BREAKING: Speaker Boehner to Retire from Congress

Boner? "at this point what difference does it make"?

Debt? now at $18.4T. Please remember TARP ~$784B GWB last yr. (paid back into Obama yrs.)
Yes, a bit murky as fiscal yrs overlap start/stop yrs but.......yr by yr is online.

Roughly: GWB yrs added ~$4-5T (start:~$5T end:~$10T), ~8T Obama yrs (not done yet)
GWB last yrs with 07' DemWit congress (GWB complicint) and housing collapse.
Obama yrs have "record revenue" not enough to balance vs. spending.

FED agencies (CBO) say debt issue is un-sustainable. But the politicians not doing anything about it.

Just curious.....your assertion suggests that Obama's spending has been out of control when just the opposite is true. Over two trillion dollars of his budgets have been spent to pay interest on the Reagan/Bushes debt. You didn't think those foreign banks were loaning us all those trillions interest free did you. As far as the president's spending:

The biggest problem the Republican Party has is the Tea Party. There's lots of idiots out there aka far right wing nuts cases that forget that Obama has the VETO pen. So for the last 4 years--they continually throw up Obamacare bills--like they're going to do something with it. Now it's Planned Parenthood.

Nothing, absolutely NOTHING is going to get done about immigration, border control, planned parenthood, or Obamacare until there is a Republican sitting in the oval office.

These Tea Party politicians--continually put on their dog & pony shows to get the attention of their home constituents, without any regard to what it is doing to the party. They're an embarrassment to the Republican party.

Ted Cruz--was out there planning another dog & pony show, threatening another government shutdown that has continually backfired on the party, and he has support in the house. They're doing for THEMSELVES, no one else. John Boehner quit over it, and frankly I don't blame him.

Graham: Cruz Will 'Absolutely' Try to Shut Down the Government Again

This is what Ted Cruz has been up to for the last 4 years--LOL Who wouldn't quit!

LOL!!! I a heartbeat!!
Just announced. He will retire in October.

I'm very very glad Bonehead Boehner is on the way out.

I hope they manage a replacement for that shithead that has a sense of decency and maybe a spark of some fight in him.

Mitch ought to be next to go. Or get shoved out.
You guys just re-elected both of those clowns less than a year ago.

You didn't know what you were voting for?

Kevin McCarthy is the next Speaker, and is politically indistinguishable from Boehner.

The real fight will be for Majority Leader, between Steve 'KKK' Scalise and a Chamber of Commerce Republican.

You can go ahead and bookmark this post, Liability. ;)

I never voted for Bonehead Boehner. Had I had such an option, I might have, not knowing THEN what I have since learned. I ABSOLUTELY would not vote, today, if I had such a vote, for McCarthy of for Scalise (no KKK implicated, by the way, you dishonest petty little hack) or ANY other GOP establishment RINO figure.

Why anyone would bookmark ANY post you spew out so mindlessly is a mystery for some other day. Personally, I see little to no value in any of your general offering of mindless liberal platitudes and verbal diarrhea.
Last edited:
Boner? "at this point what difference does it make"?

Debt? now at $18.4T. Please remember TARP ~$784B GWB last yr. (paid back into Obama yrs.)
Yes, a bit murky as fiscal yrs overlap start/stop yrs but.......yr by yr is online.

Roughly: GWB yrs added ~$4-5T (start:~$5T end:~$10T), ~8T Obama yrs (not done yet)
GWB last yrs with 07' DemWit congress (GWB complicint) and housing collapse.
Obama yrs have "record revenue" not enough to balance vs. spending.

FED agencies (CBO) say debt issue is un-sustainable. But the politicians not doing anything about it.

Just curious.....your assertion suggests that Obama's spending has been out of control when just the opposite is true. Over two trillion dollars of his budgets have been spent to pay interest on the Reagan/Bushes debt. You didn't think those foreign banks were loaning us all those trillions interest free did you. As far as the president's spending:


Even the far left Washington Post disputes your far left blog chart..

