BREAKING: Speaker Boehner to Retire from Congress

Right now (near end of fiscal yr) Interest = Pensions =~$0.250T (highest yr ever)

I agree with you Cambell, yes Obama yrs. have increased interest payments on debt.
His "answer"...........hmmmmmm? "we should double spending" so we can get out of debt. HUH???
Yeah....right.....sure.....uh-huh.....Dingy Harry isn't running the Senate anymore.
Muddy, we're talking about a 'CONTINUING RESOLUTION." I realize the knuckle draggers like the human stain and fake rabbi cannot stay focused.
A CR is what we've been funding the government with since big-ears took office. Big-ears submits a budget and everyone laughs their asses off and it loses 98 to nothing. The GOP submits a budget and Obama either vetoes it or Dingy Harry shelves it. So a CR is all we've got.

Congress used to do something called compromise

Don't think we will ever see that again

In the past, "Compromise" was a situation where Democrats made outrageous demands and then spineless Republicans caved and gave them most of what they demanded.

I hope you're right. I hope we never see that again.
Why nothing gets done

Compromise is viewed as defeat. Conservatives would rather get nothing than to allow the other guy to get something

Wrong, left whiner.

The ones who CONSTANTLY "give" to the other side is the conservatives. Each such concession is met with very little gotten in exchange and an ever ready supply of NEW demands that call for ever more concessions. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

Compromising with left wingnut liberal Democrats is an exercise in one way street futility.

What is NEEDED is a cessation of all such "compromise." The right needs to assert itself and seek massive retrenchment for all the stuff they have allowed to be seized for so long.
When FED taxes cut, revenue (should) increase. There are many brilliant economist they could employ.
overly simplistic bordering on idiotic.

Go read from post #1 "Will Liberals Ever Stop Lying About the Bush Tax Cuts?".
i've read it. doesn't matter. claiming that cuts in federal taxes increases federal revenues is overly simplistic and borders on idiotic.
cutting taxes can stimulate the economy - usually does. but that does not mean federal revenues will increase or even that they should.
Muddy, we're talking about a 'CONTINUING RESOLUTION." I realize the knuckle draggers like the human stain and fake rabbi cannot stay focused.
A CR is what we've been funding the government with since big-ears took office. Big-ears submits a budget and everyone laughs their asses off and it loses 98 to nothing. The GOP submits a budget and Obama either vetoes it or Dingy Harry shelves it. So a CR is all we've got.

Congress used to do something called compromise

Don't think we will ever see that again

In the past, "Compromise" was a situation where Democrats made outrageous demands and then spineless Republicans caved and gave them most of what they demanded.

I hope you're right. I hope we never see that again.
Why nothing gets done

Compromise is viewed as defeat. Conservatives would rather get nothing than to allow the other guy to get something

If "getting something" equates to $1T/yr additional debt thanks but no thanks. We fought off British Tyranny in 1775+++----"Give me Liberty or Give me Death". You want to lay down now and let them have any and all they want? They live like kings/queens while we sit in traffic/work to pay them! No matter how much they get they forcefully take from taxpayers they SPEND even more?

OK let's talk debt

You think reducing debt doesn't take compromise?
Obama offered $3 spending cut for every $1 tax increase and conservatives were outraged

There is plenty of room for compromise in budget discussions. TeaTards refuse to hear any of it
The biggest problem the Republican Party has is the Tea Party. There's lots of idiots out there aka far right wing nuts cases that forget that Obama has the VETO pen. So for the last 4 years--they continually throw up Obamacare bills--like they're going to do something with it. Now it's Planned Parenthood.

Nothing, absolutely NOTHING is going to get done about immigration, border control, planned parenthood, or Obamacare until there is a Republican sitting in the oval office.

These Tea Party politicians--continually put on their dog & pony shows to get the attention of their home constituents, without any regard to what it is doing to the party. They're an embarrassment to the Republican party.

Ted Cruz--was out there planning another dog & pony show, threatening another government shutdown that has continually backfired on the party, and he has support in the house. They're doing for THEMSELVES, no one else. John Boehner quit over it, and frankly I don't blame him.

Graham: Cruz Will 'Absolutely' Try to Shut Down the Government Again

This is what Ted Cruz has been up to for the last 4 years--LOL Who wouldn't quit!

LOL!!! I a heartbeat!!

USA takes in more legal immigrants from all over the world,
We have laws on the books (not followed now) concerning immigration. Don't need more laws.
Where in Constitution does it say FED government must pay for PP to run body part factory?
Border control? Obammy told them to back off. Again pick and choose laws to follow.
ObamaCare has sent dedcutibles through roof. 2X increase for working man.
yeah, the $19T crazies are out. BOO! I don't want these incompetent bastards to tank my IRA again.

