BREAKING: Second Arizona County Refuses to Certify Tainted 2022 Midterm Election

What would the motivation be for that?

The mail-in ballots are the problem for election integrity.

So long as anyone can harvest a ballot, and ballots are mass-mailed with no way to verify who is receiving it and sending it in, elections will not be secure, thus not fair.

I believe that the reason for that is so that results of mail-in ballots are not leaked. The solution is to make mail-in ballot safe and rare.

Florida is a Red state and it got its results out quickly and accurately. Texas is a red state and it did the same, except in Democrat-controlled Harris County, in which the Democrat election administrator was fired for screwing up the primary, and then her replacement has screwed up the general even more.

Naturally, the Democrat County Judge (the country administrator) was re-elected. She was only elected in the first place because stupid people who thought Beto was really Hispanic turned out to vote for him for Governor and she came in on his coat tails.

She's cute, but after her mother brought her out of Columbia to the states to get away from Democrat-like government, she decided to turn Harris County into Columbia.
Florida has a shit ton more old people than just about any other State and all those old as fuck people got off their asses and voted on election day.
And Republicans aren't? LMAO.
There's no evidence that dems didn't cheat this election or in 2020. That's why, in every American election in history, we have had solid voting laws until COVID panic blew everything apart.
I believe there is a fake perception of what the "majority" believes or what the "public" wants based on unverifiable election results. The mass distortion from COVID lockdowns has lasted to this day with the primary goal of destroying Trump's reputation. But you've dragged the country's economy down with your unholy Trump hate crusade. Hope you're proud.
There is no PROOF the election in 2020 or 2022 were stolen from you. NONE, ZIP, ZILCH, NADA, NICHTO, NIENTE evidence. Your imagination and countless others with made up conspiracies, do not count, in the REAL World. If fraud actually occurred, it is easy to show!

There are so many checks and balances in place now a days, it is impossible to commit any kind of widespread voter fraud. The Republican and Democratic legislators made these election laws and rules over the years to prevent "the other side" from cheating.... It's pretty darn safe....

There were no permanent changes due to covid. There were very few changes that some COURTS ruled were ok, due to the covid national emergency in the 2020 presidential election....

And voting absentee ballot was made available to both REPUBLICAN citizens to use, and Democrats to use.... It was not made available to just democrats.

Trump CHOSE to discourage Republicans from using absentee because of his pre planned scheme, to call the election over, after the election day votes came in on election night... and stop the counting of 70% of the citizen votes, which came via early voting and absentee... so the Democratic leaning absentee votes would not be counted. Trump wanted to STEAL MY VOTE FROM ME, by not letting it to be counted..... He is the THIEF....or attempted THIEF, and still is the THIEF by continuing to falsely claim he got more votes than Biden, and won. Trump's an F ING LIAR. And the sorest and BIGGEST LOSER of all time! He can kiss my grits!
There is no PROOF the election in 2020 or 2022 were stolen from you. NONE, ZIP, ZILCH, NADA, NICHTO, NIENTE evidence. Your imagination and countless others with made up conspiracies, do not count, in the REAL World. If fraud actually occurred, it is easy to show!

There are so many checks and balances in place now a days, it is impossible to commit any kind of widespread voter fraud. The Republican and Democratic legislators made these election laws and rules over the years to prevent "the other side" from cheating.... It's pretty darn safe....

There were no permanent changes due to covid. There were very few changes that some COURTS ruled were ok, due to the covid national emergency in the 2020 presidential election....

And voting absentee ballot was made available to both REPUBLICAN citizens to use, and Democrats to use.... It was not made available to just democrats.

Trump CHOSE to discourage Republicans from using absentee because of his pre planned scheme, to call the election over, after the election day votes came in on election night... and stop the counting of 70% of the citizen votes, which came via early voting and absentee... so the Democratic leaning absentee votes would not be counted. Trump wanted to STEAL MY VOTE FROM ME, by not letting it to be counted..... He is the THIEF....or attempted THIEF, and still is the THIEF by continuing to falsely claim he got more votes than Biden, and won. Trump's an F ING LIAR. And the sorest and BIGGEST LOSER of all time! He can kiss my grits!
3:15AM EST ballot shit.
This could be good news for Kari Lake.