The facts about the growth of spending under Obama

Just announced. He will retire in October.

I'm very very glad Bonehead Boehner is on the way out.

I hope they manage a replacement for that shithead that has a sense of decency and maybe a spark of some fight in him.

Mitch ought to be next to go. Or get shoved out.
You guys just re-elected both of those clowns less than a year ago.

You didn't know what you were voting for?

Kevin McCarthy is the next Speaker, and is politically indistinguishable from Boehner.

The real fight will be for Majority Leader, between Steve 'KKK' Scalise and a Chamber of Commerce Republican.

You can go ahead and bookmark this post, Liability. ;)

It just shows just how weak the loserterian movement really is...They scream loud about their hatred for government and country but they sure as fuck don't have the majority.

They're a disgrace to their own party.

I never voted for Boehner. If I had been in a position to do so, I might have, but I wasn't, so that's just a silly hypotehtical.

Besides which, your entire premise is (as is so often the case with you) just plain silly. Folks often turn out to be different than advertised. Such is the case with Bonehead Boehner. He turned out not to be a mover and shaker and agent of change against the encroachment of Obama's far left wing liberalism. He was a weak ass enabler at best.

And I don't know who the next Speaker might be. I fear it might turn out to be some other Establishment weak-ass RINO type Republican. More's the pity. The folks who GOT the GOP to the dance (i.e., who got them into the majority position in both houses of Congress) were NOT the establishment shit heads. It was public disaffection with the liberalism that is causing so much harm to society and our form of government.

It's just a fucking shame that the RINO establishment GOP types cannot grasp as much.
Boner? "at this point what difference does it make"?

Debt? now at $18.4T. Please remember TARP ~$784B GWB last yr. (paid back into Obama yrs.)
Yes, a bit murky as fiscal yrs overlap start/stop yrs but.......yr by yr is online.

Roughly: GWB yrs added ~$4-5T (start:~$5T end:~$10T), ~8T Obama yrs (not done yet)
GWB last yrs with 07' DemWit congress (GWB complicint) and housing collapse.
Obama yrs have "record revenue" not enough to balance vs. spending.

FED agencies (CBO) say debt issue is un-sustainable. But the politicians not doing anything about it.

Just curious.....your assertion suggests that Obama's spending has been out of control when just the opposite is true. Over two trillion dollars of his budgets have been spent to pay interest on the Reagan/Bushes debt. You didn't think those foreign banks were loaning us all those trillions interest free did you. As far as the president's spending:


This DEBT crap has been beat to death, I am sick of it.
Obama came in first budget raised spending up to ~$3.7T (was closer to $2T avg previous 8 yrs.).

To hold spending "steady" after massive increase is hardly any accomplishment. If any "spin" can be applied perhaps %GDP would look less worse.

All Presidents start office at some sort of debt level. Interest is a line item ~0.25T/yr
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
The biggest problem the Republican Party has is the Tea Party. There's lots of idiots out there aka far right wing nuts cases that forget that Obama has the VETO pen. So for the last 4 years--they continually throw up Obamacare bills--like they're going to do something with it. Now it's Planned Parenthood.

Nothing, absolutely NOTHING is going to get done about immigration, border control, planned parenthood, or Obamacare until there is a Republican sitting in the oval office.

These Tea Party politicians--continually put on their dog & pony shows to get the attention of their home constituents, without any regard to what it is doing to the party. They're an embarrassment to the Republican party.

Ted Cruz--was out there planning another dog & pony show, threatening another government shutdown that has continually backfired on the party, and he has support in the house. They're doing for THEMSELVES, no one else. John Boehner quit over it, and frankly I don't blame him.

Graham: Cruz Will 'Absolutely' Try to Shut Down the Government Again

This is what Ted Cruz has been up to for the last 4 years--LOL Who wouldn't quit!

LOL!!! I a heartbeat!!