The answer is not to raise iFED taxes. FED need cut to bare bones, get control and re-group. I am not paid in GOLD to fix it for them. I don't have lifetime medical for me and family as well as $10/mo pension (as they do). Our SSI will be closer to $2K/mo after working 45-50 years if they don't lose it.

should say $10K/mo pension for life (yes this is not un-heard of, in fact typical at FED or STATE). Why so generous with our tax dollars? Are they special? did they do a job so valuable? Maybe a good pension OK for a long time Policeman or Fireman or Soldier but not for a Bureaucrat or short time paper pusher. ~10% of budget every yr. After shutdown first thing Boner did was push Bill to pay back for all the "useful" FED "workers" for the VAC they had just been forced into. Bye Bye Boner.

Government employees paid into their pension their entire careers, with government matching. It was a term of compensation. At the end of their career, they have a good pension accumulated
Employees were paid for the shutdown because it was based on petty bickering by a useless congress, not because of budget issues

Government employees didn't pay squat into their pensions. The taxpayers paid all the money. Furthermore, you couldn't find anything 1/10th as good in the private sector as what government employees typically receive.

Half the pension money comes from the employee with employer matching

Private sector used to get better pensions than government employees when there were strong unions.....we saw what happened when the unions disappeared
"claiming that cuts in federal taxes increases federal revenues is overly simplistic and borders on idiotic. "

OK, I bad. The country down the tubes (soon to be $20T in debt) and I get lambasted over details. I will attempt to be 100% factually and mathematically solid. I think the points are generally understood.

More money in private sector, more transactions, more taxation......hold spending steady. Good.
"Obama offered $3 spending cut for every $1 tax increase"

when 2020? tricks and gimmicks. Bottom line debt total don't lie.....$20T before Obama end?
"claiming that cuts in federal taxes increases federal revenues is overly simplistic and borders on idiotic. "

OK, I bad. The country down the tubes (soon to be $20T in debt) and I get lambasted over details. I will attempt to be 100% factually and mathematically solid. I think the points are generally understood.

More money in private sector, more transactions, more taxation......hold spending steady. Good.
and none of that is dependent on a tax cut.
see, tax cuts can stimulate the economy. but there's a reduction in returns. cutting 5% from 35% to 30% isn't the same as cutting 5% from 90% to 85%. Our problem is we look to tax cuts to stimulate the economy but we don't raise them as the economy improves. that means that our ability to stimulate the economy is diminishing and that the claim that tax cuts raise revenues is specious at best.
"Obama offered $3 spending cut for every $1 tax increase"

when 2020? tricks and gimmicks. Bottom line debt total don't lie.....$20T before Obama end?
even if it was 2020, what did the republicans counter with? they pledged not to raise taxes no matter what. that's irresponsible.
The conservatives finally got John Bohner

But like a dog chasing a car, what do they do now that they caught it?

Boehner knew some compromise was needed to get what Republicans wanted. Remove compromise and Conservatives will get nothing

Obama wins again
"Obama offered $3 spending cut for every $1 tax increase"

when 2020? tricks and gimmicks. Bottom line debt total don't lie.....$20T before Obama end?

My favorite was during the 2012 debates when they asked Republicans if they would accept $10 in spending cuts for $1 in tax increases....nobody raised their hand

Shows how serious Republucans are about reducing the debt
Boehner will probably go out on a high note, keeping the Gubmint up-and-running before he exits, stage right.

A little payback for the ultra-right-wingers who were threatening to force his hand.
"Obama offered $3 spending cut for every $1 tax increase"

when 2020? tricks and gimmicks. Bottom line debt total don't lie.....$20T before Obama end?
even if it was 2020, what did the republicans counter with? they pledged not to raise taxes no matter what. that's irresponsible.

FED tax Revenue at record levels. Still $600B or $1T low? The problem is spending. Cut spending. I suppose there could be compromise on wha/who/when t to cut/eliminate/reduce. Or we can play "push it out till after the election(s)" like all the tricks during ObamaCare.
"Obama offered $3 spending cut for every $1 tax increase"

when 2020? tricks and gimmicks. Bottom line debt total don't lie.....$20T before Obama end?
even if it was 2020, what did the republicans counter with? they pledged not to raise taxes no matter what. that's irresponsible.

FED tax Revenue at record levels. Still $600B or $1T low? The problem is spending. Cut spending. I suppose there could be compromise on wha/who/when t to cut/eliminate/reduce. Or we can play "push it out till after the election(s)" like all the tricks during ObamaCare.
population is at record levels. a person may go from making $5k to $6k and that might be record levels for them but it still may not be enough to pay the credit card they got.
if you want to address spending that's fine, but it's irresponsible to think that the only way out, or even the best way out, is to cut government spending alone.
hard to keep up with two at a time. IF anyone in current Fed Govt laid out a budget with $1T in cuts for $0.1T tax increase in the following yr..............any R or D should jump on it. But they don't/did not. Promises won't get you a loan.
Boehner will probably go out on a high note, keeping the Gubmint up-and-running before he exits, stage right.

A little payback for the ultra-right-wingers who were threatening to force his hand.
Right now....Boehner has nothing to lose telling TeaTards to go fuck themselves
hard to keep up with two at a time. IF anyone in current Fed Govt laid out a budget with $1T in cuts for $0.1T tax increase in the following yr..............any R or D should jump on it. But they don't/did not. Promises won't get you a loan.
Grover Norquist would cut your balls off for that one

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