BREAKING: Speaker Boehner to Retire from Congress

"see, even you have your sacred cows." We at war with Radical Islam (currently on PC hold)

"why? who would stay on?" the honorable ones or those in need. Private cut 10% is routine for yrs

"seriously? you aren't going to pay for travel for anyone? no more going to schools or training for soldiers?" OK you win. Travel must be approved. No more White house 747 jaunts to raise money. N more parties at white house till things are fixed balanced. is that too much to ask?

"lol. what in the hell does that have to do with the budget?" you think 1mil Muslim show up and don't require living expense for years? they go right on the public cost.

"i think you greatly overestimate federal benefits." Many studies showing 2X-4X public vs. private shown on this board alone.

"you don't seem that 'equal opportunity'" yes I am. I been screaming since 90s' I would never have let it get to this level if I had the hammer.
"if you want to address spending that's fine" YES. Eliminate 3-7 entire departments now. Freeze all hiring (but soldiers). Cut all salary 10%. No seminars/parties/travel till budget balance. No immigration. Put all public employee into same HealthCare and Pension (SSI) as regular Joe.

Then, take a look and start cutting more. (Equal opportunity anger: Hated it when GWB created Homeland Security or sent troops to Iraq). The GOVT is eating up society and say "raise taxes".

Blind indiscriminate cuts

You are a must be conservative

We can open up a separate account for only deposits from those who want to give more.

Sounds cool

Want up an account
Want to cut taxes on the rich? Write a check to make up the difference

ya know Cap'n........not all that bad an idea. Pay as you go. Pay into what you want to use.
Shit yea..

I don't need police or pay for them if you need them
I don't need roads that you pay for them
Who needs the biggest military in the world? You want it, you pay for it

Every man for himself

You might be forget: We have 50 state govt. They can handle schools and a whole lot of it. Fed do what US Constitution calls for. No I have not read it.......get off my back in advance.
"see, even you have your sacred cows." We at war with Radical Islam (currently on PC hold)
so you want more war?

"why? who would stay on?" the honorable ones or those in need. Private cut 10% is routine for yrs
not it isn't.
"seriously? you aren't going to pay for travel for anyone? no more going to schools or training for soldiers?" OK you win. Travel must be approved. No more White house 747 jaunts to raise money. N more parties at white house till things are fixed balanced. is that too much to ask?
no, it's just silly to ask. you're going to stop the president from traveling?
"lol. what in the hell does that have to do with the budget?" you think 1mil Muslim show up and don't require living expense for years? they go right on the public cost.
so it's really about keeping muslims out.
"i think you greatly overestimate federal benefits." Many studies showing 2X-4X public vs. private shown on this board alone.
for similar positions? i doubt it. also just because something is on this board doesn't mean much.
"you don't seem that 'equal opportunity'" yes I am. I been screaming since 90s' I would never have let it get to this level if I had the hammer.
and yet you want to keep hiring soldiers. so that doesn't seem very 'equal'
A CR is what we've been funding the government with since big-ears took office. Big-ears submits a budget and everyone laughs their asses off and it loses 98 to nothing. The GOP submits a budget and Obama either vetoes it or Dingy Harry shelves it. So a CR is all we've got.

Congress used to do something called compromise

Don't think we will ever see that again

In the past, "Compromise" was a situation where Democrats made outrageous demands and then spineless Republicans caved and gave them most of what they demanded.

I hope you're right. I hope we never see that again.
Why nothing gets done

Compromise is viewed as defeat. Conservatives would rather get nothing than to allow the other guy to get something

If "getting something" equates to $1T/yr additional debt thanks but no thanks. We fought off British Tyranny in 1775+++----"Give me Liberty or Give me Death". You want to lay down now and let them have any and all they want? They live like kings/queens while we sit in traffic/work to pay them! No matter how much they get they forcefully take from taxpayers they SPEND even more?

OK let's talk debt

You think reducing debt doesn't take compromise?
Obama offered $3 spending cut for every $1 tax increase and conservatives were outraged

There is plenty of room for compromise in budget discussions. TeaTards refuse to hear any of it

Yeah, we've heard that sucker bet before. The tax increases all come the day the bill is signed, but the spending cuts never come. Both Bushes agreed to such "compromises."

Apparently, to a liberal, the word "compromise" means to sucker someone into a raw deal.
LOL!!! I a heartbeat!!

USA takes in more legal immigrants from all over the world,
We have laws on the books (not followed now) concerning immigration. Don't need more laws.
Where in Constitution does it say FED government must pay for PP to run body part factory?
Border control? Obammy told them to back off. Again pick and choose laws to follow.
ObamaCare has sent dedcutibles through roof. 2X increase for working man.
yeah, the $19T crazies are out. BOO! I don't want these incompetent bastards to tank my IRA again.

