Breaking: Secretary of State John Kerry succeeding on MidEast?

Secretary of State John Kerry succeeding on MidEast?

Breaking news:
Progress in areas of
Syria and Iran

Man, this guy should have been elected President in 2004.

"Key powers reach agreement on UN resolution on eliminating Syria’s chemical weapons"
Key powers reach agreement on UN resolution on eliminating Syria?s chemical weapons - The Washington Post
If Kerry is succeeding, George W. Bush was a fucking genius.

BTW....John Kerry walks into a bar in Moscow and the Bartender says, "Why the long face?"

And John Kerry's life stacked up against yours?


sucks to be you
Secretary of State John Kerry succeeding on MidEast?

Breaking news:
Progress in areas of
Syria and Iran

Man, this guy should have been elected President in 2004.

"Key powers reach agreement on UN resolution on eliminating Syria’s chemical weapons"
Key powers reach agreement on UN resolution on eliminating Syria?s chemical weapons - The Washington Post
If Kerry is succeeding, George W. Bush was a fucking genius.

BTW....John Kerry walks into a bar in Moscow and the Bartender says, "Why the long face?"

And John Kerry's life stacked up against yours?


sucks to be you
Lets see.

I didn't marry into money, true.

But then, I have never lied to a Congressional Investigation. Plus one for Me.

I have not betrayed My compatriots with lies about war crimes they did not commit. Plus one for Me.

I have not actively sought to remove the liberties and rights of the ordinary citizen. Plus one for Me.

So far, I'm up 3 to 1.

Oh, wait. He married Heinz. Have you seen her? Money or no, that's a half point to Me.

I'm up 3.5 to 0.5

Shall I go on?

Sucks to be Kerry......and your butt must really hurt now.
They are still killing each other in Syria and Obama's "red line" is laughed at. Vlad Putin seems to be running the US foreign policy and Kerry's saber rattling seems to have been put on hold. Barry Hussein and John Kerry look like fools so they do what fools do and kiss the asses of two bit dictators in order to make it look like the US has some kind of coherent foreign policy. You can call it breaking news and spin it as diplomatic success. The low information true believers lap it up like pablum. All we see lately is Obama kissing someone's ass and Kerry caught in the middle. Does Kerry care about what happens in Africa? It ain't good.

The Obama administration looked like fools for abusing the UN resolution for use of force in Libya. China and Russia were on board with its stated purpose but were affronted by the US going beyond it to remove the Libyan government. Subsequently, they both have been clear that they were not going to allow it to happen in Syria. This is what people keep skipping over. The US had no power going into Syria from the beginning and Obama should not have drawn ANY lines. The Russians also herd Paul Wolfowitz's comment that the Gulf War showed us we could do whatever we want in the ME and they wouldn't do anything. And that comment was made during Bush's presidency.

The US needs to be out of the ME and a lot of the other places we are meddling. And not meddling doesn't equat with isolationism, just incase somebody wants to jump on that meme.

Out of the ME? :lol: Suez Canal, Oil, and Isreal...national interests

Maybe I have "interests" in natural resources on your property. Should I act on them? Is that a tacit admission that our ME wars/polices are for oil, and not the human rights issues claimed!
Human rights issues are almost always secondary unless the specific nations with those issues end up affecting our national interests.

Our close allies depend more on ME oil.than we do and when they catch a cold we sneeze.

Now please, grow the fuck up
Secretary of State John Kerry succeeding on MidEast?

Breaking news:
Progress in areas of
Syria and Iran

Man, this guy should have been elected President in 2004.

"Key powers reach agreement on UN resolution on eliminating Syria’s chemical weapons"
Key powers reach agreement on UN resolution on eliminating Syria?s chemical weapons - The Washington Post
If Kerry is succeeding, George W. Bush was a fucking genius.

BTW....John Kerry walks into a bar in Moscow and the Bartender says, "Why the long face?"

And John Kerry's life stacked up against yours?


sucks to be you

He married a rich, ugly woman and has never held a real job in his Life.
The Ayatollahs sized Obama up as the dufus pussy that he is years ago. They know they have nothing to fear from him and that he will do nothing to stop them from finishing the nuclear project.

