Breaking: Secretary of State John Kerry succeeding on MidEast?

I started a thread on it, but I've been too busy to drive it.

The Daily Telegraph reported earlier this week that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard had also obtained missiles after dispatching agents to take advantage of a free-for-all in Libya.

"I'm concerned about what is going on inside of Libya because there's been a fair amount of disorder and upheaval in the country," he said.

Rest at link:

Urgent efforts underway to recover stolen Libyan weapons from al-Qaeda - Telegraph
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Colin Powell "Assad is a patholigical liar not to be trusted"
Ditto for Putin.
Kerry signs a UN sponsored arms treaty which will never be ratified by the Senate, a complete waste of time.
Peace with Syria? HAHAHA, they are liars as Powell says and are just stalling. Obama administration got schooled on Libya, Egypt and now Syria.
They lay their cards on the table from the start. We are the laughing stock of the world and the friends we do have, and they are decreasing daily, in the Muslim world do not trust our indecisive current policies.
Please feel free to ignore trolls like christian...or not

Elimination of Iran?

Go ahead, run. I've been studying U.S. foreign policy for at least 10 years and you don't know what you're talking about.

And Dante was reading Foreign Affairs Quarterly when you were still pulling your pud in diapers.

Now go troll elsewhere

ROFLMAO. You really need to read better shit. I seriously doubt you're older than I.
Breaking: Secretary of State John Kerry succeeding on Mideast?

Breaking ? Only thing that is breaking is the Government breaking it off in your ass at every turn......:eusa_whistle:
Obama got everything he wanted with Syria.

Without any trillion dollar invasions.

Smart presidents use air power.
No disrespect to John Kerry but we have seen Iran play this game many times in the past and I suspect Syria will attempt to play the same game perhaps there will be real progress made but I would not bet the farm on it at this point.
We will have to see how it plays out

It does look promising

That's the thing with Iran it always looks promising and then it disappears like a mirage we will see.
You can bet your left wing asses that John Kerry will negotiate any piece of junk that will tend to put the desperate Hussein administration in a favorable light and you can depend on the fact that the totally drooling left wing media will portray any retreat as a victory.
You can bet your left wing asses that John Kerry will negotiate any piece of junk that will tend to put the desperate Hussein administration in a favorable light and you can depend on the fact that the totally drooling left wing media will portray any retreat as a victory.

Bin Laden dead.

Somali pirates dead.

Syrian chemical weapons neutralized.

Republicans defeated....twice.

Affordable Care Act...passed.

The economy recovering.

Plenty of victories to celebrate.
Obama got everything he wanted with Syria.

Without any trillion dollar invasions.

Smart presidents use air power.

He got everything you sure two years ago he told us Assad had to go last I heard he was still there so far Obama has got a lot of talk and promises from Syria if Syria follows through which is by no means certain then he will have gotten something.
Oh btw while everyone was cheering on the breakthroughs at the UN apparently according to the Daily Telegraph the Iranian military has been having a blast raiding Libyan munition caches.

Oh along with AQ.

So what?

We have 7,000 nuclear weapons.
Obama got everything he wanted with Syria.

Without any trillion dollar invasions.

Smart presidents use air power.

He got everything you sure two years ago he told us Assad had to go last I heard he was still there so far Obama has got a lot of talk and promises from Syria if Syria follows through which is by no means certain then he will have gotten something.

Let me explain this to you.

Assad would rather give up his chemical weapons than lose his air force.

Why? Israel.
Obama got everything he wanted with Syria.

Without any trillion dollar invasions.

Smart presidents use air power.


Obama desperately wants to depose Assad. He was going to use the pretext of the chemical weapon attack to launch airstrikes to weaken Assad's military.

Putin played chess while Obama played tiddlywinks and headed off Assad's demise. Assad will stay in power.

Win: Putin

As it stands, Russia appears to be poised to put boots on the ground to protect the UN Inspectors and to protect Assad's weapons until they can be properly disposed of.

Obama wouldn't dare bomb Syria with Russian Military in the country.

As well Obama lost at the UN over the agreement reached. He didn't get his way to be able to "enforce" the agreement without a second UN vote that Russia could veto.

Win: Putin
Obama got everything he wanted with Syria.

Without any trillion dollar invasions.

Smart presidents use air power.

He got everything you sure two years ago he told us Assad had to go last I heard he was still there so far Obama has got a lot of talk and promises from Syria if Syria follows through which is by no means certain then he will have gotten something.

Let me explain this to you.