USA takes in more legal immigrants from all over the world,
We have laws on the books (not followed now) concerning immigration. Don't need more laws.
Where in Constitution does it say FED government must pay for PP to run body part factory?
Border control? Obammy told them to back off. Again pick and choose laws to follow.
ObamaCare has sent dedcutibles through roof. 2X increase for working man.
yeah, the $19T crazies are out. BOO! I don't want these incompetent bastards to tank my IRA again.

The answer is not to raise iFED taxes. FED need cut to bare bones, get control and re-group. I am not paid in GOLD to fix it for them. I don't have lifetime medical for me and family as well as $10/mo pension (as they do). Our SSI will be closer to $2K/mo after working 45-50 years if they don't lose it.
The biggest problem the Republican Party has is the Tea Party. There's lots of idiots out there aka far right wing nuts cases that forget that Obama has the VETO pen. So for the last 4 years--they continually throw up Obamacare bills--like they're going to do something with it. Now it's Planned Parenthood.

Nothing, absolutely NOTHING is going to get done about immigration, border control, planned parenthood, or Obamacare until there is a Republican sitting in the oval office.

These Tea Party politicians--continually put on their dog & pony shows to get the attention of their home constituents, without any regard to what it is doing to the party. They're an embarrassment to the Republican party.

Ted Cruz--was out there planning another dog & pony show, threatening another government shutdown that has continually backfired on the party, and he has support in the house. They're doing for THEMSELVES, no one else. John Boehner quit over it, and frankly I don't blame him.

Graham: Cruz Will 'Absolutely' Try to Shut Down the Government Again

This is what Ted Cruz has been up to for the last 4 years--LOL Who wouldn't quit!

LOL!!! I a heartbeat!!

USA takes in more legal immigrants from all over the world,
We have laws on the books (not followed now) concerning immigration. Don't need more laws.
Where in Constitution does it say FED government must pay for PP to run body part factory?
Border control? Obammy told them to back off. Again pick and choose laws to follow.
ObamaCare has sent dedcutibles through roof. 2X increase for working man.
yeah, the $19T crazies are out. BOO! I don't want these incompetent bastards to tank my IRA again.

The answer is not to raise iFED taxes. FED need cut to bare bones, get control and re-group. I am not paid in GOLD to fix it for them. I don't have lifetime medical for me and family as well as $10/mo pension (as they do). Our SSI will be closer to $2K/mo after working 45-50 years if they don't lose it.

should say $10K/mo pension for life (yes this is not un-heard of, in fact typical at FED or STATE). Why so generous with our tax dollars? Are they special? did they do a job so valuable? Maybe a good pension OK for a long time Policeman or Fireman or Soldier but not for a Bureaucrat or short time paper pusher. ~10% of budget every yr. After shutdown first thing Boner did was push Bill to pay back for all the "useful" FED "workers" for the VAC they had just been forced into. Bye Bye Boner.
the gop has no budget.

Yeah....right.....sure.....uh-huh.....Dingy Harry isn't running the Senate anymore.
Muddy, we're talking about a 'CONTINUING RESOLUTION." I realize the knuckle draggers like the human stain and fake rabbi cannot stay focused.
A CR is what we've been funding the government with since big-ears took office. Big-ears submits a budget and everyone laughs their asses off and it loses 98 to nothing. The GOP submits a budget and Obama either vetoes it or Dingy Harry shelves it. So a CR is all we've got.

Congress used to do something called compromise

Don't think we will ever see that again

In the past, "Compromise" was a situation where Democrats made outrageous demands and then spineless Republicans caved and gave them most of what they demanded.

I hope you're right. I hope we never see that again.
Why nothing gets done

Compromise is viewed as defeat. Conservatives would rather get nothing than to allow the other guy to get something
I can't figure out what makes truly hard-core LEFTIST/COMMMIE tick? Why would anyone support giving more of earned income to out of control GOVT (higher taxes) or allow them to run out of control until they "collapse" the system on top their heads? I don't get it? Many of them appear to be EXTREMELY INTELLIGENT yet they go along?