They are very close on that...and the only ones who have a chance to stop it (and the stones to take that chance) are the Israelis.

What can stop Israel from attacking.

The very ruse now going on. Apparently serious negotiations over a Nuclear treaty with the United States. Israel simply cannot attack while Obama and the dumbass parrots who work for him are crowing about all the progress they are making with the New Iran.

The closest thing to a sure thing in this world is that Iran will have nuclear weapons by the time Obama leaves office.
Human rights issues are almost always secondary unless the specific nations with those issues end up affecting our national interests.

Our close allies depend more on ME oil.than we do and when they catch a cold we sneeze.

Now please, grow the fuck up

I just wanted to see that you were advocating blood for oil. In this case our blood for the benefit of someone else's oil. Very nice.
Human rights issues are almost always secondary unless the specific nations with those issues end up affecting our national interests.

Our close allies depend more on ME oil.than we do and when they catch a cold we sneeze.

Now please, grow the fuck up

I just wanted to see that you were advocating blood for oil. In this case our blood for the benefit of someone else's oil. Very nice.

Why did you stop there dufus? It doesn't end with 'someone else's oil' .. it ends with what they having acvess to oil does for us. We no longer live in the 19th century or even the rarly/mid 20th century where our national interests could even be argued to stop at our borders.

Now please stfu
More news on this breaking tonight.

Obama and Kerry!


They attacked Ptesident Nixon for going to China, thet attacked President Reagan after he shelved the tough talk, and made nice with the Soviets, now they attack President Oama for reaching out to Iran:

"Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor blasted Obama for failing to press the Iranian leader on terrorism, Syria and other issues." - ( quote from article in previous post) is wrong with the Right Wing in America? Can't they ever learn from the past? Why do they consistently repeat the same errors where American and world security are an issue? :eusa_hand:

The rightwing is so bankrupt of arguments, ideas, or policies the average American would listen to or vote for, that all they have left is personal attacks on everyone, and paranoid conspiracies concerning birth certificates and college transcripts

How pathetically sad is that?
USA- succeeding on all fronts domestic and foreign- as much as fear mongering obstructionist whining GOP allow, that is. Thanks a lot, feq-ups...
More news on this breaking tonight.

Obama and Kerry!


They attacked Ptesident Nixon for going to China, thet attacked President Reagan after he shelved the tough talk, and made nice with the Soviets, now they attack President Oama for reaching out to Iran:

"Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor blasted Obama for failing to press the Iranian leader on terrorism, Syria and other issues." - ( quote from article in previous post) is wrong with the Right Wing in America? Can't they ever learn from the past? Why do they consistently repeat the same errors where American and world security are an issue? :eusa_hand:

The rightwing is so bankrupt of arguments, ideas, or policies the average American would listen to or vote for, that all they have left is personal attacks on everyone, and paranoid conspiracies concerning birth certificates and college transcripts

How pathetically sad is that?

Poor that all you have?
USA- succeeding on all fronts domestic and foreign- as much as fear mongering obstructionist whining GOP allow, that is. Thanks a lot, feq-ups...

Poor franco...we are failing everywhere....but then failure IS success to the Left.
Obama got everything he wanted with Syria.

Without any trillion dollar invasions.

Smart presidents use air power.


Obama desperately wants to depose Assad. He was going to use the pretext of the chemical weapon attack to launch airstrikes to weaken Assad's military.

Putin played chess while Obama played tiddlywinks and headed off Assad's demise. Assad will stay in power.

Win: Putin

As it stands, Russia appears to be poised to put boots on the ground to protect the UN Inspectors and to protect Assad's weapons until they can be properly disposed of.

Obama wouldn't dare bomb Syria with Russian Military in the country.

As well Obama lost at the UN over the agreement reached. He didn't get his way to be able to "enforce" the agreement without a second UN vote that Russia could veto.

Win: Putin

You watch too much television.

Obama wanted to get rid of Assad's chemical weapons. He reasoned that Assad would give up his chemical weapons to keep his air force intact.

Obama was right.

And don't think Israel would not have loved it, if we had wiped out Assad's air force.

Israel can knock out Assad's Air Force any time they want too.

Obama desperately wants to depose Assad. He was going to use the pretext of the chemical weapon attack to launch airstrikes to weaken Assad's military.