The answer is not to raise iFED taxes. FED need cut to bare bones, get control and re-group. I am not paid in GOLD to fix it for them. I don't have lifetime medical for me and family as well as $10/mo pension (as they do). Our SSI will be closer to $2K/mo after working 45-50 years if they don't lose it.

should say $10K/mo pension for life (yes this is not un-heard of, in fact typical at FED or STATE). Why so generous with our tax dollars? Are they special? did they do a job so valuable? Maybe a good pension OK for a long time Policeman or Fireman or Soldier but not for a Bureaucrat or short time paper pusher. ~10% of budget every yr. After shutdown first thing Boner did was push Bill to pay back for all the "useful" FED "workers" for the VAC they had just been forced into. Bye Bye Boner.

Government employees paid into their pension their entire careers, with government matching. It was a term of compensation. At the end of their career, they have a good pension accumulated
Employees were paid for the shutdown because it was based on petty bickering by a useless congress, not because of budget issues

Government employees didn't pay squat into their pensions. The taxpayers paid all the money. Furthermore, you couldn't find anything 1/10th as good in the private sector as what government employees typically receive.
Half the pension money comes from the employee with employer matching

Private sector used to get better pensions than government employees when there were strong unions.....we saw what happened when the unions disappeared

It all comes from the taxpayers, numskull. I'll bet you believe that your employer pays half your FICA tax too, right?
"so you want more war?" No. but IF, I want to win. I had ideas to go on offense and I was lambasted! If we have enough soldiers OK, no more. We have a lot of money invest in weapons. If need be use them.

I have worked many yrs. I have thousands of contacts. I know of many 10% cut, layoffs, close doors, pay freeze for years, hiring freeze to end of time. happens all time. See Hi-Tech history for examples.

"you're going to stop the president from traveling?" HE should ask (do right thing). he has work to do, not golf/party or swindle. Minimze....stop the waste. you know the costs.
forgot: "so it's really about keeping muslims out."

keep all out until get control of FED spending. if that includes radical Muslim.......even better.
Blind indiscriminate cuts

You are a must be conservative

We can open up a separate account for only deposits from those who want to give more.

Sounds cool

Want up an account
Want to cut taxes on the rich? Write a check to make up the difference

ya know Cap'n........not all that bad an idea. Pay as you go. Pay into what you want to use.
Shit yea..

I don't need police or pay for them if you need them
I don't need roads that you pay for them
Who needs the biggest military in the world? You want it, you pay for it

Every man for himself

You might be forget: We have 50 state govt. They can handle schools and a whole lot of it. Fed do what US Constitution calls for. No I have not read it.......get off my back in advance.
Government is still government whether at the local, state or federal level

Collecting taxes to serve We the People
We can open up a separate account for only deposits from those who want to give more.

Sounds cool

Want up an account
Want to cut taxes on the rich? Write a check to make up the difference

ya know Cap'n........not all that bad an idea. Pay as you go. Pay into what you want to use.
Shit yea..

I don't need police or pay for them if you need them
I don't need roads that you pay for them
Who needs the biggest military in the world? You want it, you pay for it

Every man for himself

You might be forget: We have 50 state govt. They can handle schools and a whole lot of it. Fed do what US Constitution calls for. No I have not read it.......get off my back in advance.
Government is still government whether at the local, state or federal level

Collecting taxes to serve We the People

I can't afford to pay TWO of them.
USA takes in more legal immigrants from all over the world,
We have laws on the books (not followed now) concerning immigration. Don't need more laws.
Where in Constitution does it say FED government must pay for PP to run body part factory?
Border control? Obammy told them to back off. Again pick and choose laws to follow.
ObamaCare has sent dedcutibles through roof. 2X increase for working man.
yeah, the $19T crazies are out. BOO! I don't want these incompetent bastards to tank my IRA again.

The answer is not to raise iFED taxes. FED need cut to bare bones, get control and re-group. I am not paid in GOLD to fix it for them. I don't have lifetime medical for me and family as well as $10/mo pension (as they do). Our SSI will be closer to $2K/mo after working 45-50 years if they don't lose it.

should say $10K/mo pension for life (yes this is not un-heard of, in fact typical at FED or STATE). Why so generous with our tax dollars? Are they special? did they do a job so valuable? Maybe a good pension OK for a long time Policeman or Fireman or Soldier but not for a Bureaucrat or short time paper pusher. ~10% of budget every yr. After shutdown first thing Boner did was push Bill to pay back for all the "useful" FED "workers" for the VAC they had just been forced into. Bye Bye Boner.

Government employees paid into their pension their entire careers, with government matching. It was a term of compensation. At the end of their career, they have a good pension accumulated
Employees were paid for the shutdown because it was based on petty bickering by a useless congress, not because of budget issues

Government employees didn't pay squat into their pensions. The taxpayers paid all the money. Furthermore, you couldn't find anything 1/10th as good in the private sector as what government employees typically receive.
Half the pension money comes from the employee with employer matching

Private sector used to get better pensions than government employees when there were strong unions.....we saw what happened when the unions disappeared

It all comes from the taxpayers, numskull. I'll bet you believe that your employer pays half your FICA tax too, right?
Fraid not Sherlock
All Federal Employees pay half their pension and thrift savings with matching taxpayer contribution
Sounds cool

Want up an account
Want to cut taxes on the rich? Write a check to make up the difference

ya know Cap'n........not all that bad an idea. Pay as you go. Pay into what you want to use.
Shit yea..

