.....I'd much rather see it shot out in the streets instead of this gutless warfare.
Bill hardly protested at all though, did he. Non-guilty parties who are accused of atrocities SCREAM IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS (that they are being falsely accused) - especially an ego-maniac and great debater like O'Reilly. No one casually accepts walking away from future MILLIONS if someone is falsely accusing them. O'Reilly KNOW that he got caught "with his pants down", uh, so to speak.

FOX news didn't want to litigate it, moron. It was out of O'Reilly hands. They sued FOX, not O'Reilly.
A decent human being says "stop, I refuse to have it be implied that I did anything wrong - don't pay people $13 million for something that I did NOT do!" See, some people have ethics and a burning desire to do the right thing....not just what pads their bottom line.
Which is why all of those "decent" women stayed at Fox for so many years...moron.
The harassment was bad, was illegal, was worth millions of dollars, but was apparently NOT SO BAD that they'd leave lucrative and high-profile jobs. Bill and Roger KNEW that, so that's why they felt they could continually get away with the harassment.

PS Bill and Roger need to just get on Tinder, and stop looking for love in the wrong place (the work-place!) It's a free app, guys!
from the pussy grabbing presidunce to fox news ,,all womanizing slimebags

Are you talking about that sexual predator Slick Willy or his filthy wife who defended his crimes in addition to defending a rapist of a 12 year old girl? ?

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You just can't make this up. This is a treacherous organized scheme to rid Fox New of all it's top rated Conservative hosts. First Bill O'Reilly, now Sean.


Who the hell is Debbie Schlussel?
So he's NOW going to scream it from the roof-tops, when he gets back from Rome? I would, because I care about the truth and my reputation if someone falsely accuses me of horrific behavior....O'Reilly?....well, not so much. At least he we be counter-suing every one of the many many women, and not PAYING them money, to boot!

So you think what you'd do or say should apply to a man who's fame and fortune dwarfs your own? You have no idea what's going on behind the scenes or what kind of non-disclosure deal he cut with Fox. He'd said last year he was tired of needing a bodyguard with him out in public and might leave at the end of his deal. Fox demanded he re-sign and then fired him....this is on Fox, not O'Reilly.
A REAL man doesn't go quietly into the night when he's (falsely) accused of wrong-doing by many women to the tune of $13 MILLION and the destruction of his long-earned (supposedly good) reputation! Bill Clinton payed Paula Jones a bit under $1 million, but Clinton is a scum-bag. Don't pay a dime to false-accusers.

O'Reilly didn't have much of a choice. The younger Murdochs who are taking over want him out, and FOX was the target of the lawsuit, not O'Reilly personally. He has said the accusations are bogus. What is he supposed to do since he isn't being sued?
O'Reilly made Fox BIILLION$ over the years.....and there was no "payout".....they'd signed a new contract and caved in to extortionists and vile leftist pressure on's a filthy game being played.....I'd much rather see it shot out in the streets instead of this gutless warfare.
Bill hardly protested at all though, did he. Non-guilty parties who are accused of atrocities SCREAM IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS (that they are being falsely accused) - especially an ego-maniac and great debater like O'Reilly. No one casually accepts walking away from future MILLIONS if someone is falsely accusing them. O'Reilly KNOW that he got caught "with his pants down", uh, so to speak.

FOX news didn't want to litigate it, moron. It was out of O'Reilly hands. They sued FOX, not O'Reilly.
A decent human being says "stop, I refuse to have it be implied that I did anything wrong - don't pay people $13 million for something that I did NOT do!" See, some people have ethics and a burning desire to do the right thing....not just what pads their bottom line.
Which is why all of those "decent" women stayed at Fox for so many years...moron.
The harassment was bad, was illegal, was worth millions of dollars, but was apparently NOT SO BAD that they'd leave lucrative and high-profile jobs. Bill and Roger KNEW that, so that's why they felt they could continually get away with the harassment.

PS Bill and Roger need to just get on Tinder, and stop looking for love in the wrong place (the work-place!) It's a free app, guys!

