Breaking: so said "whistleblower" had "no direct knowledge" of phone call

YA see this time its totally credible ...and super urgent zzzzzzzzzzzz
1 trump did it.jpg
As soon as Democratic politicians and the MSM heard this, they did what they always do and called for the impeachment of Trump. If you Democrats can't see how idiotic your party has become, then you're one of them.
Every comment i have seen from them has been prefaced, "If true, then..."

Words have meaning.
That's absolutely true. But the thing that bothers me most about these lowlife Democrats is the way they told Cory Lewandowski's young son that there is no such thing as the tooth fairy. Fucking assholes. They wanted it to be called tooth reparations, They were also insisting that a statement be included stating that tooth loss was a direct affect of global warming.
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As soon as Democratic politicians and the MSM heard this, they did what they always do and called for the impeachment of Trump. If you Democrats can't see how idiotic your party has become, then you're one of them.
Every comment i have seen from them has been prefaced, "If true, then..."

Words have meaning.
That's absolutely true. But the thing that bothers me most about these lowlife Democrats is the way they told Cory Lewandowski's young son that there is no such thing as the tooth fairy. Fucking assholes.
TtimeThe demicrats all did that?


Why can't they have manners, amd just talkabout grabbing pussies?
Interestingly the whistle blower reporters are the very same two reporters that first reported the Russian hoax...the very same two scumsuckers....
YA see this time its totally credible ...and super urgent zzzzzzzzzzzz
View attachment 280680
"Credible and urgent"... Per the trump nominated and republican confirmed IC IG (the guy whose nuts the trump cult has been slurping on for a few months).
The government should throw millions into a new investigation and broadcast it 24/7 on cnn and mslsd ....
Drag it out until the election

Ukraine its the new Russia
The government should throw millions into a new investigation and broadcast it 24/7 on cnn and mslsd ....
Drag it out until the election
No need for that. Just acquire the report from the DNI, as required by law. The stooge gets called to the carpet on Thursday. Then they can ask him who is directing him to break the law.
Oooo I heard it through the grapevine
As is the case with most whistleblowers...they hear about bad behavior, and they report it.

As is the case with most TDSers, they believe any lie told about Trump.
Which lie is that, cultist? Wipe those tears away, and be specific.

I believe I posted 'any lie' did you not read it? Maybe your mommy can help you. Any bad shit anyone can come up with and it doesn't have to be true. The MSM ejaculates bad shit about Trump and you swallow like a whore on her knees.
The Whistleblower is a Democratic operative who hates Trump just like Stzrok, Page, McCabe and all the other Trump hating Democratic operatives in the intelligence agency.

How do I know? I don't, just like the Whistleblower doesn't know what he's talking about. That's fair, right?
No, that's idiotic.
How is assuming this person is similar to others already kicked out of Intelligence idiotic? I believe the word you were looking for is 'logical'.
Oooo I heard it through the grapevine
As is the case with most whistleblowers...they hear about bad behavior, and they report it.

As is the case with most TDSers, they believe any lie told about Trump.
Which lie is that, cultist? Wipe those tears away, and be specific.

Any lie, try reading.
Can't name a single one, eh? Well, i guess your hissy fit has fizzled.
Oooo I heard it through the grapevine
As is the case with most whistleblowers...they hear about bad behavior, and they report it.

As is the case with most TDSers, they believe any lie told about Trump.
Which lie is that, cultist? Wipe those tears away, and be specific.

Any lie, try reading.
Can't name a single one, eh? Well, i guess your hissy fit has fizzled.

Come on FF, get out from under your rock. Try getting your info from other than MSNBC and Daily Kos..
As is the case with most whistleblowers...they hear about bad behavior, and they report it.

As is the case with most TDSers, they believe any lie told about Trump.
Which lie is that, cultist? Wipe those tears away, and be specific.

Any lie, try reading.
Can't name a single one, eh? Well, i guess your hissy fit has fizzled.

Come on FF, get out from under your rock. Try getting your info from other than MSNBC and Daily Kos..
Hmm, still not a single example. Your sure like to hear yourself talk.
As is the case with most TDSers, they believe any lie told about Trump.
Which lie is that, cultist? Wipe those tears away, and be specific.

Any lie, try reading.
Can't name a single one, eh? Well, i guess your hissy fit has fizzled.

Come on FF, get out from under your rock. Try getting your info from other than MSNBC and Daily Kos..
Hmm, still not a single example. Your sure like to hear yourself talk.

How about you tell everyone your support for your hatred of a duly elected President of the US? So far, you and the loonies have nothing except lie after lie. Russian collusion was a lie that was perpetrated on US for over 2 years until your grandpa Muller stabbed it in the heart. Go buy some Preparation H.
Which lie is that, cultist? Wipe those tears away, and be specific.

Any lie, try reading.
Can't name a single one, eh? Well, i guess your hissy fit has fizzled.

Come on FF, get out from under your rock. Try getting your info from other than MSNBC and Daily Kos..
Hmm, still not a single example. Your sure like to hear yourself talk.

How about you tell everyone your support for your hatred of a duly elected President of the US? So far, you and the loonies have nothing except lie after lie. Russian collusion was a lie that was perpetrated on US for over 2 years until your grandpa Muller stabbed it in the heart. Go buy some Preparation H.
Hmm...lots of hissy examples.

Youre kind of a thin skinned little weenie, aren't ya?
They dont even really hate Trump. They are just so emotionally addled from losing that they can’t cope so must lash out.

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