No it would not be. If the election is not certified, then the votes will not count.
No, we need to get back to Elections like they used to be.
Election Day, early voting but all ballots in by close of polls
In-person with mail ins by excuse only
paper ballots
all ballots counted on election day

Elections are fine now. Your prescription is for right wing fascists.
There are so many checks and balances in place now a days, it is impossible to commit any kind of widespread voter fraud. The Republican and Democratic legislators made these election laws and rules over the years to prevent "the other side" from cheating.... It's pretty darn safe....

There were no permanent changes due to covid.

I certainly hope that's the case, but you're sounding comical and much of what you post isn't factual. Just calm down

What would the motivation be for that?

The mail-in ballots are the problem for election integrity.

So long as anyone can harvest a ballot, and ballots are mass-mailed with no way to verify who is receiving it and sending it in, elections will not be secure, thus not fair.

I believe that the reason for that is so that results of mail-in ballots are not leaked. The better solution is to make mail-in ballot secure and rare. You can't do that with the free-for-all that it has become.

Florida is a Red state and it got its results out quickly and accurately. Texas is a red state and it did the same, except in Democrat-controlled Harris County, in which the Democrat election administrator was fired for screwing up the primary, and then her replacement has screwed up the general even more.

Naturally, the Democrat County Judge (the country administrator) was re-elected. She was only elected in the first place because stupid people who thought Beto was really Hispanic turned out to vote for him for Governor and she came in on his coat tails.

She's cute, but after her mother brought her out of Columbia to the states to get away from Democrat-like government, she decided to turn Harris County into Columbia.
So, why did Trump say the election was stolen from him in MI, PA, GA, AZ, WI? Separately, how were each one of these states fraudulent, and stolen from him and how many votes in each of these states can Trump PROVE he won by?I

Each of those states had registered voters request a ballot?

Oh, the reason Texas and Florida could call their races early, is because those states require absentee votes be counted the day they are returned..... And their states do not have close races... Rs primarily win, all the time.... They are not swing states with close races in every county.

The republican legislatures in PA and MI, wrote in their election law, it is ILLEGAL to process and count absentee ballots, until election day. This puts these hugely populated states way behind In the counting.

There is no PROOF the election in 2020 or 2022 were stolen from you. NONE, ZIP, ZILCH, NADA, NICHTO, NIENTE evidence. Your imagination and countless others with made up conspiracies, do not count, in the REAL World. If fraud actually occurred, it is easy to show!

It's hard to prove something you can't investigate. Let's look at this last election:

* Nearly 80% of the public polled stated this country is headed in the wrong direction.
* 5 million more Republicans voted than Democrat.
* All polling companies were not only wrong, but predicted the opposite direction for the first time since polling started.
* Our country is in shambles now with fuel prices, grocery prices, inflation, nuclear war threat, labor shortage, inflation not seen in 40 years.

And with all that and more, Republicans barely won the majority in the House and lost the Senate?

I don't know how anybody could possibly make sense out of any of this. As the robot in the classic show Lost In Space used to say, this does not compute.
So what's the problem? We don't know what goes on inside those voting machines. Oh, we know what we voted for, but how are those machines tabulating those votes?
No, we need to get back to Elections like they used to be.
Election Day, early voting but all ballots in by close of polls
In-person with mail ins by excuse only
paper ballots
all ballots counted on election day
ALL ballots have NEVER been counted completely on election day, ever! State laws give their election officials three weeks +/- to count ALL the votes cast.

The military vote does not even have to be there until one week after election day.

The citizens of absentee ballots where signatures do not match, are given up to a week after election day, to cure their ballot, so it can be counted.

Oh this, you really need to sit it out, because you really have no idea how elections are run and truly no idea what you are talking about regarding elections and their processes....imho!
Up yours! You don't get to decide, where I live in the Land of the Free, or how I vote! Who in the hell, do you think you are.....? :lol::lol:

Matt and I are one of those couples! We were city dwellers with big jobs and good money, and we gave it all up 17 years ago, for the peace and quiet and to smell the roses and get in tune with nature. We are probably considered poor now, but we are rich in many other ways!

