Breaking: Sean Hannity To Make Huge Announcement About The Seth Rich Murder Tonight--05/23/2017


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
When you're taking flak, you're over the target and Hannity has flown into a mega target with the Seth Rich murder. Media Matters is trying to get him fired and Democrats are targeting his advertisers. Tonight he's going to reveal a huge bombshell about what he's found out. The political fallout from this would be tremendous.

Everybody watch Hannity tonight at 10pm eastern!

From Sean Hannity
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You a paid shill?

Maybe he's finally going to do his water-boarding for the Wounded Warriors charity?
When you're taking flak, you're over the target and Hannity has flown into a mega target with the Seth Rich murder. Media Matters is trying to get him fired and Demonstrates are targeting his advertisers. Tonight he's going to reveal a huge bombshell about what he's found out.

Everybody watch Hannity tonight at 10pm eastern!

From Sean Hannity

It's not what Sean Hannity has found it's what the FBI & Law Enforcement didn't find--Wikileak emails on Seth Rich's computer. Seth Rich's family has threatened a law suit against FOX News if they do not retract the story. Today FOX News took the story off of their web-site.
Family Of Murdered DNC Staffer Demands Fox News Retract Discredited Story
Seth Rich's family sends cease and desist to Fox News contributor behind evidence-free smears
Fox News Pulls Seth Rich Story After Complaint, Legal Threat From Family

Sean Hannity in collusion with FOX news is doing everything they can to separate the Russian hacks from Julian Assange--the known Criminal that has been hold'd up in the Ecuador Embassy for the last 4 YEARS in London surrounded by U.K police avoiding extradition charges for what he did to G.W Bush.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?

WHY? Because Sean Hannity and Trump have frequently referenced quoted Julian Assange--actually praising him quite often. Basically what FOX & Hannity were trying to do is say that a close aid to Hillary Clinton was the one working with the Russians and they used a TRAGIC death to spin a story that turned out to be 100% FALSE.

Recently Assange released 1000's of CIA documents disclosing information to terrorists the tactics used to catch them.

The new CIA director Pompeo--just labeled (Julian Assange--Wikileaks founder) to be a HOSTILE intelligence source of this nation. Of course he praised him during the campaign.

We already know who LOVES Wikileaks: Trump & his supporters do.

Trump Mentioned WikiLeaks 164 Times In Final Month - Political Wire



FOX News has lost all credibility and is nothing more than a Tabloid magazine now a days. They are the news channel for the nutcase conspirator theorist's. Hopefully this is the end of Sean Hannity.
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When you're taking flak, you're over the target and Hannity has flown into a mega target with the Seth Rich murder. Media Matters is trying to get him fired and Demonstrates are targeting his advertisers. Tonight he's going to reveal a huge bombshell about what he's found out.

Everybody watch Hannity tonight at 10pm eastern!

From Sean Hannity

It's not what Sean Hannity has found it's what the FBI & Law Enforcement didn't find--Wikileak emails on Seth Rich's computer. Seth Rich's family has threatened a law suit against FOX News if they do not retract the story. Today FOX News took the story off of their web-site.
Family Of Murdered DNC Staffer Demands Fox News Retract Discredited Story
Seth Rich's family sends cease and desist to Fox News contributor behind evidence-free smears
Fox News Pulls Seth Rich Story After Complaint, Legal Threat From Family

Sean Hannity in collusion with FOX news is doing everything they can to separate the Russian hacks from Julian Assange--the known Criminal that has been hold'd up in the Ecuador Embassy for the last 4 YEARS in London surrounded by U.K police avoiding extradition charges for what he did to G.W Bush.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?

WHY? Because Sean Hannity and Trump have frequently referenced quoted Julian Assange--actually praising him quite often. Basically what FOX & Hannity were trying to do is say that a close aid to Hillary Clinton was the one working with the Russians and they used a TRAGIC death to spin a story that turned out to be 100% FALSE.

Recently Assange released 1000's of CIA documents disclosing information to terrorists the tactics used to catch them.

The new CIA director Pompeo--just labeled (Julian Assange--Wikileaks founder) to be a HOSTILE intelligence source of this nation. Of course he praised him during the campaign.

We already know who LOVES Wikileaks:

Trump Mentioned WikiLeaks 164 Times In Final Month - Political Wire



FOX News has lost all credibility and is nothing more than a Tabloid magazine now a days. They are the news channel for the nutcase conspirator theorist's. Hopefully this is the end of Sean Hannity.

All mainstream news is outhouse material now.
What is it about the Alt-Right and their obsession with improbable conspiracies?
This one was debunked way back
What is it about the Alt-Right and their obsession with improbable conspiracies?
This one was debunked way back

Link? Nothing has been "debunked"....covered-up by the corrupt D.C. police, of course. The same way the park police botched the Vince Foster murder. Muggers don't backshoot their prey and run off without the money, watch, phone, etc. The Clinturds ordered Seth murdered for spilling to Wikileaks.
When you're taking flak, you're over the target and Hannity has flown into a mega target with the Seth Rich murder. Media Matters is trying to get him fired and Demonstrates are targeting his advertisers. Tonight he's going to reveal a huge bombshell about what he's found out.

Everybody watch Hannity tonight at 10pm eastern!