Putin played chess while Obama played tiddlywinks and headed off Assad's demise. Assad will stay in power.

Win: Putin

As it stands, Russia appears to be poised to put boots on the ground to protect the UN Inspectors and to protect Assad's weapons until they can be properly disposed of.

Obama wouldn't dare bomb Syria with Russian Military in the country.

As well Obama lost at the UN over the agreement reached. He didn't get his way to be able to "enforce" the agreement without a second UN vote that Russia could veto.

Win: Putin

You watch too much television.

Obama wanted to get rid of Assad's chemical weapons. He reasoned that Assad would give up his chemical weapons to keep his air force intact.

Obama was right.

And don't think Israel would not have loved it, if we had wiped out Assad's air force.

Israel can knock out Assad's Air Force any time they want too.

The last time Syria tried them they lost 85 planes in one day...Israel lost none...oh yes...they lost the Golan too.

Obama desperately wants to depose Assad. He was going to use the pretext of the chemical weapon attack to launch airstrikes to weaken Assad's military.

Putin played chess while Obama played tiddlywinks and headed off Assad's demise. Assad will stay in power.

Win: Putin

As it stands, Russia appears to be poised to put boots on the ground to protect the UN Inspectors and to protect Assad's weapons until they can be properly disposed of.

Obama wouldn't dare bomb Syria with Russian Military in the country.

As well Obama lost at the UN over the agreement reached. He didn't get his way to be able to "enforce" the agreement without a second UN vote that Russia could veto.

Win: Putin

You watch too much television.

Obama wanted to get rid of Assad's chemical weapons. He reasoned that Assad would give up his chemical weapons to keep his air force intact.

Obama was right.

And don't think Israel would not have loved it, if we had wiped out Assad's air force.

Israel can knock out Assad's Air Force any time they want too.

Yes they could, but at what price? Thank gawd the leaders of Israel are nothing like the demented rightwing in Israel or America. :eusa_whistle:
September 27, 2013, 6:52 p.m.
WASHINGTON — Breaking a silence of more than three decades between the leaders of the United States and Iran, President Obama on Friday called President Hassan Rouhani to express confidence that the two can find a "comprehensive solution" to their nuclear standoff and begin restoring the nations' damaged relationship.

Hoping to boost a new round of talks, Obama called Rouhani as the Iranian was driving to the airport after a week at the United Nations. Leaders of the two nations had not spoken since Iran's 1979 revolution, when militants took 52 Americans hostage and held them for 444 days.

Interesting that Obama wants to negotiate with Rouhani but refuses to negotiate with the Republicans.
Secretary of State John Kerry succeeding on MidEast?

Breaking news:
Progress in areas of
Syria and Iran

Man, this guy should have been elected President in 2004.

"Key powers reach agreement on UN resolution on eliminating Syria’s chemical weapons"
Key powers reach agreement on UN resolution on eliminating Syria?s chemical weapons - The Washington Post
If Kerry is succeeding, George W. Bush was a fucking genius.

BTW....John Kerry walks into a bar in Moscow and the Bartender says, "Why the long face?"

And John Kerry's life stacked up against yours?


sucks to be you

John Kerry came back from Vietnam and while American troops were still being killed testified to Congress with these words:

They told the stories at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war, and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country.

I consider him a traitor and put him in the same category as Hanoi Jane Fonda.

It really sucks to be you.
More news on this breaking tonight.

Obama and Kerry!


They attacked Ptesident Nixon for going to China, thet attacked President Reagan after he shelved the tough talk, and made nice with the Soviets, now they attack President Oama for reaching out to Iran:

"Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor blasted Obama for failing to press the Iranian leader on terrorism, Syria and other issues." - ( quote from article in previous post) is wrong with the Right Wing in America? Can't they ever learn from the past? Why do they consistently repeat the same errors where American and world security are an issue? :eusa_hand:

The rightwing is so bankrupt of arguments, ideas, or policies the average American would listen to or vote for, that all they have left is personal attacks on everyone, and paranoid conspiracies concerning birth certificates and college transcripts

How pathetically sad is that?

You are referring to Ted Kruz being born in Canada aren't you?

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