Are all these LEFTIST in on the game (FED/STATE GOVT paid employees)? post while they "work"?
Lonely single no-kids no skin in game?
Brain-washed MSLDS clones not capable of common sense?
Their family always voted D so they blindly march on?
They actually believe if they "give" this GOVT will transfer to "needy" w/o skim off top?

Hey I am first to admit, R has not been much better (this all started with Boenher talk). This does not mean I am allowed to GIVE UP? There are innocent children who will be burden in 15yrs by this extra bad leftist crap. Whoever next president will be (I would not want to follow this guy!) will have to go through with chain saw rooting out all the anti-USA bureaucrats squirreled away among 23M!
The biggest problem the Republican Party has is the Tea Party. There's lots of idiots out there aka far right wing nuts cases that forget that Obama has the VETO pen. So for the last 4 years--they continually throw up Obamacare bills--like they're going to do something with it. Now it's Planned Parenthood.

Nothing, absolutely NOTHING is going to get done about immigration, border control, planned parenthood, or Obamacare until there is a Republican sitting in the oval office.

These Tea Party politicians--continually put on their dog & pony shows to get the attention of their home constituents, without any regard to what it is doing to the party. They're an embarrassment to the Republican party.

Ted Cruz--was out there planning another dog & pony show, threatening another government shutdown that has continually backfired on the party, and he has support in the house. They're doing for THEMSELVES, no one else. John Boehner quit over it, and frankly I don't blame him.

Graham: Cruz Will 'Absolutely' Try to Shut Down the Government Again

This is what Ted Cruz has been up to for the last 4 years--LOL Who wouldn't quit!

LOL!!! I a heartbeat!!

USA takes in more legal immigrants from all over the world,
We have laws on the books (not followed now) concerning immigration. Don't need more laws.
Where in Constitution does it say FED government must pay for PP to run body part factory?
Border control? Obammy told them to back off. Again pick and choose laws to follow.
ObamaCare has sent dedcutibles through roof. 2X increase for working man.
yeah, the $19T crazies are out. BOO! I don't want these incompetent bastards to tank my IRA again.

The answer is not to raise iFED taxes. FED need cut to bare bones, get control and re-group. I am not paid in GOLD to fix it for them. I don't have lifetime medical for me and family as well as $10/mo pension (as they do). Our SSI will be closer to $2K/mo after working 45-50 years if they don't lose it.

should say $10K/mo pension for life (yes this is not un-heard of, in fact typical at FED or STATE). Why so generous with our tax dollars? Are they special? did they do a job so valuable? Maybe a good pension OK for a long time Policeman or Fireman or Soldier but not for a Bureaucrat or short time paper pusher. ~10% of budget every yr. After shutdown first thing Boner did was push Bill to pay back for all the "useful" FED "workers" for the VAC they had just been forced into. Bye Bye Boner.

Government employees paid into their pension their entire careers, with government matching. It was a term of compensation. At the end of their career, they have a good pension accumulated
Employees were paid for the shutdown because it was based on petty bickering by a useless congress, not because of budget issues
Yeah....right.....sure.....uh-huh.....Dingy Harry isn't running the Senate anymore.
Muddy, we're talking about a 'CONTINUING RESOLUTION." I realize the knuckle draggers like the human stain and fake rabbi cannot stay focused.
A CR is what we've been funding the government with since big-ears took office. Big-ears submits a budget and everyone laughs their asses off and it loses 98 to nothing. The GOP submits a budget and Obama either vetoes it or Dingy Harry shelves it. So a CR is all we've got.

Congress used to do something called compromise

Don't think we will ever see that again

In the past, "Compromise" was a situation where Democrats made outrageous demands and then spineless Republicans caved and gave them most of what they demanded.

