Breaking: Secretary of State John Kerry succeeding on MidEast?

Succeeding on what exactly? You're really not a smart man. You know nothing about foreign policy. The end game, no matter who is president, is the elimination of Iran. There will be no treaties signed that won't be broken. I love it when amateur partisans like yourself run your mouths off.
No disrespect to John Kerry but we have seen Iran play this game many times in the past and I suspect Syria will attempt to play the same game perhaps there will be real progress made but I would not bet the farm on it at this point.
"Key powers reach agreement on UN resolution on eliminating Syria’s chemical weapons"
Key powers reach agreement on UN resolution on eliminating Syria?s chemical weapons - The Washington Post

US Secretary of State John Kerry said on Thursday the*United States*will not lift sanctions on Iran until it shows it is not pursuing a nuclear-weapons capability.
In an interview with the CBS show 60 Minutes, Kerry said one concrete step Iran could take to show it was serious about not seeking nuclear arms would be to open up its Fordow uranium enrichment facility to UN inspectors.
"The United States is not going to lift the sanctions until it is clear that a very verifiable, accountable, transparent process is in place, whereby we know exactly what Iran is going be doing with its (nuclear) program," Kerry said.
Voice of Russia, Reuters
No disrespect to John Kerry but we have seen Iran play this game many times in the past and I suspect Syria will attempt to play the same game perhaps there will be real progress made but I would not bet the farm on it at this point.

Only a fool would bet the farm. Niether Dante nor Kerry is a fool :cool:
Please feel free to ignore trolls like christian...or not

Elimination of Iran?

Go ahead, run. I've been studying U.S. foreign policy for at least 10 years and you don't know what you're talking about.

And Dante was reading Foreign Affairs Quarterly when you were still pulling your pud in diapers.

Now go troll elsewhere
As Kerry is charged with carrying out the responsibilities of his office I hope he is successful. Iran can be quite cagey and I do not trust them at all. Always a wait and see before any declarations.
No disrespect to John Kerry but we have seen Iran play this game many times in the past and I suspect Syria will attempt to play the same game perhaps there will be real progress made but I would not bet the farm on it at this point.

Only a fool would bet the farm. Niether Dante nor Kerry is a fool :cool:

I would hope not because this looks very much like the same tactic Iran has used with previous administrations both Republican and Democrat my gut feeling is nothing is going to change with Iran that said I actually hope I'm wrong about this.
While you're at it throw in a big thanks to Putin as well....
Just to be fair....
After all being fair is a big part of the Democrat party way of life... lol
Only question left open is how long it'll take John F(ing) Kerry to get btchslapped by Iran THIS time. I'm thinking less than 30-days but that could be a tad optimistic...
Secretary of State John Kerry succeeding on MidEast?

Breaking news:
Progress in areas of
Syria and Iran

Man, this guy should have been elected President in 2004.

"Key powers reach agreement on UN resolution on eliminating Syria’s chemical weapons"
Key powers reach agreement on UN resolution on eliminating Syria?s chemical weapons - The Washington Post

Bullshit. Kerry and Obama couldn't get the resolution to include the ability to strike at Syria militarily immediately if Syria breaks the resolution.

Russia wins again.

The only reference to enforcement in the draft is a threat that if Syria fails to comply with the resolution, the council would impose unspecified punitive measures under Chapter 7, which would require a second resolution that Russia could veto.

U.S., Russia agree on Syria U.N. chemical arms measure | Top News | Reuters

And as far as Iran goes, the President of Iran refused to have a meeting with Obama.

You seem to forget Iran is Syria's ally and is really not thrilled that Obama wants to bomb the shit out of their friend Assad.
No disrespect to John Kerry but we have seen Iran play this game many times in the past and I suspect Syria will attempt to play the same game perhaps there will be real progress made but I would not bet the farm on it at this point.
We will have to see how it plays out

It does look promising
Oh btw while everyone was cheering on the breakthroughs at the UN apparently according to the Daily Telegraph the Iranian military has been having a blast raiding Libyan munition caches.

Oh along with AQ.
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