Breaking: so said "whistleblower" had "no direct knowledge" of phone call

This is huge. Yet another narrative from the left falls apart.

Whistleblower 'didn’t have direct knowledge of the communications' between Trump and Ukraine

So basically, they made the shit up and the media took it and ran with it because they hate Trump.

Where have I heard that before? How dare Trump call them "fake news" huh.
I hear the whistleblower is working at CNN....John Brennan works for CNN.

This is huge. Yet another narrative from the left falls apart.

Whistleblower 'didn’t have direct knowledge of the communications' between Trump and Ukraine

So basically, they made the shit up and the media took it and ran with it because they hate Trump.

Where have I heard that before? How dare Trump call them "fake news" huh.
I hear the whistleblower is working at CNN....John Brennan works for CNN.

"People are saying!"

Cultist: "Therefore, fact!"
Any lie, try reading.
Can't name a single one, eh? Well, i guess your hissy fit has fizzled.

Come on FF, get out from under your rock. Try getting your info from other than MSNBC and Daily Kos..
Hmm, still not a single example. Your sure like to hear yourself talk.

How about you tell everyone your support for your hatred of a duly elected President of the US? So far, you and the loonies have nothing except lie after lie. Russian collusion was a lie that was perpetrated on US for over 2 years until your grandpa Muller stabbed it in the heart. Go buy some Preparation H.
Hmm...lots of hissy examples.

Youre kind of a thin skinned little weenie, aren't ya?

I'm not the one butthurt because of a duly elected President of the U.S. I'm not the one in denial of a failed witch hunt. You are the one slinging personal insults and have nothing of any substance to offer.
This is huge. Yet another narrative from the left falls apart.

Whistleblower 'didn’t have direct knowledge of the communications' between Trump and Ukraine

So basically, they made the shit up and the media took it and ran with it because they hate Trump.

Where have I heard that before? How dare Trump call them "fake news" huh.
I hear the whistleblower is working at CNN....John Brennan works for CNN.

"People are saying!"

Cultist: "Therefore, fact!"
I'm not the one butthurt
You clearly are. Look at your prolonged, embarrassing hissy fit in just this thread alone.

So, you call the truth a 'hissy fit' because apparently, you have no logical rebuttal. I gave you an example, all you have done is try to insult. But hey, I know you FF....That's all you do here.
So, you call the truth a 'hissy fit' because apparently, you have no logical rebuttal.
is THAT what you tell yourself your hissy fits are? You accuse someone of are asked to point out a spexific lie...and you have a grade a, toddlerish hissy fit for pages instead...

...and this is how you soothe yourself? I always wondered what made you crybaby moron trolls tick. Now i know.
This is huge. Yet another narrative from the left falls apart.

Whistleblower 'didn’t have direct knowledge of the communications' between Trump and Ukraine

So basically, they made the shit up and the media took it and ran with it because they hate Trump.

Where have I heard that before? How dare Trump call them "fake news" huh.
Too late. Trump has already made the admission.

Admitted what? That he talked to the leader of a foreign nation? He's allowed to do that you fucktwat he's POTUS.

Where are the transcripts of all Obamas convos with foreign leaders? Oh that's right we have one where Obama whispered to a Russian leader to wait until after the 2012 election when he would have more flexibility. That's the one we know about, what about the others? Can you IMAGINE the left's absolutely fucking explosion of TDS if Trump had been heard on an open mic telling Putin to wait until he's elected, he would have more flexibility!!! HOLY SHIT THE LEFT WOULD GO APESHIT.

Where are the demands for the transcripts of all of Obama's convos? Clintons?
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is THAT what you tell yourself your hissy fits are? You accuse someone of are asked to point out a spexific lie...and you have a grade a, toddlerish hissy fit for pages instead...

...and this is how you soothe yourself? I always wondered what made you crybaby moron trolls tick. Now i know.

I didn't accuse 'someone' of lying. My original post was: "As is the case with most TDSers, they believe any lie told about Trump." Your whole rebuttal is nonsense, obfuscation and insults. Why can't you address the fact that for 2.5 years you believed lies told about Trump. I'll tell you why... because you are a died in the wool TDSer. Your blind hatered causes you to miss the point and insult folks. No one is buying that bullshit.
This is huge. Yet another narrative from the left falls apart.

Whistleblower 'didn’t have direct knowledge of the communications' between Trump and Ukraine

So basically, they made the shit up and the media took it and ran with it because they hate Trump.

Where have I heard that before? How dare Trump call them "fake news" huh.
Said whistleblower's lawyers say that's a lie.
Really. The CNN story says they denied it.

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