I hope you're right. I hope we never see that again.
Why nothing gets done

Compromise is viewed as defeat. Conservatives would rather get nothing than to allow the other guy to get something

If "getting something" equates to $1T/yr additional debt thanks but no thanks. We fought off British Tyranny in 1775+++----"Give me Liberty or Give me Death". You want to lay down now and let them have any and all they want? They live like kings/queens while we sit in traffic/work to pay them! No matter how much they get they forcefully take from taxpayers they SPEND even more?
Yeah....right.....sure.....uh-huh.....Dingy Harry isn't running the Senate anymore.
Muddy, we're talking about a 'CONTINUING RESOLUTION." I realize the knuckle draggers like the human stain and fake rabbi cannot stay focused.
A CR is what we've been funding the government with since big-ears took office. Big-ears submits a budget and everyone laughs their asses off and it loses 98 to nothing. The GOP submits a budget and Obama either vetoes it or Dingy Harry shelves it. So a CR is all we've got.

Congress used to do something called compromise

Don't think we will ever see that again

In the past, "Compromise" was a situation where Democrats made outrageous demands and then spineless Republicans caved and gave them most of what they demanded.

I hope you're right. I hope we never see that again.
Why nothing gets done

Compromise is viewed as defeat. Conservatives would rather get nothing than to allow the other guy to get something

When have Republicans ever gotten anything out of what Democrats call "compromise?"
The biggest problem the Republican Party has is the Tea Party. There's lots of idiots out there aka far right wing nuts cases that forget that Obama has the VETO pen. So for the last 4 years--they continually throw up Obamacare bills--like they're going to do something with it. Now it's Planned Parenthood.

Nothing, absolutely NOTHING is going to get done about immigration, border control, planned parenthood, or Obamacare until there is a Republican sitting in the oval office.

These Tea Party politicians--continually put on their dog & pony shows to get the attention of their home constituents, without any regard to what it is doing to the party. They're an embarrassment to the Republican party.

Ted Cruz--was out there planning another dog & pony show, threatening another government shutdown that has continually backfired on the party, and he has support in the house. They're doing for THEMSELVES, no one else. John Boehner quit over it, and frankly I don't blame him.

Graham: Cruz Will 'Absolutely' Try to Shut Down the Government Again

This is what Ted Cruz has been up to for the last 4 years--LOL Who wouldn't quit!

LOL!!! I a heartbeat!!

USA takes in more legal immigrants from all over the world,
We have laws on the books (not followed now) concerning immigration. Don't need more laws.
Where in Constitution does it say FED government must pay for PP to run body part factory?
Border control? Obammy told them to back off. Again pick and choose laws to follow.
ObamaCare has sent dedcutibles through roof. 2X increase for working man.
yeah, the $19T crazies are out. BOO! I don't want these incompetent bastards to tank my IRA again.

The answer is not to raise iFED taxes. FED need cut to bare bones, get control and re-group. I am not paid in GOLD to fix it for them. I don't have lifetime medical for me and family as well as $10/mo pension (as they do). Our SSI will be closer to $2K/mo after working 45-50 years if they don't lose it.

should say $10K/mo pension for life (yes this is not un-heard of, in fact typical at FED or STATE). Why so generous with our tax dollars? Are they special? did they do a job so valuable? Maybe a good pension OK for a long time Policeman or Fireman or Soldier but not for a Bureaucrat or short time paper pusher. ~10% of budget every yr. After shutdown first thing Boner did was push Bill to pay back for all the "useful" FED "workers" for the VAC they had just been forced into. Bye Bye Boner.

Government employees paid into their pension their entire careers, with government matching. It was a term of compensation. At the end of their career, they have a good pension accumulated
Employees were paid for the shutdown because it was based on petty bickering by a useless congress, not because of budget issues

Government employees didn't pay squat into their pensions. The taxpayers paid all the money. Furthermore, you couldn't find anything 1/10th as good in the private sector as what government employees typically receive.
The biggest problem the Republican Party has is the Tea Party. There's lots of idiots out there aka far right wing nuts cases that forget that Obama has the VETO pen. So for the last 4 years--they continually throw up Obamacare bills--like they're going to do something with it. Now it's Planned Parenthood.

