Breaking: Sean Hannity Now Being Accused Of Sexual Harassment By Jewess Debbie Schlussel

It's not 1950s mentality nor sexist to state that Hollywood and the media often flash and screw their way to the top. It's fact.
With men when they are at or past peak they can't complain to society but in our society women can complain as it fits perfectly into "victim" status and libs Adore victims
You just don't get it, I'm afraid. Fortunately the kids in their 20's today are starting to get it, and by the time THEY become the old horny sleaze-bags like Trump/Bill-O/Roger-A/Clinton/Cosby there will be way less harassment - they will respect women as much as Scientific Humanists respect women.

I can see why you're afraid. What women? All women deserve respect? I can tell you this much....women generally don't care for other women because our culture has trained them to compete for men's attention. It's the root cause for the gossip they're so willing to spread about each other. So knock off the gender generalizations....women these days know they got it knocked and are exploiting their new power in ways unheard of in their mothers' day.
YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM! Time to leave the 1950's, my friend, and come into the 21st century.

If your "problem" is realty I can't help you.....I grew up in the 50's and nothing between men and women has changed other than the number of lawsuits filed by scheming witches who tease a guy into making an advance and then rat him out if he doesn't pay hush money. I been in the Big Leagues....where the hell have you ever been?
You just don't get it, I'm afraid. Fortunately the kids in their 20's today are starting to get it, and by the time THEY become the old horny sleaze-bags like Trump/Bill-O/Roger-A/Clinton/Cosby there will be way less harassment - they will respect women as much as Scientific Humanists respect women.
No, you don't get it. Bogus claims of sexual harassment are as common as dirt. It's a favored way for women to make money or get revenge against a former boyfriend or a boss that passed them over for promotion.
Innocent/ethical people don't AGREE TO GAG ORDERS...BECAUSE THEY ARE INNOCENT IN THE FIRST PLACE! Why would I agree to not discuss a false claim against me!?

Have somebody push a check for several million dollars across a desk to you and get back to us on that.
YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM! Time to leave the 1950's, my friend, and come into the 21st century.

If your "problem" is realty I can't help you.....I grew up in the 50's and nothing between men and women has changed other than the number of lawsuits filed by scheming witches who tease a guy into making an advance and then rat him out if he doesn't pay hush money. I been in the Big Leagues....where the hell have you ever been?
You just don't get it, I'm afraid. Fortunately the kids in their 20's today are starting to get it, and by the time THEY become the old horny sleaze-bags like Trump/Bill-O/Roger-A/Clinton/Cosby there will be way less harassment - they will respect women as much as Scientific Humanists respect women.


Whatever man, them faggots just want to bugger them in the wrong hole and not feel guilty about it.

Bovine feces. ;)
The Bible teaches you to hate "faggots", but Scientific Humanism teaches you to "love gay, equally". Something to think about.
What do the women who Fox hires think is going to happen the way they flash skin and fling their bottle blonde hair around? .......
YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM! Time to leave the 1950's, my friend, and come into the 21st century.

Fox Noise is still in the '50s, and the dress code for women there:
1. Tight, short, sleeveless dresses hopefully with plunging necklines
2. Stiletto heels
3. Long hair extensions
4. 1.5" false eyelashes and red lipstick
was something the desperate women who want to work at Fox allowed to happen.
But dressing like a Las Vegas cocktail waitress doesn't mean a woman is inviting sexual assault or overtures.

That is dress code for women when they are on camera. The network is partially selling their sex appeal, and their appearance is a big part of why they were hired for their positions. If they don't like it, then they should go elsewhere.
Part of the previous settlements is undoubtedly that all parties do not discuss them. So O'Reilly is legally bound not to discuss them. What would you have him shout about?