I don't need police or pay for them if you need them
I don't need roads that you pay for them
Who needs the biggest military in the world? You want it, you pay for it

Every man for himself

You might be forget: We have 50 state govt. They can handle schools and a whole lot of it. Fed do what US Constitution calls for. No I have not read it.......get off my back in advance.
Government is still government whether at the local, state or federal level

Collecting taxes to serve We the People

I can't afford to pay TWO of them.

You are just plain silly

Stop playing games
should say $10K/mo pension for life (yes this is not un-heard of, in fact typical at FED or STATE). Why so generous with our tax dollars? Are they special? did they do a job so valuable? Maybe a good pension OK for a long time Policeman or Fireman or Soldier but not for a Bureaucrat or short time paper pusher. ~10% of budget every yr. After shutdown first thing Boner did was push Bill to pay back for all the "useful" FED "workers" for the VAC they had just been forced into. Bye Bye Boner.

Government employees paid into their pension their entire careers, with government matching. It was a term of compensation. At the end of their career, they have a good pension accumulated
Employees were paid for the shutdown because it was based on petty bickering by a useless congress, not because of budget issues

Government employees didn't pay squat into their pensions. The taxpayers paid all the money. Furthermore, you couldn't find anything 1/10th as good in the private sector as what government employees typically receive.
Half the pension money comes from the employee with employer matching

Private sector used to get better pensions than government employees when there were strong unions.....we saw what happened when the unions disappeared

It all comes from the taxpayers, numskull. I'll bet you believe that your employer pays half your FICA tax too, right?
Fraid not Sherlock
All Federal Employees pay half their pension and thrift savings with matching taxpayer contribution

The money they use to pay "their half" came from the federal government, numskull. Where do you think their salaries come from, the tooth fairy?
ya know Cap'n........not all that bad an idea. Pay as you go. Pay into what you want to use.
Shit yea..

I don't need police or pay for them if you need them
I don't need roads that you pay for them
Who needs the biggest military in the world? You want it, you pay for it

Every man for himself

You might be forget: We have 50 state govt. They can handle schools and a whole lot of it. Fed do what US Constitution calls for. No I have not read it.......get off my back in advance.
Government is still government whether at the local, state or federal level

Collecting taxes to serve We the People

I can't afford to pay TWO of them.

You are just plain silly

Stop playing games

Oh I did not read close enough: I can't afford to pay THREE of them. better. 50% rate easily overall
Government employees paid into their pension their entire careers, with government matching. It was a term of compensation. At the end of their career, they have a good pension accumulated
Employees were paid for the shutdown because it was based on petty bickering by a useless congress, not because of budget issues

Government employees didn't pay squat into their pensions. The taxpayers paid all the money. Furthermore, you couldn't find anything 1/10th as good in the private sector as what government employees typically receive.
Half the pension money comes from the employee with employer matching

Private sector used to get better pensions than government employees when there were strong unions.....we saw what happened when the unions disappeared

It all comes from the taxpayers, numskull. I'll bet you believe that your employer pays half your FICA tax too, right?
Fraid not Sherlock
All Federal Employees pay half their pension and thrift savings with matching taxpayer contribution

The money they use to pay "their half" came from the federal government, numskull. Where do you think their salaries come from, the tooth fairy?
They provide a service which they are compensated for. It is not a charity numbskull
Shit yea..

I don't need police or pay for them if you need them
I don't need roads that you pay for them
Who needs the biggest military in the world? You want it, you pay for it

Every man for himself

You might be forget: We have 50 state govt. They can handle schools and a whole lot of it. Fed do what US Constitution calls for. No I have not read it.......get off my back in advance.
Government is still government whether at the local, state or federal level

Collecting taxes to serve We the People

I can't afford to pay TWO of them.

You are just plain silly

Stop playing games

Oh I did not read close enough: I can't afford to pay THREE of them. better. 50% rate easily overall
Please read what you posted and repost in English
You might be forget: We have 50 state govt. They can handle schools and a whole lot of it. Fed do what US Constitution calls for. No I have not read it.......get off my back in advance.
Government is still government whether at the local, state or federal level

Collecting taxes to serve We the People

I can't afford to pay TWO of them.

You are just plain silly

Stop playing games

Oh I did not read close enough: I can't afford to pay THREE of them. better. 50% rate easily overall
Please read what you posted and repost in English

"Government is still government whether at the local, state or federal level"
Eliminate redundancies (DEPT of Education to states). Clean up FEDERAL to bare min. per Constitution. Local, the always ask more sales tax to pay for GOLD PLATED retirements.
I meant to say:
50% overall tax rate is here (income, state, car, house, phone, sales, cable, sewer) on and on.

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