From Sean Hannity

It's not what Sean Hannity has found it's what the FBI & Law Enforcement didn't find--Wikileak emails on Seth Rich's computer. Seth Rich's family has threatened a law suit against FOX News if they do not retract the story. Today FOX News took the story off of their web-site.
Family Of Murdered DNC Staffer Demands Fox News Retract Discredited Story
Seth Rich's family sends cease and desist to Fox News contributor behind evidence-free smears
Fox News Pulls Seth Rich Story After Complaint, Legal Threat From Family

Sean Hannity in collusion with FOX news is doing everything they can to separate the Russian hacks from Julian Assange--the known Criminal that has been hold'd up in the Ecuador Embassy for the last 4 YEARS in London surrounded by U.K police avoiding extradition charges for what he did to G.W Bush.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?

WHY? Because Sean Hannity and Trump have frequently referenced quoted Julian Assange--actually praising him quite often. Basically what FOX & Hannity were trying to do is say that a close aid to Hillary Clinton was the one working with the Russians and they used a TRAGIC death to spin a story that turned out to be 100% FALSE.

Recently Assange released 1000's of CIA documents disclosing information to terrorists the tactics used to catch them.

The new CIA director Pompeo--just labeled (Julian Assange--Wikileaks founder) to be a HOSTILE intelligence source of this nation. Of course he praised him during the campaign.

We already know who LOVES Wikileaks: Trump & his supporters do.

Trump Mentioned WikiLeaks 164 Times In Final Month - Political Wire



FOX News has lost all credibility and is nothing more than a Tabloid magazine now a days. They are the news channel for the nutcase conspirator theorist's. Hopefully this is the end of Sean Hannity.

Things have changed suddenly.

Family of Seth Rich Demand Police Reveal Details of Its Murder Investigation
When you're taking flak, you're over the target and Hannity has flown into a mega target with the Seth Rich murder. Media Matters is trying to get him fired and Demonstrates are targeting his advertisers. Tonight he's going to reveal a huge bombshell about what he's found out. The political fallout from this would be tremendous.

Everybody watch Hannity tonight at 10pm eastern!

From Sean Hannity
BWA-HA-HA! Fox has retracted this hoax, creduloid.

Is Hannity going to feed you some more lies direct from Putin's cock?
When you're taking flak, you're over the target and Hannity has flown into a mega target with the Seth Rich murder. Media Matters is trying to get him fired and Demonstrates are targeting his advertisers. Tonight he's going to reveal a huge bombshell about what he's found out. The political fallout from this would be tremendous.

Everybody watch Hannity tonight at 10pm eastern!

From Sean Hannity

I'll watch, but honestly I don't expect much more then Madcow's Trump tax return bombshell. It comes off like Hannity is trying to matter at a news channel that's changing.
When you're taking flak, you're over the target and Hannity has flown into a mega target with the Seth Rich murder. Media Matters is trying to get him fired and Demonstrates are targeting his advertisers. Tonight he's going to reveal a huge bombshell about what he's found out.

Everybody watch Hannity tonight at 10pm eastern!

From Sean Hannity

It's not what Sean Hannity has found it's what the FBI & Law Enforcement didn't find--Wikileak emails on Seth Rich's computer. Seth Rich's family has threatened a law suit against FOX News if they do not retract the story. Today FOX News took the story off of their web-site.
Family Of Murdered DNC Staffer Demands Fox News Retract Discredited Story
Seth Rich's family sends cease and desist to Fox News contributor behind evidence-free smears
Fox News Pulls Seth Rich Story After Complaint, Legal Threat From Family

Sean Hannity in collusion with FOX news is doing everything they can to separate the Russian hacks from Julian Assange--the known Criminal that has been hold'd up in the Ecuador Embassy for the last 4 YEARS in London surrounded by U.K police avoiding extradition charges for what he did to G.W Bush.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?

WHY? Because Sean Hannity and Trump have frequently referenced quoted Julian Assange--actually praising him quite often. Basically what FOX & Hannity were trying to do is say that a close aid to Hillary Clinton was the one working with the Russians and they used a TRAGIC death to spin a story that turned out to be 100% FALSE.

Recently Assange released 1000's of CIA documents disclosing information to terrorists the tactics used to catch them.

The new CIA director Pompeo--just labeled (Julian Assange--Wikileaks founder) to be a HOSTILE intelligence source of this nation. Of course he praised him during the campaign.

We already know who LOVES Wikileaks: Trump & his supporters do.

Trump Mentioned WikiLeaks 164 Times In Final Month - Political Wire



FOX News has lost all credibility and is nothing more than a Tabloid magazine now a days. They are the news channel for the nutcase conspirator theorist's. Hopefully this is the end of Sean Hannity.

Things have changed suddenly.

Family of Seth Rich Demand Police Reveal Details of Its Murder Investigation

Yes and FOX NEWS (Sean Hannity) is going to end up with egg all over their faces.
Fox News retracts controversial story on Seth Rich’s death, alleged WikiLeaks contact – The Denver Post

"A week after publishing a problematic account about the death of former Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich – an article that said Rich made contact with WikiLeaks before he was shot and killed in Washington, D.C. – Fox News retracted the story, saying it did not meet the organization’s editorial standards.

“The article was not initially subjected to the high degree of editorial scrutiny we require for all our reporting,” Fox said in a brief statement posted on its website Tuesday. “Upon appropriate review, the article was found not to meet those standards and has since been removed.”

The unsigned, 73-word “Statement on coverage of Seth Rich murder investigation” added: “We will continue to investigate this story and will provide updates as warranted.”
Fox News retracts controversial story on Seth Rich’s death, alleged WikiLeaks contact – The Denver Post

Even the Russians joined in on Sean Hannity's conspiracy--LOL
The Russian Embassy in London tweeted about murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich

Seth Rich was murdered. We have a body. Someone killed him.

If you don't agree with me that Trump did it, you're a Seth denier.

The science is settled. Trump did it.

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