Nothing, absolutely NOTHING is going to get done about immigration, border control, planned parenthood, or Obamacare until there is a Republican sitting in the oval office.

These Tea Party politicians--continually put on their dog & pony shows to get the attention of their home constituents, without any regard to what it is doing to the party. They're an embarrassment to the Republican party.

Ted Cruz--was out there planning another dog & pony show, threatening another government shutdown that has continually backfired on the party, and he has support in the house. They're doing for THEMSELVES, no one else. John Boehner quit over it, and frankly I don't blame him.

Graham: Cruz Will 'Absolutely' Try to Shut Down the Government Again

This is what Ted Cruz has been up to for the last 4 years--LOL Who wouldn't quit!

LOL!!! I a heartbeat!!

USA takes in more legal immigrants from all over the world,
We have laws on the books (not followed now) concerning immigration. Don't need more laws.
Where in Constitution does it say FED government must pay for PP to run body part factory?
Border control? Obammy told them to back off. Again pick and choose laws to follow.
ObamaCare has sent dedcutibles through roof. 2X increase for working man.
yeah, the $19T crazies are out. BOO! I don't want these incompetent bastards to tank my IRA again.

The answer is not to raise iFED taxes. FED need cut to bare bones, get control and re-group. I am not paid in GOLD to fix it for them. I don't have lifetime medical for me and family as well as $10/mo pension (as they do). Our SSI will be closer to $2K/mo after working 45-50 years if they don't lose it.

should say $10K/mo pension for life (yes this is not un-heard of, in fact typical at FED or STATE). Why so generous with our tax dollars? Are they special? did they do a job so valuable? Maybe a good pension OK for a long time Policeman or Fireman or Soldier but not for a Bureaucrat or short time paper pusher. ~10% of budget every yr. After shutdown first thing Boner did was push Bill to pay back for all the "useful" FED "workers" for the VAC they had just been forced into. Bye Bye Boner.

Government employees paid into their pension their entire careers, with government matching. It was a term of compensation. At the end of their career, they have a good pension accumulated
Employees were paid for the shutdown because it was based on petty bickering by a useless congress, not because of budget issues

Government employees didn't pay squat into their pensions. The taxpayers paid all the money. Furthermore, you couldn't find anything 1/10th as good in the private sector as what government employees typically receive.

Well, my health insurance was better when I worked in the private sector.
The bureaucrats in Washington have great healthcare. We peons working elsewhere are getting screwed. We pay 3 times as much for half the coverage.
The biggest problem the Republican Party has is the Tea Party. There's lots of idiots out there aka far right wing nuts cases that forget that Obama has the VETO pen. So for the last 4 years--they continually throw up Obamacare bills--like they're going to do something with it. Now it's Planned Parenthood.

Nothing, absolutely NOTHING is going to get done about immigration, border control, planned parenthood, or Obamacare until there is a Republican sitting in the oval office.

These Tea Party politicians--continually put on their dog & pony shows to get the attention of their home constituents, without any regard to what it is doing to the party. They're an embarrassment to the Republican party.

Ted Cruz--was out there planning another dog & pony show, threatening another government shutdown that has continually backfired on the party, and he has support in the house. They're doing for THEMSELVES, no one else. John Boehner quit over it, and frankly I don't blame him.

Graham: Cruz Will 'Absolutely' Try to Shut Down the Government Again

This is what Ted Cruz has been up to for the last 4 years--LOL Who wouldn't quit!

LOL!!! I a heartbeat!!

USA takes in more legal immigrants from all over the world,
We have laws on the books (not followed now) concerning immigration. Don't need more laws.
Where in Constitution does it say FED government must pay for PP to run body part factory?
Border control? Obammy told them to back off. Again pick and choose laws to follow.
ObamaCare has sent dedcutibles through roof. 2X increase for working man.
yeah, the $19T crazies are out. BOO! I don't want these incompetent bastards to tank my IRA again.

