BREAKING: Shooting at Madden football event in Jacksonville

Doesn’t matter who the fuck he hated.

He went and shot up some people for basically no reason and that it sickening.
The question remains: What can we as a country do to try and stop it from happening again, which sadly, it more than likely will.

Oh and your fucking bullshit “ mass shooting” reference is disgusting, can you imagine the families involved? The utter devastation off losing a loved one? Huh bud?
Why don’t you go fuck yourself

Well, we know this shooter bought both firearms legally in very strict gun controlled Maryland...that he had to get a permit, pass two universal background checks, one state, one federal, register his handguns with the state, get fingerprinted, wait a seven day waiting period, have certified handgun training, only possess 10 round or less magazines (he had two guns to circumvent this him access to 3 more rounds than a standard 17 round magazine before reloading), and do this twice...once for each handgun.

Maryland vs. Florida Gun Laws

So, none of that helped one bit. What do you recommend?
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No handguns or military style semi automatic rifles for whites. That ought to reduce the severity of mass public shootings.

It was brought to my attention that humans have difficulty processing very large numbers, but are remarkably effective at processing the passage of time.

If all 100,000,000 legal gun owners in the US were represented as 1 minute of time...collectively, they would represent a total of 69,445 days...that's over 190 years of time.

For comparison, James Madison, one of the founders of our nation, was alive and well 190 years ago.

If every shooting the liberal media can possibly label a mass shooting in the US over the past five years is represented as 1 minute of time, a clock started at 12:01am this morning would stop at 3:05 am tomorrow.

Given that disparity, your recommendation is ridiculous.
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It’s a tough question. I think we need to think outside of the box on this.

I’m my opinion there are things happening to us as humans we are just beginning to understand, with all of the constant and instant stimulation of the brain. Hopefully as we become better equipped to deal with menatal illness or dependency or whatever in our modern world we can in turn discover a way to reduce gun deaths By some of the these people affected. Gang violence and assholes shooting people up? That’s another discussion on my opinion.
Given that disparity, your recommendation is ridiculous.
So when you asked about a solution for mass public shootings you didn't actually care as you don't think they're a problem. I should have known.
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So when you asked about a solution for mass public shootings you didn't actually care as you don't think they're a problem. I should have known.

You're right...I apologize. I should have stipulated SERIOUS recommendations. Carry on.
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It’s a tough question. I think we need to think outside of the box on this.

I’m my opinion there are things happening to us as humans we are just beginning to understand, with all of the constant and instant stimulation of the brain. Hopefully as we become better equipped to deal with menatal illness or dependency or whatever in our modern world we can in turn discover a way to reduce gun deaths By some of the these people affected. Gang violence and assholes shooting people up? That’s another discussion on my opinion.

I'm all for thinking outside the box.

The answer can't disenfranchise the 99,999,999 law abiding gun owners over the actions of one individual's actions.

I read the other day that mass shootings are actually down after factoring population growth. I'll see if I can find the link.

We can see extreme gun control had no impact on this shooting. I'm going to call this guy Madden Shooter. Madden Shooter did exactly what we said a mass shooter would do with a decreased magazine capacity...just bring another gun. So that's out. He passed a Universal Background was even an enhanced UBC, because it included fingerprinting, a state administered background check, and he had a waiting period and mandatory training. That's beyond the most gun-controllers ultimate wishlist...and it failed.

And if we restigmatized mental in people who are medicated for mental illness are going to be denied firearms...they just won't seek treatment, get a firearm...even in Maryland...and will be in worse shape mentally than if they were under treatment.

Freedom and safety aren't always subsets that completely overlap.

We allow alcohol, even though there are those who cannot handle the responsibility of not over consuming and not driving impaired.

We allow unlimited horsepower and attainable speed in automobiles, even though there are those who cannot handle the responsibility to drive safely.

We could significantly reduce lung cancer, emphysema and house fires by outlawing tobacco products.

We could easily rectify these situations by reducing freedoms...but we don't, because we trade increased safety for increased freedom.
But but but, they have guns in America ?
How did this happen ?
Someone from England did it.
It was too hard for them to get a gun there

Untrue. The UK has seen a 22% increase in knife crime and 11% rise in gun crime during 2017, even though firearms are impossible for most people to obtain.

Surge in knife and gun crime in England and Wales
Sure, dumb fuck. And the number of fatal shootings in Britain is expressed in two digits, while there are over ten thousand fatals in the US every year. The beam in your eye.
Sure there are. Perhaps libs should stop letting criminals go.
But but but, they have guns in America ?
How did this happen ?
Someone from England did it.
It was too hard for them to get a gun there

Untrue. The UK has seen a 22% increase in knife crime and 11% rise in gun crime during 2017, even though firearms are impossible for most people to obtain.

Surge in knife and gun crime in England and Wales
Sure, dumb fuck. And the number of fatal shootings in Britain is expressed in two digits, while there are over ten thousand fatals in the US every year. The beam in your eye.

Statistically the same ratio as before they instituted stricter gun control.

however the criminals easily obtain as many firearms as they want

including a flooding of full autos
"Folks, we need to stop bickering about which “side” defunded the US mental health system and start asking which side is going to fix the problem" - Wacky Jacky Posobiec, who himself is mentally insane
Someone from England did it.
It was too hard for them to get a gun there

Untrue. The UK has seen a 22% increase in knife crime and 11% rise in gun crime during 2017, even though firearms are impossible for most people to obtain.

Surge in knife and gun crime in England and Wales
Sure, dumb fuck. And the number of fatal shootings in Britain is expressed in two digits, while there are over ten thousand fatals in the US every year. The beam in your eye.

Statistically the same ratio as before they instituted stricter gun control.

however the criminals easily obtain as many firearms as they want

including a flooding of full autos

The huge increase in Middle Eastern immigrants has alot to do with that. They have no problems purchasing smuggled full-auto weapons or even hand grenades. Sweden had had a nasty rash of grenade attacks the last couple years too. Those are highly prohibited but the laws mean nothing.

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