Assad would rather give up his chemical weapons than lose his air force.

Why? Israel.

Let me explain this to you until he actually gives them up he has given up nothing he may very well do it but there is a equally good possibility he won't.
Obama got everything he wanted with Syria.

Without any trillion dollar invasions.

Smart presidents use air power.


Obama desperately wants to depose Assad. He was going to use the pretext of the chemical weapon attack to launch airstrikes to weaken Assad's military.

Putin played chess while Obama played tiddlywinks and headed off Assad's demise. Assad will stay in power.

Win: Putin

As it stands, Russia appears to be poised to put boots on the ground to protect the UN Inspectors and to protect Assad's weapons until they can be properly disposed of.

Obama wouldn't dare bomb Syria with Russian Military in the country.

As well Obama lost at the UN over the agreement reached. He didn't get his way to be able to "enforce" the agreement without a second UN vote that Russia could veto.

Win: Putin

You watch too much television.

Obama wanted to get rid of Assad's chemical weapons. He reasoned that Assad would give up his chemical weapons to keep his air force intact.

Obama was right.

And don't think Israel would not have loved it, if we had wiped out Assad's air force.
Obama got everything he wanted with Syria.

Without any trillion dollar invasions.

Smart presidents use air power.


Obama desperately wants to depose Assad. He was going to use the pretext of the chemical weapon attack to launch airstrikes to weaken Assad's military.

Putin played chess while Obama played tiddlywinks and headed off Assad's demise. Assad will stay in power.

Win: Putin

As it stands, Russia appears to be poised to put boots on the ground to protect the UN Inspectors and to protect Assad's weapons until they can be properly disposed of.

Obama wouldn't dare bomb Syria with Russian Military in the country.

As well Obama lost at the UN over the agreement reached. He didn't get his way to be able to "enforce" the agreement without a second UN vote that Russia could veto.

Win: Putin

You watch too much television.

Obama wanted to get rid of Assad's chemical weapons. He reasoned that Assad would give up his chemical weapons to keep his air force intact.

Obama was right.

And don't think Israel would not have loved it, if we had wiped out Assad's air force.

You drink too much kool-aid

Obama was sorely outplayed by Putin. Stop trolling you dimwit.

Obama was useless.

And Israel would have done something regardless of what we did.
Secretary of State John Kerry succeeding on MidEast?

Breaking news:
Progress in areas of
Syria and Iran

Man, this guy should have been elected President in 2004.

"Key powers reach agreement on UN resolution on eliminating Syria’s chemical weapons"
Key powers reach agreement on UN resolution on eliminating Syria?s chemical weapons - The Washington Post

He definitely should have been elected back when and he could run again for 2016. Very smart man. I do believe Republicans pulled out every dirty trick they've ever dreamed up on that man and he still came close.

I never could stand that pandering running mate of his though so maybe it just wasn't the right time for Kerry.

Obama desperately wants to depose Assad. He was going to use the pretext of the chemical weapon attack to launch airstrikes to weaken Assad's military.

Putin played chess while Obama played tiddlywinks and headed off Assad's demise. Assad will stay in power.

Win: Putin

As it stands, Russia appears to be poised to put boots on the ground to protect the UN Inspectors and to protect Assad's weapons until they can be properly disposed of.

Obama wouldn't dare bomb Syria with Russian Military in the country.

As well Obama lost at the UN over the agreement reached. He didn't get his way to be able to "enforce" the agreement without a second UN vote that Russia could veto.

Win: Putin

You watch too much television.

Obama wanted to get rid of Assad's chemical weapons. He reasoned that Assad would give up his chemical weapons to keep his air force intact.

Obama was right.

And don't think Israel would not have loved it, if we had wiped out Assad's air force.

You drink too much kool-aid

Obama was sorely outplayed by Putin. Stop trolling you dimwit.

Obama was useless.

And Israel would have done something regardless of what we did.

It was a simple equation and Obama figured it out.

And don't think Assad did not know that we could wipe out his air force in one day.
Colin Powell "Assad is a patholigical liar not to be trusted"
Ditto for Putin.
Kerry signs a UN sponsored arms treaty which will never be ratified by the Senate, a complete waste of time.
Peace with Syria? HAHAHA, they are liars as Powell says and are just stalling. Obama administration got schooled on Libya, Egypt and now Syria.
They lay their cards on the table from the start. We are the laughing stock of the world and the friends we do have, and they are decreasing daily, in the Muslim world do not trust our indecisive current policies.

Colin Powell calling out liars? :laugh2: :rofl:

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