The answer is not to raise iFED taxes. FED need cut to bare bones, get control and re-group. I am not paid in GOLD to fix it for them. I don't have lifetime medical for me and family as well as $10/mo pension (as they do). Our SSI will be closer to $2K/mo after working 45-50 years if they don't lose it.

should say $10K/mo pension for life (yes this is not un-heard of, in fact typical at FED or STATE). Why so generous with our tax dollars? Are they special? did they do a job so valuable? Maybe a good pension OK for a long time Policeman or Fireman or Soldier but not for a Bureaucrat or short time paper pusher. ~10% of budget every yr. After shutdown first thing Boner did was push Bill to pay back for all the "useful" FED "workers" for the VAC they had just been forced into. Bye Bye Boner.

You evidently either don't know or don't give a damn that when Reagan and the Bushes generated all the debt it was because they cut tax rates and never cut their spending a damn dime.

When that huge amount was pushed onto Obama the interest which has to be paid has amounted to trillions of dollars. George W. Bush was the first administration to ever borrow from China and now we owe them a trillion and a half dollars. Look closely at the tax cuts followed by increased debt. It's what happens when tax rates are cut and spending is increased.

About Obama's spending.....we're not fighting a goddam war 10,000 miles from home the way we did during almost all of the Bush years. I know you don't even look at the truth which came from the bureau of the debt but I'm gonna keep on posting it anyway:

............................Total U S Debt..........................

09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75(80% Of All Debt Across 232 Years Borrowed By Reagan And Bushes)

09/30/2008 $10,024,724,896,912.49(Times Square Debt Clock Modified To Accommodate Tens of Trillions)

09/30/2007 $9,007,653,372,262.48
09/30/2006 $8,506,973,899,215.23
09/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32

09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62(Second Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16

09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06(First Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86(Administration And Congress Arguing About How To Use Surplus)

09/30/1999 $5,656,270,901,615.43(First Surplus Generated...On Track To Pay Off Debt By 2012)

09/30/1998 $5,526,193,008,897.62
09/30/1997 $5,413,146,011,397.34
09/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73
09/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39
09/30/1994 $4,692,749,910,013.32
09/30/1993 $4,411,488,883,139.38 ( Debt Quadrupled By Reagan/Bush41)
09/30/1992 $4,064,620,655,521.66
09/30/1991 $3,665,303,351,697.03
09/28/1990 $3,233,313,451,777.25
09/29/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32
09/30/1988 $2,602,337,712,041.16
09/30/1987 $2,350,276,890,953.00
09/30/1986 $2,125,302,616,658.42
09/30/1985 $1,823,103,000,000.00
09/30/1984 $1,572,266,000,000.00
09/30/1983 $1,377,210,000,000.00

09/30/1982 $1,142,034,000,000.00(Total Debt Passes $1 Trillion)Reagan Slashed Tax Rates To Pre Depression Levels)

09/30/1981 $997,855,000,000.00
OK the numbers show:

GWB start: ~$5.6T, end ~$10T (Agreement, horrible job, most when DEMWIT congress 07' (where was GWB pen and phone? housing collapse etc.)
Obama start: ~$10T, Obama end (??$20T ?) Disastrous. Please include $786B Tarp payback.
The biggest problem the Republican Party has is the Tea Party. There's lots of idiots out there aka far right wing nuts cases that forget that Obama has the VETO pen. So for the last 4 years--they continually throw up Obamacare bills--like they're going to do something with it. Now it's Planned Parenthood.

Nothing, absolutely NOTHING is going to get done about immigration, border control, planned parenthood, or Obamacare until there is a Republican sitting in the oval office.

These Tea Party politicians--continually put on their dog & pony shows to get the attention of their home constituents, without any regard to what it is doing to the party. They're an embarrassment to the Republican party.

Ted Cruz--was out there planning another dog & pony show, threatening another government shutdown that has continually backfired on the party, and he has support in the house. They're doing for THEMSELVES, no one else. John Boehner quit over it, and frankly I don't blame him.