I'm not telling you what to do, just suggesting a solution to your problem. Like I sad, I have met and known many rural dwellers. They complain about nothing. They like their rural living and separation from modern conveniences. The last thing any of them would complain about is it's too hard to vote and they need to vote by mail. I don't know if you do live in a rural area or not, but if you do, it sounds like you brought your big city living when you moved there.
Easy Peasy! Republicans were trained by Trump to vote in person on election day. Democrats have been encouraged to vote via absentee ballot or in person.

many democrats are the people that have found it very hard to vote in person, the workers that are hourly workers, working odd hours, or single mom with children to worry about after they get home from work, or just exhausted after working two jobs to pay the bills, or are in college with also an hourly job across town....

The way we have our elections set up, you can't vote near your work which is 10 miles from your home, you have to get back to your home area....and when hourly, you need every penny, to survive, some can't afford to take off hours from their jobs to vote....

This is why early voting and absentee voting, came about...

Anyway, absentee votes, ARE COUNTED LAST, after the election day, in person votes for n many states, which gives the appearance of republicans being way ahead, but it is a red mirage, because only about 35%-40% or so of our votes in an election now, come from in person voting on election day.

Absentee voting, and Military voting are the last votes to be counted. They also take much much much longer to process the security checks, before the first ballot is removed from the envelope.

And since most people that use absentee voting are left leaning now, you won't be able to call the race until near all votes are counted, if it is a close race.

The way I read the OP is that 72% of Republicans voted whether it's mail-in or not. Not only those that physically came out.

More Democrats vote by mail and absentee because they are lazy welfare roaches. If they had to put any effort into voting, they wouldn't vote at all. We've survived hundreds of years voting in person and we should do it again. Lazy Democrats have turned voting day into voting week and voting weeks.

As far as early voting goes, I don't care about that as long as it's done in person and the voters identity is thoroughly checked out by an election worker. But mail-in opens more doors to fraud and is seldom detected.
So, why did Trump say the election was stolen from him in MI, PA, GA, AZ, WI? Separately, how were each one of these states fraudulent, and stolen from him and how many votes in each of these states can Trump PROVE he won by?I

Each of those states had registered voters request a ballot?
I don't know, I'm not here to defend what Trump says.
Oh, the reason Texas and Florida could call their races early, is because those states require absentee votes be counted the day they are returned..... And their states do not have close races... Rs primarily win, all the time.... They are not swing states with close races in every county.
So the media was just lying in 2018, and 2022, when they said that Beto and Abbott were in a close race? I thought so at the time, but I'm glad a Democrat acknowledges it.

I thought it was the red states that required absentee ballots to be held uncounted until election day. Are you and Golfing Gator just making it up as you go along?
The republican legislatures in PA and MI, wrote in their election law, it is ILLEGAL to process and count absentee ballots, until election day. This puts these hugely populated states way behind In the counting.

I don't know, I'm not here to defend Republican legislatures in northern states.

So, it is "the red states," who do that, but not Texas and Florida, the two largest red states?

What is Arizona's excuse? The Democratic Secretary of State was in charge of the voting and she was far from a disinterested observer.

They had printers that didn't print darkly enough for the ballots to be read by the scanners. They couldn't have tested the printers beforehand? That is ridiculously amateurish. Is it a coincidence that the slowdowns were worst in an outlet mall in conservative Anthem, where some voters had to wait several hours to be able to vote with the only one of two tabulators working?

Republican voters hate to wait several hours to vote. They need to get to work, and there was nobody there to tell them how long it would take to fix the problem.
No, we need to get back to Elections like they used to be.
Election Day, early voting but all ballots in by close of polls
In-person with mail ins by excuse only
paper ballots
all ballots counted on election day

Nope, what is needed is fairer elections, Proportional Representation is so much harder to fiddle. You'd need to fiddle hundreds of thousands of votes to make a difference, and all over the country. Hence why the least corrupt countries use PR.
This could be good news for Kari Lake.

Dream on nutter.

If they refuse to certify without damn good evidence their ass is going to get quickly sued into submission.

