Breaking: Sean Hannity Now Being Accused Of Sexual Harassment By Jewess Debbie Schlussel

O'Reilly made Fox BIILLION$ over the years.....and there was no "payout".....they'd signed a new contract and caved in to extortionists and vile leftist pressure on's a filthy game being played.....I'd much rather see it shot out in the streets instead of this gutless warfare.
Bill hardly protested at all though, did he. Non-guilty parties who are accused of atrocities SCREAM IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS (that they are being falsely accused) - especially an ego-maniac and great debater like O'Reilly. No one casually accepts walking away from future MILLIONS if someone is falsely accusing them. O'Reilly KNOW that he got caught "with his pants down", uh, so to speak.

FOX news didn't want to litigate it, moron. It was out of O'Reilly hands. They sued FOX, not O'Reilly.
A decent human being says "stop, I refuse to have it be implied that I did anything wrong". See, some people have ethics and a burning desire to do the right thing....not just what pads their bottom line.
It doesn't appear that she's worried about being harassed here:

She has that "where the hell is his right hand.....oh shit!" look on her face.
Sean has that "Bill and Roger and Trump get away with this shit all the time so now it's MY turn" look on his face.

You have a vivid imagination. That's all you've got.

What we know is that the left has an organized campaign against all right wing opinion leaders in general and against FOX news in particular.

We all know how these sleazy leftwing reptiles operate. Sleazy smears and libel are their stock in trade. We saw that during the election. Leftwingers can't win on the strength of their ideas, so they engage in these smear campaigns.
Yes, poor guy - I think what he needs is to get fired for sexual harrassment, and get a $25 million payout like O'Reilly got - then he could afford some decent clothes for his family.

O'Reilly made Fox BIILLION$ over the years.....and there was no "payout".....they'd signed a new contract and caved in to extortionists and vile leftist pressure on's a filthy game being played.....I'd much rather see it shot out in the streets instead of this gutless warfare.
Bill hardly protested at all though, did he. Non-guilty parties who are accused of atrocities SCREAM IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS (that they are being falsely accused) - especially an ego-maniac and great debater like O'Reilly. No one casually accepts walking away from future MILLIONS if someone is falsely accusing them. O'Reilly KNOW that he got caught "with his pants down", uh, so to speak.

FOX news didn't want to litigate it, moron. It was out of O'Reilly hands. They sued FOX, not O'Reilly.
A decent human being says "stop, I refuse to have it be implied that I did anything wrong - don't pay people $13 million for something that I did NOT do!" See, some people have ethics and a burning desire to do the right thing....not just what pads their bottom line.
O'Reilly didn't pay them, dumbshit. FOX did.
Then scream his innocence from the roof tops! Because now most of America thinks he's a vile sexual harasser! If that's not true, then an outspoken egomaniac like O'Reilly would shout it from the roof tops - just like Clinton would have been attacking Monica to no end! It's only a legal technicality WHO they sued - HE WAS THE PROBLEM!!
O'Reilly made Fox BIILLION$ over the years.....and there was no "payout".....they'd signed a new contract and caved in to extortionists and vile leftist pressure on's a filthy game being played.....I'd much rather see it shot out in the streets instead of this gutless warfare.
Bill hardly protested at all though, did he. Non-guilty parties who are accused of atrocities SCREAM IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS (that they are being falsely accused) - especially an ego-maniac and great debater like O'Reilly. No one casually accepts walking away from future MILLIONS if someone is falsely accusing them. O'Reilly KNOW that he got caught "with his pants down", uh, so to speak.

FOX news didn't want to litigate it, moron. It was out of O'Reilly hands. They sued FOX, not O'Reilly.
A decent human being says "stop, I refuse to have it be implied that I did anything wrong - don't pay people $13 million for something that I did NOT do!" See, some people have ethics and a burning desire to do the right thing....not just what pads their bottom line.
Which is why all of those "decent" women stayed at Fox for so many years...moron.
The harassment was bad, was illegal, was worth millions of dollars, but was apparently NOT SO BAD that they'd leave lucrative and high-profile jobs. Bill and Roger KNEW that, so that's why they felt they could continually get away with the harassment.

PS Bill and Roger need to just get on Tinder, and stop looking for love in the wrong place (the work-place!) It's a free app, guys!
And the same thing occurs on Wall Street everyday.
I saw it; the more a women was harassed, the more revealing she dressed.
Bonuses do that to you.
The scum are the ones using smear campaigns to take out people say things they don't like.
Biill-o paying $13 million to settle sexual harassment claims. Bill Clinton paid less than $800K, and that was covered by insurance. And everybody said how much that payout proved Clinton was guilty of sexual assault,
The scum are the ones using smear campaigns to take out people say things they don't like.
Biill-o paying $13 million to settle sexual harassment claims. Bill Clinton paid less than $800K, and that was covered by insurance. And everybody said how much that payout proved Clinton was guilty of sexual assault,
That's because Clinton only raped barmaids.
Bill hardly protested at all though, did he. Non-guilty parties who are accused of atrocities SCREAM IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS (that they are being falsely accused) - especially an ego-maniac and great debater like O'Reilly. No one casually accepts walking away from future MILLIONS if someone is falsely accusing them. O'Reilly KNOW that he got caught "with his pants down", uh, so to speak.