If O'Reilly was so innocent, he would be shouting it to all who would listen. He would be trying to clear his name, and prove his innocence. But that's kinda hard to do, when one of the ladies he harassed has him on her answering machine, and a tape of Bill-o masking lews sexual comments to her while playing with himself.
He's bound by legal agreements not to discuss these matters, dumbass.

I have heard nothing about the stuff you accuse him of. Do you have a link?
Innocent/ethical people don't AGREE TO GAG ORDERS...BECAUSE THEY ARE INNOCENT IN THE FIRST PLACE! Why would I agree to not discuss a false claim against me!?
Not everyone agrees to gag orders. Sometimes they are imposed. The complaint that O'Reilly looked at some woman behind her back isn't credible. Most of these complaints aren't credible. O'Reilly didn't leave because of these bogus complaints. He left because new management made him understand that they were replacing the old guard. He leaves now, or it will get much much worse until he does leave.
Part of the previous settlements is undoubtedly that all parties do not discuss them. So O'Reilly is legally bound not to discuss them. What would you have him shout about?

If O'Reilly was so innocent, he would be shouting it to all who would listen. He would be trying to clear his name, and prove his innocence. But that's kinda hard to do, when one of the ladies he harassed has him on her answering machine, and a tape of Bill-o masking lews sexual comments to her while playing with himself.
He's bound by legal agreements not to discuss these matters, dumbass.

I have heard nothing about the stuff you accuse him of. Do you have a link?
Oh it's there, trust me - I've heard it.
But you can't produce it, obviously.

Why would anyone trust you?
YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM! Time to leave the 1950's, my friend, and come into the 21st century.

If your "problem" is realty I can't help you.....I grew up in the 50's and nothing between men and women has changed other than the number of lawsuits filed by scheming witches who tease a guy into making an advance and then rat him out if he doesn't pay hush money. I been in the Big Leagues....where the hell have you ever been?
You just don't get it, I'm afraid. Fortunately the kids in their 20's today are starting to get it, and by the time THEY become the old horny sleaze-bags like Trump/Bill-O/Roger-A/Clinton/Cosby there will be way less harassment - they will respect women as much as Scientific Humanists respect women.


Whatever man, them faggots just want to bugger them in the wrong hole and not feel guilty about it.

Bovine feces. ;)
The Bible teaches you to hate "faggots", but Scientific Humanism teaches you to "love gay, equally". Something to think about.

Yeah, I'm not into faggotry so fuck that.

Men are men and women are women, except for 1 out of every 2200.

I suggest you go watch two big black men have anal sex and get back to me when you approve.

Be sure and take in the aroma. :poop:

Nasty, it is.
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Part of the previous settlements is undoubtedly that all parties do not discuss them. So O'Reilly is legally bound not to discuss them. What would you have him shout about?

If O'Reilly was so innocent, he would be shouting it to all who would listen. He would be trying to clear his name, and prove his innocence. But that's kinda hard to do, when one of the ladies he harassed has him on her answering machine, and a tape of Bill-o making lewd sexual comments to her while playing with himself.
He is legally not allowed to, moron.
Innocent/ethical people don't AGREE TO GAG ORDERS...BECAUSE THEY ARE INNOCENT IN THE FIRST PLACE! Why would I agree to not discuss a false claim against me!?

Have somebody push a check for several million dollars across a desk to you and get back to us on that.
He, by not standing up to the (apparently) false accusers, is PASSING UP millions in future ad revenue that he'd get part of if he was cleared of these (allegedly) false claims. BILL is the one who should not only be standing up for himself (if he's innocent, that is), for his reputation, but to actually make more money - these women have damaged his reputation and his bankability - so even MORE reason to come out with guns blazing against these (allegedly) false accusers. He attacks Hillary way more than he attacks women who falsely accuse him (apparently) of sexual harassment. Bill-O is SCREAMING "GUILTY!", in my opinion. So he's probably a real scumbag. Well, uh, we KNOW he's a scumbag because of this video alone - not someone loving enough to be a Scientific Humanist, sadly:

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