BREAKING: Speaker Boehner to Retire from Congress

Government is still government whether at the local, state or federal level

Collecting taxes to serve We the People

I can't afford to pay TWO of them.

You are just plain silly

Stop playing games

Oh I did not read close enough: I can't afford to pay THREE of them. better. 50% rate easily overall
Please read what you posted and repost in English

"Government is still government whether at the local, state or federal level"
Eliminate redundancies (DEPT of Education to states). Clean up FEDERAL to bare min. per Constitution. Local, the always ask more sales tax to pay for GOLD PLATED retirements.
Let the level of government do the function where it is most efficient

Some functions are best performed at the local level, others at the state and the rest at the federal
I can't afford to pay TWO of them.

You are just plain silly

Stop playing games

Oh I did not read close enough: I can't afford to pay THREE of them. better. 50% rate easily overall
Please read what you posted and repost in English

"Government is still government whether at the local, state or federal level"
Eliminate redundancies (DEPT of Education to states). Clean up FEDERAL to bare min. per Constitution. Local, the always ask more sales tax to pay for GOLD PLATED retirements.
Let the level of government do the function where it is most efficient

Some functions are best performed at the local level, others at the state and the rest at the federal

Agree: can I give up now?

I have many ideas. For instance: I would take low level criminals/illegals and fill mindless military jobs or fill potholes at night for reduced sentence. Of course, I heard "is not possible.......shut up please". Small salary, SSI, and they already get medical.
Government employees didn't pay squat into their pensions. The taxpayers paid all the money. Furthermore, you couldn't find anything 1/10th as good in the private sector as what government employees typically receive.
Half the pension money comes from the employee with employer matching

Private sector used to get better pensions than government employees when there were strong unions.....we saw what happened when the unions disappeared

It all comes from the taxpayers, numskull. I'll bet you believe that your employer pays half your FICA tax too, right?
Fraid not Sherlock
All Federal Employees pay half their pension and thrift savings with matching taxpayer contribution

The money they use to pay "their half" came from the federal government, numskull. Where do you think their salaries come from, the tooth fairy?
They provide a service which they are compensated for. It is not a charity numbskull

It's not a service I'm willing to pay for. Therefore, it's not a service. They're useless ticks on the ass of society.
I never voted for Bonehead Boehner. Had I had such an option, I might have, not knowing THEN what I have since learned. I ABSOLUTELY would not vote, today, if I had such a vote, for McCarthy of for Scalise (no KKK implicated, by the way, you dishonest petty little hack) or ANY other GOP establishment RINO figure.
I see that you are still incapable of having a discussion.

Carry on with your impotent whining.
I fear it might turn out to be some other Establishment weak-ass RINO type Republican.
You act like Republicans don't have a choice.

It's not the weather. "I fear we may get a hurricane". Republicans vote for their Speaker. If you get another Chamber of Commerce Speaker, like Boehner, it's because Republicans voted for one. And it'll be just another reminder that you teabaggers are just a very noisy minority - there's only 40 of you in the House.
But please - continue your temper tantrum. I'm amused!
LOL!!! I a heartbeat!!

USA takes in more legal immigrants from all over the world,
We have laws on the books (not followed now) concerning immigration. Don't need more laws.
Where in Constitution does it say FED government must pay for PP to run body part factory?
Border control? Obammy told them to back off. Again pick and choose laws to follow.
ObamaCare has sent dedcutibles through roof. 2X increase for working man.
yeah, the $19T crazies are out. BOO! I don't want these incompetent bastards to tank my IRA again.

The answer is not to raise iFED taxes. FED need cut to bare bones, get control and re-group. I am not paid in GOLD to fix it for them. I don't have lifetime medical for me and family as well as $10/mo pension (as they do). Our SSI will be closer to $2K/mo after working 45-50 years if they don't lose it.

should say $10K/mo pension for life (yes this is not un-heard of, in fact typical at FED or STATE). Why so generous with our tax dollars? Are they special? did they do a job so valuable? Maybe a good pension OK for a long time Policeman or Fireman or Soldier but not for a Bureaucrat or short time paper pusher. ~10% of budget every yr. After shutdown first thing Boner did was push Bill to pay back for all the "useful" FED "workers" for the VAC they had just been forced into. Bye Bye Boner.

Government employees paid into their pension their entire careers, with government matching. It was a term of compensation. At the end of their career, they have a good pension accumulated
Employees were paid for the shutdown because it was based on petty bickering by a useless congress, not because of budget issues

Government employees didn't pay squat into their pensions. The taxpayers paid all the money. Furthermore, you couldn't find anything 1/10th as good in the private sector as what government employees typically receive.
Well, my health insurance was better when I worked in the private sector.
The bureaucrats in Washington have great healthcare. We peons working elsewhere are getting screwed. We pay 3 times as much for half the coverage.
Don't get sick.
If you do get sick, die quickly.
If we have decreased revenues, then decision-makers will finally be obliged to begin making some tough choices.
And if you quit your full-time job with benefits to work part-time in the pro shop of the local golf course, you would have to make tough choices as to where you live, what kind of food your family eats, whether you can afford internet and cable and mobile phone service, etc.