Courts are not going to pussyfoot with this shit.
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It's hard to prove something you can't investigate. Let's look at this last election:

* Nearly 80% of the public polled stated this country is headed in the wrong direction.
* 5 million more Republicans voted than Democrat.
* All polling companies were not only wrong, but predicted the opposite direction for the first time since polling started.
* Our country is in shambles now with fuel prices, grocery prices, inflation, nuclear war threat, labor shortage, inflation not seen in 40 years.

And with all that and more, Republicans barely won the majority in the House and lost the Senate?

I don't know how anybody could possibly make sense out of any of this. As the robot in the classic show Lost In Space used to say, this does not compute.
So what's the problem? We don't know what goes on inside those voting machines. Oh, we know what we voted for, but how are those machines tabulating those votes?
Nobody can make sense out of it?

Dummy, people don't want to vote for cultist crazies.

Get a clue losers, people are tired of your loony election denying bullshit.
This could be good news for Kari Lake.

Great, those rural low education counties can try to prove voter fraud in their counties?
It's hard to prove something you can't investigate. Let's look at this last election:

* Nearly 80% of the public polled stated this country is headed in the wrong direction.
* 5 million more Republicans voted than Democrat.
* All polling companies were not only wrong, but predicted the opposite direction for the first time since polling started.
* Our country is in shambles now with fuel prices, grocery prices, inflation, nuclear war threat, labor shortage, inflation not seen in 40 years.

And with all that and more, Republicans barely won the majority in the House and lost the Senate?

I don't know how anybody could possibly make sense out of any of this. As the robot in the classic show Lost In Space used to say, this does not compute.
So what's the problem? We don't know what goes on inside those voting machines. Oh, we know what we voted for, but how are those machines tabulating those votes?
Yes, 80% voted country is headed in the wrong direction because democrats believe republicans are fascist authoritarians and want to get rid of our democratic republic and also believe women can't make their own decisions about their own life.... So both sides of the aisle, for different reasons believe the country is heading in the wrong direction.

5 million more republicans voted is SIMPLY NOT TRUE.

That is a projection, not a fact.

What we know is that all the Senate races added up, the republicans overall got 544,000 MORE votes in total. And if you pretend that all states voted in the same percentage as they did in the few Senate races and spread it out to all states, it would be 5 million more's a calculated projection, not fact.

The calculation is flawed because in one Senate race alone in one state, Florida, Rubio got about a million more votes than Val Demings..... So the Senate had 500k overall votes above dems and it all came from one single blowout race in one state and to project that out to all 50 states to get to the 5 million more repubs than dems is flawed, and not useable.

the polling was fairly accurate, within their margins of error, except the conservative Traflagler polling, which was manufactured and fake polling favoring Republicans.
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Yes, 80% voted country is headed in the wrong direction because democrats believe republicans are fascist authoritarians and want to get rid of our democratic republic and also believe women can't make their own decisions about their own life.... So both sides of the aisle, for different reasons believe the country is heading in the wrong direction.

5 million more republicans voted is SIMPLY NOT TRUE.

That is a projection, not a fact.

What we know is that all the Senate races added up, the republicans overall got 544,000 MORE votes in total. And if you pretend that all states voted in the same percentage as they did in the few Senate races and spread it out to all states, it would be 5 million more's a calculated projection, not fact.

The calculation is flawed because in one Senate race alone in one state, Florida, Rubio got about a million more votes than Val Demings..... So the Senate had 500k overall votes above dems and it all came from one single blowout race in one state and to project that out to all 50 states to get to the 5 million more repubs than dems is flawed, and not useable.

the polling was fairly accurate, within their margins of error, except the conservative Traflagler polling, which was manufactured and fake polling favoring Republicans.

No, all polling companies got it wrong. Normally in an election it's pretty close. Some predict a slight advantage one way and others predict a slight advantage the other way. That's what RCP is all about. But this election, they all predicted a red wave that never happened. In fact, went the other direction.

Speaking of direction, the Communists are leading it since they have all the leadership. They have the White House, the House and the Senate. People polled stated this country is headed in the wrong direction. The Republicans have no power to lead us in any direction, and abortion doesn't carry that kind of weight to skew the polls.

For four years we had to listen to Democrats whine because Hillary got the popular vote. Most all those over votes came out of one state, California.

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