FOX news didn't want to litigate it, moron. It was out of O'Reilly hands. They sued FOX, not O'Reilly.
A decent human being says "stop, I refuse to have it be implied that I did anything wrong". See, some people have ethics and a burning desire to do the right thing....not just what pads their bottom line.
It doesn't appear that she's worried about being harassed here:

She has that "where the hell is his right hand.....oh shit!" look on her face.
Sean has that "Bill and Roger and Trump get away with this shit all the time so now it's MY turn" look on his face.

You have a vivid imagination. That's all you've got.

What we know is that the left has an organized campaign against all right wing opinion leaders in general and against FOX news in particular.

We all know how sleazy leftwing reptiles operate.
Even MORE reason for left-wing-hating O'Reilly to scream his innocence from the roofs! Instead, he goes quietly into the night. He's guilty, guilty, guilty. Or he's completely stupid, and I have a hard time believing that the #1 cable TV debater for the last zillion years is stupid (maybe wrong on politics, but not stupid.)
What do the women who Fox hires think is going to happen the way they flash skin and fling their bottle blonde hair around? Men and women in the workplace, any workplace, flirt and make advances toward each other. The way our companies HR departments work, only the men get called out for it. My advice, fellas? don't ...... where you eat. :nono:
The scum are the ones using smear campaigns to take out people say things they don't like.
Biill-o paying $13 million to settle sexual harassment claims. Bill Clinton paid less than $800K, and that was covered by insurance. And everybody said how much that payout proved Clinton was guilty of sexual assault,
He WAS guilty - no ethical leader of the free world effectively says "ok, I'm innocent, but I don't care about the truth so let's go ahead and pay hundreds of thousands to a false-accuser." NO, an ethical person who is innocent stands tall and screams it from the rooftops that they are innocent, and wouldn't pay a red cent to a false-accuser.
You just can't make this up. This is a treacherous organized scheme to rid Fox New of all it's top rated Conservative hosts. First Bill O'Reilly, now Sean.


You're sure screwed up. Based on your hatred of Jews I suggest you get over it as Jared Kushner and Steve Mnuchin are going to be running your life, since Donald wants to play more golf and stay down at Mar A Lago.
Wow. Turns out that a lot of conservatives are degenerate dirtbags. Who knew?
It turns out that you are a gullible moron, but we already knew that.

A drooling Trump supporter chimes in....
Wow. Turns out that a lot of conservatives are degenerate dirtbags. Who knew?
It turns out that you are a gullible moron, but we already knew that.

A drooling Trump supporter chimes in....
Ad hominem attacks, that lack a reasoned, articulate reply, are a sign that one might be bereft of cogent are better than that.
Even MORE reason for left-wing-hating O'Reilly to scream his innocence from the roofs! Instead, he goes quietly into the night. He's guilty, guilty, guilty. Or he's completely stupid, and I have a hard time believing that the #1 cable TV debater for the last zillion years is stupid (maybe wrong on politics, but not stupid.)

O'Reilly was the highest paid on cable TV, about $20 million per year. That kind of money makes people think they can get away with anything. Even the total of the harassment settlements were less than Bill-o's annual salary.
What do the women who Fox hires think is going to happen the way they flash skin and fling their bottle blonde hair around? .......
YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM! Time to leave the 1950's, my friend, and come into the 21st century.
O'Reilly made Fox BIILLION$ over the years.....and there was no "payout".....they'd signed a new contract and caved in to extortionists and vile leftist pressure on's a filthy game being played.....I'd much rather see it shot out in the streets instead of this gutless warfare.
Bill hardly protested at all though, did he. Non-guilty parties who are accused of atrocities SCREAM IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS (that they are being falsely accused) - especially an ego-maniac and great debater like O'Reilly. No one casually accepts walking away from future MILLIONS if someone is falsely accusing them. O'Reilly KNOW that he got caught "with his pants down", uh, so to speak.

FOX news didn't want to litigate it, moron. It was out of O'Reilly hands. They sued FOX, not O'Reilly.
A decent human being says "stop, I refuse to have it be implied that I did anything wrong - don't pay people $13 million for something that I did NOT do!" See, some people have ethics and a burning desire to do the right thing....not just what pads their bottom line.
O'Reilly didn't pay them, dumbshit. FOX did.
Then scream his innocence from the roof tops! Because now most of America thinks he's a vile sexual harasser! If that's not true, then an outspoken egomaniac like O'Reilly would shout it from the roof tops - just like Clinton would have been attacking Monica to no end! It's only a legal technicality WHO they sued - HE WAS THE PROBLEM!!
O'Reilly is getting an 8 figure settlement, and not attack FOX is probably one of the conditions. Part of the previous settlements is undoubtedly that all parties do not discuss them. So O'Reilly is legally bound not to discuss them. What would you have him shout about?
Wow. Turns out that a lot of conservatives are degenerate dirtbags. Who knew?
It turns out that you are a gullible moron, but we already knew that.

A drooling Trump supporter chimes in....
Wow. Turns out that a lot of conservatives are degenerate dirtbags. Who knew?
It turns out that you are a gullible moron, but we already knew that.

A drooling Trump supporter chimes in....
Ad hominem attacks, that lack a reasoned, articulate reply, are a sign that one might be bereft of cogent are better than that.

That applies to lots of internet forums but, as you have probably noticed, not this one. This is a far right Republican bubble, not a level playing ground.

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