It's all about quality of life.
Right now (near end of fiscal yr) Interest = Pensions =~$0.250T (highest yr ever)

I agree with you Cambell, yes Obama yrs. have increased interest payments on debt.
His "answer"...........hmmmmmm? "we should double spending" so we can get out of debt. HUH???

I'm gonna say this for you real slow. The debt was essentially paid in 1981 when ol' Peckerneck took over. Just passing $1 trillion. He slashed marginal tax rates to pre depression levels, continued to spend at an increasing rate,"Star Wars" and such and when Bill Clinton took the helm the national debt had quadrupled to more than $4 trillion. Now here's where the thing gets interesting. Bill Clinton raised marginal tax rates in 1993 while he still had a Democrat congress, began one of the most productive times in American history, balanced the budget, left a surplus with a plan in place to completely settle the national debt and then along came slo walkin slo talkin George. He cut tax rates for his rich buds not once but twice, 2001 and 2003 using reconciliation to block Democrat opposition, started two wars, one totally unnecessary, paid for them with emergency spending bills, off budget, then doubled the total debt to nearly $12 trillion dollars. That was twice as much as the national debt had ever been. Bush was the first president to ever borrow from China and now we owe them $1.5 trillion. understand that each and every fiscal quarter the interest on the national debt must be paid. That's this business your dumbassed party always wants to shut the government down over. In other words your party borrowed the money but they would rather shut down the government than to pay the interest on it. Again.....this is an official chart showing figures gather from the CBO and OMB and you pricks don't want to acknowledge it but if Al Gore had been able to take office(Jeb's state flipped the results...Gore received over half a million votes more than Bush and the supreme court of the U S stopped the recount giving the Republican assholes enough time to rig the entire thing.)
One of my long time fishing buddies was working for a computer maintenance company located in Boca Raton FL and told me it couldn't have been more obvious that the disqualified votes were by far Democrat. You do know that just because the punch hammers didn't clear the chad you could still determine what the punches were supposed to be. The goddam Republican party, Jeb Bush and his concubine Katherine Harris and a 5-4 Republican vote in the U S supreme court stole that election......PERIOD!
If the Republicans had left tax rates along the way they should have Obama wouldn't have inherited a half trillion dollar interest payment each year....but they didn't. If they had cut their spending the same way they cut tax rates Obama wouldn't have inherited a $12 trillion debt. I repeat....since the president's spending has been the best in decades it is not his fault.....not a damn bit his fault. "It's the tax cuts Stupid!!!"

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Right now (near end of fiscal yr) Interest = Pensions =~$0.250T (highest yr ever)

I agree with you Cambell, yes Obama yrs. have increased interest payments on debt.
His "answer"...........hmmmmmm? "we should double spending" so we can get out of debt. HUH???

I'm gonna say this for you real slow. The debt was essentially paid in 1981 when ol' Peckerneck took over. Just passing $1 trillion. He slashed marginal tax rates to pre depression levels, continued to spend at an increasing rate,"Star Wars" and such and when Bill Clinton took the helm the national debt had quadrupled to more than $4 trillion. Now here's where the thing gets interesting. Bill Clinton raised marginal tax rates in 1993 while he still had a Democrat congress, began one of the most productive times in American history, balanced the budget, left a surplus with a plan in place to completely settle the national debt and then along came slo walkin slo talkin George. He cut tax rates for his rich buds not once but twice, 2001 and 2003 using reconciliation to block Democrat opposition, started two wars, one totally unnecessary, paid for them with emergency spending bills, off budget, then doubled the total debt to nearly $12 trillion dollars. That was twice as much as the national debt had ever been. Bush was the first president to ever borrow from China and now we owe them $1.5 trillion. understand that each and every fiscal quarter the interest on the national debt must be paid. That's this business your dumbassed party always wants to shut the government down over. In other words your party borrowed the money but they would rather shut down the government than to pay the interest on it. Again.....this is an official chart showing figures gather from the CBO and OMB and you pricks don't want to acknowledge it but if Al Gore had been able to take office(Jeb's state flipped the results...Gore received over half a million votes more than Bush and the supreme court of the U S stopped the recount giving the Republican assholes enough time to rig the entire thing.)
One of my long time fishing buddies was working for a computer maintenance company located in Boca Raton FL and told me it couldn't have been more obvious that the disqualified votes were by far Democrat. You do know that just because the punch hammers didn't clear the chad you could still determine what the punches were supposed to be. The goddam Republican party, Jeb Bush and his concubine Katherine Harris and a 5-4 Republican vote in the U S supreme court stole that election......PERIOD!
If the Republicans had left tax rates along the way they should have Obama wouldn't have inherited a half trillion dollar interest payment each year....but they didn't. If they had cut their spending the same way they cut tax rates Obama wouldn't have inherited a $12 trillion debt. I repeat....since the president's spending has been the best in decades it is not his fault.....not a damn bit his fault. "It's the tax cuts Stupid!!!"