Graham: Cruz Will 'Absolutely' Try to Shut Down the Government Again

This is what Ted Cruz has been up to for the last 4 years--LOL Who wouldn't quit!

LOL!!! I a heartbeat!!

USA takes in more legal immigrants from all over the world,
We have laws on the books (not followed now) concerning immigration. Don't need more laws.
Where in Constitution does it say FED government must pay for PP to run body part factory?
Border control? Obammy told them to back off. Again pick and choose laws to follow.
ObamaCare has sent dedcutibles through roof. 2X increase for working man.
yeah, the $19T crazies are out. BOO! I don't want these incompetent bastards to tank my IRA again.

The answer is not to raise iFED taxes. FED need cut to bare bones, get control and re-group. I am not paid in GOLD to fix it for them. I don't have lifetime medical for me and family as well as $10/mo pension (as they do). Our SSI will be closer to $2K/mo after working 45-50 years if they don't lose it.

should say $10K/mo pension for life (yes this is not un-heard of, in fact typical at FED or STATE). Why so generous with our tax dollars? Are they special? did they do a job so valuable? Maybe a good pension OK for a long time Policeman or Fireman or Soldier but not for a Bureaucrat or short time paper pusher. ~10% of budget every yr. After shutdown first thing Boner did was push Bill to pay back for all the "useful" FED "workers" for the VAC they had just been forced into. Bye Bye Boner.

You evidently either don't know or don't give a damn that when Reagan and the Bushes generated all the debt it was because they cut tax rates and never cut their spending a damn dime.

When that huge amount was pushed onto Obama the interest which has to be paid has amounted to trillions of dollars. George W. Bush was the first administration to ever borrow from China and now we owe them a trillion and a half dollars. Look closely at the tax cuts followed by increased debt. It's what happens when tax rates are cut and spending is increased.

About Obama's spending.....we're not fighting a goddam war 10,000 miles from home the way we did during almost all of the Bush years. I know you don't even look at the truth which came from the bureau of the debt but I'm gonna keep on posting it anyway:

............................Total U S Debt..........................

09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75(80% Of All Debt Across 232 Years Borrowed By Reagan And Bushes)

09/30/2008 $10,024,724,896,912.49(Times Square Debt Clock Modified To Accommodate Tens of Trillions)

09/30/2007 $9,007,653,372,262.48
09/30/2006 $8,506,973,899,215.23
09/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32

09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62(Second Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16

09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06(First Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86(Administration And Congress Arguing About How To Use Surplus)

09/30/1999 $5,656,270,901,615.43(First Surplus Generated...On Track To Pay Off Debt By 2012)

09/30/1998 $5,526,193,008,897.62
09/30/1997 $5,413,146,011,397.34
09/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73
09/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39
09/30/1994 $4,692,749,910,013.32
09/30/1993 $4,411,488,883,139.38 ( Debt Quadrupled By Reagan/Bush41)
09/30/1992 $4,064,620,655,521.66
09/30/1991 $3,665,303,351,697.03
09/28/1990 $3,233,313,451,777.25
09/29/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32
09/30/1988 $2,602,337,712,041.16
09/30/1987 $2,350,276,890,953.00
09/30/1986 $2,125,302,616,658.42
09/30/1985 $1,823,103,000,000.00
09/30/1984 $1,572,266,000,000.00
09/30/1983 $1,377,210,000,000.00

09/30/1982 $1,142,034,000,000.00(Total Debt Passes $1 Trillion)Reagan Slashed Tax Rates To Pre Depression Levels)

09/30/1981 $997,855,000,000.00

Obama is lucky interest rates very low, they all paid for interest. OK maybe $2T debt to Obama due to interest? He saw the books.......reduce the debt. What did he do? Increased spending, added millions more $100K do-nothing federal employees.
When FED taxes cut, revenue (should) increase. There are many brilliant economist they could employ.

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