You have no proof that there was any harassment whatsoever.
Yes, poor guy - I think what he needs is to get fired for sexual harrassment, and get a $25 million payout like O'Reilly got - then he could afford some decent clothes for his family.

O'Reilly made Fox BIILLION$ over the years.....and there was no "payout".....they'd signed a new contract and caved in to extortionists and vile leftist pressure on's a filthy game being played.....I'd much rather see it shot out in the streets instead of this gutless warfare.
Bill hardly protested at all though, did he. Non-guilty parties who are accused of atrocities SCREAM IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS (that they are being falsely accused) - especially an ego-maniac and great debater like O'Reilly. No one casually accepts walking away from future MILLIONS if someone is falsely accusing them. O'Reilly KNOW that he got caught "with his pants down", uh, so to speak.

FOX news didn't want to litigate it, moron. It was out of O'Reilly hands. They sued FOX, not O'Reilly.
A decent human being says "stop, I refuse to have it be implied that I did anything wrong". See, some people have ethics and a burning desire to do the right thing....not just what pads their bottom line.
It doesn't appear that she's worried about being harassed here:

She has that "where the hell is his right hand.....oh shit!" look on her face.
Sean has that "Bill and Roger and Trump get away with this shit all the time so now it's MY turn" look on his face.
Yes, poor guy - I think what he needs is to get fired for sexual harrassment, and get a $25 million payout like O'Reilly got - then he could afford some decent clothes for his family.

O'Reilly made Fox BIILLION$ over the years.....and there was no "payout".....they'd signed a new contract and caved in to extortionists and vile leftist pressure on's a filthy game being played.....I'd much rather see it shot out in the streets instead of this gutless warfare.
Bill hardly protested at all though, did he. Non-guilty parties who are accused of atrocities SCREAM IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS (that they are being falsely accused) - especially an ego-maniac and great debater like O'Reilly. No one casually accepts walking away from future MILLIONS if someone is falsely accusing them. O'Reilly KNOW that he got caught "with his pants down", uh, so to speak.

FOX news didn't want to litigate it, moron. It was out of O'Reilly hands. They sued FOX, not O'Reilly.
A decent human being says "stop, I refuse to have it be implied that I did anything wrong - don't pay people $13 million for something that I did NOT do!" See, some people have ethics and a burning desire to do the right thing....not just what pads their bottom line.
O'Reilly didn't pay them, dumbshit. FOX did.
You just can't make this up. This is a treacherous organized scheme to rid Fox New of all it's top rated Conservative hosts. First Bill O'Reilly, now Sean.


Who the hell is Debbie Schlussel?
So he's NOW going to scream it from the roof-tops, when he gets back from Rome? I would, because I care about the truth and my reputation if someone falsely accuses me of horrific behavior....O'Reilly?....well, not so much. At least he we be counter-suing every one of the many many women, and not PAYING them money, to boot!

So you think what you'd do or say should apply to a man who's fame and fortune dwarfs your own? You have no idea what's going on behind the scenes or what kind of non-disclosure deal he cut with Fox. He'd said last year he was tired of needing a bodyguard with him out in public and might leave at the end of his deal. Fox demanded he re-sign and then fired him....this is on Fox, not O'Reilly.
A REAL man doesn't go quietly into the night when he's (falsely) accused of wrong-doing by many women to the tune of $13 MILLION and the destruction of his long-earned (supposedly good) reputation! Bill Clinton payed Paula Jones a bit under $1 million, but Clinton is a scum-bag. Don't pay a dime to false-accusers.

O'Reilly didn't have much of a choice. The younger Murdochs who are taking over want him out, and FOX was the target of the lawsuit, not O'Reilly personally. He has said the accusations are bogus. What is he supposed to do since he isn't being sued?
Scream his innocence from the roof tops! Because now most of America thinks he's a vile sexual harasser! If that's not true, then an outspoken egomaniac like O'Reilly would shout it from the roof tops - just like Clinton would have been attacking Monica to no end!

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