I see another idiot who cannot read a chart.
Repeat: Debt when Obama took office: $10T
Debt today: $18T.
Obama is the biggest spender in US history.
Right now (near end of fiscal yr) Interest = Pensions =~$0.250T (highest yr ever)

I agree with you Cambell, yes Obama yrs. have increased interest payments on debt.
His "answer"...........hmmmmmm? "we should double spending" so we can get out of debt. HUH???

I'm gonna say this for you real slow. The debt was essentially paid in 1981 when ol' Peckerneck took over. Just passing $1 trillion. He slashed marginal tax rates to pre depression levels, continued to spend at an increasing rate,"Star Wars" and such and when Bill Clinton took the helm the national debt had quadrupled to more than $4 trillion. Now here's where the thing gets interesting. Bill Clinton raised marginal tax rates in 1993 while he still had a Democrat congress, began one of the most productive times in American history, balanced the budget, left a surplus with a plan in place to completely settle the national debt and then along came slo walkin slo talkin George. He cut tax rates for his rich buds not once but twice, 2001 and 2003 using reconciliation to block Democrat opposition, started two wars, one totally unnecessary, paid for them with emergency spending bills, off budget, then doubled the total debt to nearly $12 trillion dollars. That was twice as much as the national debt had ever been. Bush was the first president to ever borrow from China and now we owe them $1.5 trillion. understand that each and every fiscal quarter the interest on the national debt must be paid. That's this business your dumbassed party always wants to shut the government down over. In other words your party borrowed the money but they would rather shut down the government than to pay the interest on it. Again.....this is an official chart showing figures gather from the CBO and OMB and you pricks don't want to acknowledge it but if Al Gore had been able to take office(Jeb's state flipped the results...Gore received over half a million votes more than Bush and the supreme court of the U S stopped the recount giving the Republican assholes enough time to rig the entire thing.)
One of my long time fishing buddies was working for a computer maintenance company located in Boca Raton FL and told me it couldn't have been more obvious that the disqualified votes were by far Democrat. You do know that just because the punch hammers didn't clear the chad you could still determine what the punches were supposed to be. The goddam Republican party, Jeb Bush and his concubine Katherine Harris and a 5-4 Republican vote in the U S supreme court stole that election......PERIOD!
If the Republicans had left tax rates along the way they should have Obama wouldn't have inherited a half trillion dollar interest payment each year....but they didn't. If they had cut their spending the same way they cut tax rates Obama wouldn't have inherited a $12 trillion debt. I repeat....since the president's spending has been the best in decades it is not his fault.....not a damn bit his fault. "It's the tax cuts Stupid!!!"

I see another idiot who cannot read a chart.
Repeat: Debt when Obama took office: $10T
Debt today: $18T.
Obama is the biggest spender in US history.

You're the idiot!! Obama's spending has been miniscule when compared to five years ago while both of George W. Bush's wars were hot and young Americans were being killed in foreign deserts and mountains. You goddam people are tee totally numb above the shoulder line. doesn't require as much spending if you don't have a quarter million soldiers located 10,000 miles from home!!

Dick Cheney's investments made an extra $25 million from Halliburton while all our troops were housed in foreign lands during Bush's wars. That in itself should fall in the description of war crimes. That would get Cheney executed but why execute a robot? That old bastard has been walking and talking using an artificial heart or some other human's heart for the last fifteen years.

A little revelation for you.....all that extra medical expense wouldn't have been available to most Democrats. We are the ordinary man on the street, the people in lines at "food for the poor" distribution centers, the poor bastard who has never had an extra dollar, the dregs of an ideal Republican's dream. You people can not have it all.....we won't allow it:

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Half the pension money comes from the employee with employer matching

Private sector used to get better pensions than government employees when there were strong unions.....we saw what happened when the unions disappeared

It all comes from the taxpayers, numskull. I'll bet you believe that your employer pays half your FICA tax too, right?
Fraid not Sherlock
All Federal Employees pay half their pension and thrift savings with matching taxpayer contribution

The money they use to pay "their half" came from the federal government, numskull. Where do you think their salaries come from, the tooth fairy?
They provide a service which they are compensated for. It is not a charity numbskull

It's not a service I'm willing to pay for. Therefore, it's not a service. They're useless ticks on the ass of society.
You do not want to belong to a society.....that is your problem
If we have decreased revenues, then decision-makers will finally be obliged to begin making some tough choices.
And if you quit your full-time job with benefits to work part-time in the pro shop of the local golf course, you would have to make tough choices as to where you live, what kind of food your family eats, whether you can afford internet and cable and mobile phone service, etc.

It's all about quality of life.
The Federal Gubmint needs to execute a core of functions and services - everything else is optional, and varies with the resources and need and mood of the times.

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